
Timing Quote
Chapter 18 I rejoice to hear that Princess Ivy is alive. Thank you for setting me straight, Divine One.
Many battles I thought my fighting days were long past, but it turns out you never really forget how it’s done.
Died: Hortensia Princess Hortensia…you left us too soon. May you at least keep King Hyacinth company.
Alear Level Up You were powerful when we met, but you’ve surpassed yourself. Do you know no limits?
Alear MVP That was quite the display, Divine One. Get some rest, and leave the next battle to us.
Level Up Did I really just grow stronger at my age? Well, now…will wonders never cease?
Was Healed Often That battle was hard on these old bones. I hope I didn’t worry you too much.
Many KOs I struck down many foes in that skirmish. Next we shall test whether that was a mere fluke.
Benched Old though I may be, I can still be useful. Don’t be afraid to put me on the front lines if need be.
At map: generic 1 There’s so much history here. What stories did it play host to? What people called it home?
At map: generic 2 Step back, Divine One! I am about to unleash a mighty wind spell on that spot to make it RISE!
At map: generic 3 Now, what experiments do I have time for here? Ah, hello, Divine One. Please don’t mind me.
At map: Florra Mill Town What a paradise! Now if you’ll excuse me, I have experiments to run on these flowers.
At map: Firene Castle Despite everything, Firene has allowed me into their castle. What a forgiving people!
At map: Mountain Settlement I’ve thought of a magical experiment that might repair these houses. But it could also backfire…
At map: The Grand Crossing If what I’ve read is true, near these red-painted mountains should be plentiful nuts for pastries.
At map: Brodia Castle I’ve wondered so long about the enemy’s castle. Now I see it is as formidable as I suspected.
At map: Fort on the Border This is the sort of cold I’m accustomed to. But for the others, I could experiment with flames.
At map: Destinea Cathedral I know Destinea Cathedral well. Is it true that this is where King Hyacinth… Uh…
At map: Shadowy Moor This forest was long a haunt for bandits and evil spirits. King Hyacinth’s reign rectified that.
At map: Tullah Desert Here I can do what I never could in Elusia─ focus my reading loupe to set things on fire.
At map: Oasis Village The people here have shared their spices with me! Imagine what pastries I might make now!
At map: Solm Palace It’s rare one finds this place described in books. And now I get to see it with my own eyes!
At map: Northern Fortress Haha, came to check up on me? I might have been scared, were I about 50 years younger.
At map: Azure Coast There are all sorts of experiments to try at sea with thunder magic. Maybe don’t go swimming.
At map: Florra Port My own countrymen did this. I can offer no excuses, only apologies.
At map: Route to Elusia You extended your hand in friendship on these seas. I am still alive today as a result.
At map: Givre Port In all my years, I never thought I’d see Givre Port in this state.
At map: Elusia Castle How could the castle stand so empty? What has happened here after I departed?
At map: Lythos Castle I am no holy man, and yet standing here makes me want to offer a prayer to the Divine Dragon.
At map: Lava Fields How this place inflames my curiosity! If only I could take some of this red water back with me.
At map: Gradlon Temple As a sage, I’d jump at the chance to see Gradlon myself. As a weary old man, it’s less enticing.