
Timing Quote
Chapter 19 Been a while, Divine One. I was starting to worry I might not ever catch up to you.
Many battles I’ve fought for plenty of causes, but never had a calling higher than this. I’m happy to serve you.
Died: Alcyrst Prince Alcryst… And so soon after King Morion. What am I going to tell the queen?
Alear Level Up You keep getting better and better. Experience must be the best teacher for you.
Alear MVP Nothing makes a soldier more proud than seeing her commander shine. You were great today.
Level Up I learned a lot today─mostly thanks to your leadership, Divine One.
Was Healed Often That was a rough one, but I’m glad we got through it. Sorry if I made you worry.
Many KOs It’s been a while since I’ve cut loose like that. I hope my little rampage was useful, at least.
Benched I’m ready for the front lines anytime you need, Divine One. Just give the word.
At map: generic 1 Today was a good test of my strength. Lots to take in for future training sessions.
At map: generic 2 Bloodshed has a way of hanging in the air after a battle, doesn’t it? It’s like a thick cloud.
At map: generic 3 As much as I wanna pit myself against the best, it feels wrong to hope for more fighting.
At map: Florra Mill Town Flowers aren’t my thing, but fish are another story. I’m gonna go check out that brook.
At map: Firene Castle I used to think the soldiers of Firene Castle were all pushovers. Clearly I was mistaken.
At map: Mountain Settlement I’m sure any survivors from this village would love to hear that these bandits were dealt with.
At map: The Grand Crossing If Firene ever attacked us, this bridge would be their way in. Not that I’m worried about it.
At map: Brodia Castle Brodia Castle is intact, and that’s what matters. My friends in the castle guard didn’t disappoint.
At map: Fort on the Border I wish I could have been here for King Morion, even if it wouldn’t have changed anything.
At map: Destinea Cathedral I’m not a very spiritual person, but I’m praying for King Morion all the same.
At map: Shadowy Moor I’m not fazed, Divine One. My mercenary days saw battlefields much bloodier than this.
At map: Tullah Desert Brodia and Solm are both inhospitable lands. You’d think we’d have more common ground.
At map: Oasis Village I’m less familiar with Solm than most, but even I can see the appeal of a nice tent and fire here.
At map: Solm Palace This is one gorgeous palace. No wonder Solm takes guarding the place so seriously.
At map: Northern Fortress I’m not the type to jump at shadows. If anything nasty shows up, I’ll just cut it down, that’s all.
At map: Azure Coast The sea’s much warmer and calmer here than by the fishing village I grew up in. Kinda nice.
At map: Florra Port This is a painfully familiar sight. Kids from this place are gonna grow up hating Elusia like I did.
At map: Route to Elusia If being a royal soldier didn’t work out, I’d have gone into sailing. Not for piracy, obviously!
At map: Givre Port This is where we first met up. Coming back here fills me with the same resolve I had that day.
At map: Elusia Castle King Morion dreamed of conquering this castle. Now that we’re here, I don’t know how to feel.
At map: Lythos Castle You were pretty impressive as a Corrupted! I’m grateful we get to keep fighting together.
At map: Lava Fields What a ridiculous battlefield. Let’s get outta here before we’re all grilled like fish!
At map: Gradlon Temple Queen Lumera was a wonderful person. I hope it’s OK if I take a second to remember her here.