
Timing Quote
Many battles I spent much time fighting only in Elusia. It is good to travel and see many different styles!
Died: Zelkov I cannot believe Zelkov is gone. Even with his strength, and with me by his side…he is lost.
Alear Level Up You seem to be stronger each and every time I see you. I am envious, Divine One!
Alear MVP You were incredible today! We must train together so that I may see more of your skills!
Level Up I continue to make steady progress! Each small improvement brings me closer to mastery.
Was Healed Often Our foe today was mighty indeed. It has been some time since I have received such thrashing.
Many KOs Are you impressed by my performance, Divine One? I could have cut down one thousand foes!
Benched I am sad not to be fighting by your side. I hope you will find use for my sword soon.
At map: generic 1 This locale fascinates me. Will you go out with me, Divine One? Come, I feel inclined to stroll!
At map: generic 2 Facing strong opponents always leaves me invigorated! This was quite memorable.
At map: generic 3 Our foe must have eaten well to become strong. I am intrigued to learn more about their food!
At map: Florra Mill Town What lovely scenery! I will sit and admire it while I enjoy some onigiri.
At map: Firene Castle Today’s fight has left me invigorated! I will explore these castle halls before we depart.
At map: Mountain Settlement So this village was raided by bandits. I will find those responsible and test their skill harshly.
At map: The Grand Crossing This view reminds me of autumn at home. In this weather, we eat dango under moonlit skies.
At map: Brodia Castle Brodia’s soldiers never fail to impress and challenge me with their great strength.
At map: Fort on the Border This is where we made our attempt to stop you. I deeply regret my actions that day.
At map: Destinea Cathedral I recall returning to this church with Princess Ivy, only to discover King Hyacinth’s fall.
At map: Shadowy Moor This is where I joined you, Divine One. It fills me with joy that I was able to do so.
At map: Tullah Desert We are, as it happens, quite close to where I am from. But I am afraid I cannot return there.
At map: Oasis Village These are ideal scenic walking conditions. Will you go out with me today?
At map: Solm Palace This castle is splendid! Never have I witnessed such luxurious majesty!
At map: Northern Fortress Are we not to explore this fortress any further? It looks like such great fun!
At map: Azure Coast So many delicious fish swim in this broad sea. From that perspective, is it not actually soup?
At map: Florra Port It is heartbreaking to consider what terrible battle we faced here.
At map: Route to Elusia I enjoy testing my skill, but it would smooth our sailing if these attackers would relent.
At map: Givre Port I have seen Givre Port in happier times. Those who were kind to me then are no longer here…
At map: Elusia Castle Not so very long ago, Elusia Castle was filled with laughter. The change is stark.
At map: Lythos Castle There is beauty in smithereens. This shattered place will remind us all of your revival.
At map: Lava Fields Pale Sands has one volcano, but it lies dormant. I have never seen the fearsome flow of lava.
At map: Gradlon Temple Ordinarily I like castles, but I find no enjoyment here. Not with all this suffering.