
Timing Quote
Paralogue 1 Thanks for taking me along, Divine One. If I try hard, I’m sure I can make myself useful.
Many battles Being a combat medic isn’t easy, but I’m getting the hang of it. Thanks for believing in me.
Alear Level Up It doesn’t take a doctor’s trained eye to see that you got stronger during that fight.
Alear MVP You were in peak performance, Divine One! I wish I could do anything that impressive.
Level Up I’ve gotten better in battle. Now if only combat experience transferred over to being a doctor…
Was Healed Often I took a lot of blows in that fight. How can I fix everyone’s wounds if I’m injured myself?
Many KOs I’ve beaten a lot of enemies now. I’m supposed to do no harm, but what choice do I have?
Benched It’s probably safer to be on the sidelines, but I still really want to fight alongside you again.
At map: generic 1 Whenever I go somewhere new, I look for medicinal herbs. But I don’t see any here.
At map: generic 2 I found what looked like bloodstains. Do you think someone fought here long ago?
At map: generic 3 The footing here is unstable, so be careful. You might hurt yourself even after the battle’s over.
At map: Florra Mill Town I come to Florra a lot to sell medicine. I like it because you can see the castle from here.
At map: Firene Castle Whoa… I can’t believe an ordinary kid like me gets to visit the castle! I must be dreaming.
At map: Mountain Settlement Without you, my village might have ended up like this. I can’t let it happen to anyone else.
At map: The Grand Crossing Try not to lean too far forward. If you fell from this height, I don’t think I could save you.
At map: Brodia Castle The Brodian soldiers look tough, but they took a lot of injuries. Should we leave them medicine?
At map: Fort on the Border You should stick close to a fire. If you stay out in the blizzard too long, you’ll get frostbite.
At map: Destinea Cathedral My dad often prays at church for the people he couldn’t save. Now I know how he feels.
At map: Shadowy Moor Ooh, I’ve never seen these herbs and mosses. I wonder if they’d be useful as medicine.
At map: Tullah Desert It’s dangerous to run around in the heat. If you start to feel dizzy, see me before you pass out.
At map: Oasis Village This spice seems medicinal by the smell, but should it be ingested or applied topically?
At map: Solm Palace I wonder if Solm’s royal guard are hurt. If you see anyone injured, could you point them out?
At map: Northern Fortress Were you worried about me? I’m fine. I may be a kid, but I’ve never been scared of the dark.
At map: Azure Coast I’m a good swimmer, you know. I’ve even been specially trained to save people from drowning.
At map: Florra Port This is a heartbreaking sight for a doctor to see. Before we leave, I have to help however I can.
At map: Route to Elusia Until I can restock my supplies at port, I’ll have to treat people using what I brought with me.
At map: Givre Port It’s hard seeing wounded people, but harder to see those without any chance of recovery.
At map: Elusia Castle Were those bloodstains as we walked into the hall? What was Sombron doing here?!
At map: Lythos Castle I’m curious about your health now that you’re an Emblem, but a physical seems inappropriate.
At map: Lava Fields Anyone who falls here will get burns on top of their cuts. So if you have to run, do it slowly!
At map: Gradlon Temple I don’t know how to describe this place other than to say it looks like where things go to die.
At map: Tea-Field Village I hope my parents are well. I miss them, but I don’t want to go back until I’m a great doctor.