
Timing Quote
Chapter 22 Lady Veyle, Divine Dragon, it is good to see you have returned. You were both outstanding.
Chapter 23 “The Four Hounds are family.” There was truth in those words. But we could not end as family.
Many battles My hesitation to join forces with you has faded. I have learned much as a warrior thanks to you.
Alear Level Up You’ve become stronger, Divine One. I think myself lucky I am no longer your enemy.
Alear MVP With such skill, you are the very model of a commander, Divine One.
Level Up Becoming stronger as a member of your army, and using my skills for good…yes. This I like.
Was Healed Often Incurring such injuries…I have overestimated my ability. Forgive my negligence.
Many KOs I have no desire to compete for enemy heads. I wish only to serve Lady Veyle and you.
Benched Some may be unwilling to accept my allegiance. Please, do not forget I am yours to command.
At map: generic 1 The battle is over, but complacency kills. I will scout the area. If you need me, call out.
At map: generic 2 See the sights? Enjoy the journey? No need. If you and Lady Veyle are happy, I am happy.
At map: generic 3 If the neighboring citizens were affected by the fighting, we must assist them.
At map: Florra Mill Town I was born in Firene. This scenery brings a pang of nostalgia with it.
At map: Firene Castle I will keep my head down. Being let into the castle is too great an honor for a Hound.
At map: Mountain Settlement It was you who aided Lady Veyle. You have my thanks.
At map: The Grand Crossing I’ve spotted a good hiding place near the base of the bridge. I will scout it out.
At map: Brodia Castle Royal soldiers from a warrior kingdom were not easy foes. I would lock swords with them again.
At map: Fort on the Border Tarry long and you will freeze. If you are cold, use me as a shield from the wind.
At map: Destinea Cathedral My sins weigh heavy here. I did what I felt was right at the time, but it did not help Lady Veyle.
At map: Shadowy Moor This place… I will defend you with all I have, so you may never be reminded of that day.
At map: Tullah Desert There is little shade here. If you are too hot, please rest in my shadow.
At map: Oasis Village The time after a battle is so peaceful, one might be tricked into thinking it a time for relaxation.
At map: Solm Palace We once attacked this palace. Yet the queen, in her compassion, welcomed me in.
At map: Northern Fortress I enjoy dark places. The Elusia temple where I resided allowed little light in.
At map: Azure Coast It was here that I fought my last battle with full conviction as one of the Four Hounds.
At map: Florra Port I wish to help these people to reclaim their lives. Perhaps I will find a modicum of atonement.
At map: Route to Elusia The sea breeze is quite pleasant. Being with you here, I am reminded of the journey to Lythos.
At map: Givre Port Fighting here, I still imagine Marni with us. It is a fool’s dream that we might cross paths again.
At map: Elusia Castle Thank you for speaking with me. This place brings back old memories. Torturous regrets…
At map: Lythos Castle You and Lady Veyle were reborn here. It is a special place, even for a non-believer.
At map: Lava Fields What a fitting place for Griss and Zephia’s─ No. I mean fitting for the Four Hounds’ last stand.
At map: Gradlon Temple Zephia spoke of Sombron’s temple once. She said it was home to a great many children.