
Timing Quote
Paralogue 2 Thanks, Divine One. Glad to sign on with you! I was getting kinda lonely on my own.
Many battles I’ve gotten used to fighting. Anybody who looks down on me gets escorted off the premises!
Alear Level Up You’re getting stronger! We should celebrate. I think I’ve got some sweets in stock…
Alear MVP You made a killing out there! We should do something to celebrate. I call it “Victory Day”!
Level Up Guess what? I got stronger! At this rate, I’m gonna be the greatest merchant ever!
Was Healed Often Ow, ow, ow… How come they kept picking on me? Our healing supplies must be in the red…
Many KOs Who’s today’s MVP? Why, none other than Lady Anna! Two kills for the price of one!
Benched You know what your squad’s missing? The one and only Lady Anna! Or aren’t I strong enough?
At map: generic 1 Maybe I’ll open a stall until you’re done here! Probably wouldn’t get many customers, though.
At map: generic 2 Hmm. This is a scenic spot. I could make a lot of money here with a tourist trap someday.
At map: generic 3 I wonder if my family’s been here. I wish I could see them again…
At map: Florra Mill Town So many flowers! I can buy cheap seeds here, grow lots more, and make bank! Will that work?
At map: Firene Castle This castle makes me nervous, but the decor is giving me some great product ideas.
At map: Mountain Settlement I wonder if this village was known for anything. I’d hate for everything about it to be lost…
At map: The Grand Crossing Hey, these leaves are the same color as my hair! They sort of remind me of my family, actually.
At map: Brodia Castle I bet there’s a market for Brodia Castle soil! Nah, maybe too soon. I’ll file it away for later.
At map: Fort on the Border I was born in a village of winter festivals, so this doesn’t bother me. But I’d love to sit by a fire.
At map: Destinea Cathedral I come from Elusia, but I’ve never prayed here. I worship cash, after all!
At map: Shadowy Moor I’ve been through here with my family. They taught me what a dangerous place it is to be.
At map: Tullah Desert Even ordinary sand is valuable someplace where they don’t have any! Hmm, maybe Brodia…
At map: Oasis Village They’ve got shops even in the tents! I’ve got to find out what their business model is like.
At map: Solm Palace This stuff is all so dazzling! I wanna live in a palace like this when I grow up.
At map: Northern Fortress There’s no profit in being scared, but if I can be honest with you…I really don’t like the dark.
At map: Azure Coast I bet some frozen treats would make a killing here. Ooh, with berries and cream… Yeah.
At map: Florra Port This poor, messed-up village. Why is everyone so horrible to it?
At map: Route to Elusia Fruit is a valuable commodity for sailors. I’ll bring some next time and jack up the price!
At map: Givre Port I got on well with the people here. They’d always come to see what I had for sale…
At map: Elusia Castle I’m from Elusia, too, so seeing the castle empty is kind of sad and lonely.
At map: Lythos Castle I’ll never forget the day you became an Emblem, Divine One. We should mark it with a festival!
At map: Lava Fields I look at all this and still think, “What would sell here?” Maybe ice…but nah, it’d just melt.
At map: Gradlon Temple Are you OK? I mean, you DID fight your mom here. If you have to cry, go ahead and let it out.