
Timing Quote
Chapter 1 It heartens me to see you and Queen Lumera reunited at last.
The memory loss may have come as a surprise, but she seems elated nonetheless.
Chapter 2 You fought magnificently. Going forward, I will continue alongside you as your knight.
Chapter 3 I…cannot make up for what you’ve lost! But I am at your side, Divine One.
Chapter 9 We must not let the Fell Dragon regain power. Let us make haste for Destinea Cathedral…
Chapter 18 Elusia will soon be in sight. Once your rounds are done, make ready for landfall.
Chapter 20 You remain the Divine Dragon. I will forever serve at your side…just as I always have.
Chapter 22 Queen Lumera’s prayer has been answered. She must be pleased you’ve received the ring.
Chapter 25 Queen Lumera… At the end, she must have felt great joy knowing you’d become an Emblem.
Many battles I am so accustomed to the battlefield─I must work to remember the peacefulness of Lythos.
Died: Clanne Divine One… I can scarcely imagine it is true. To think we would lose our Clanne here…
Died: Clanne, Framme Clanne, Framme… Oh, my heart. It cannot be we have lost the next generation of stewards…
Died: Framme Divine One, I am sure Framme remained a great and loyal admirer of yours until the end…
Alear Level Up You continue to grow stronger each day. I tell you, it makes me quite proud.
Alear MVP A truly magnificent display of skill, Divine One. I could not take my eyes from your valiant form.
Level Up I believe I have refined my skills. I hope to be of even more use to you in the future.
Was Healed Often This battle was quite the struggle. I will strive to avoid such a pitiful display of skill again.
Many KOs I did better than expected. I’m proud that even these old bones can serve a purpose.
Benched Should you ever need my aid again, do not hesitate to place me on the front lines.
At map: generic 1 Visiting so many different places does wonders to expand one’s horizons.
At map: generic 2 What a gorgeous place. I only wish we could stop and take in the scenery.
At map: generic 3 Is it tiring, fighting in unfamiliar territory? Do be sure to rest once we are back at camp.
At map: Florra Mill Town Queen Lumera loved Florra Mill Town’s sights. Pray it never again be caught up in battle.
At map: Firene Castle We must further refine our defenses to better protect Firene Castle from future attack.
At map: Mountain Settlement Such a melancholy sight. I do wonder if this village can ever return to its vibrant self.
At map: The Grand Crossing This splendid bridge is a prime example of Brodia’s simple and solid architecture.
At map: Brodia Castle While taking different approaches to security, Brodia Castle is as impenetrable as the Somniel.
At map: Fort on the Border Best not walk about in the cold─it could prove rather dangerous. Let us hurry on our way.
At map: Destinea Cathedral There are few, if any, pleasant memories to be found in this place.
At map: Shadowy Moor No matter how often I find myself here, it is still disturbing. Do not venture too far afield.
At map: Tullah Desert Do be careful making the rounds, Divine One. It’s dangerous work, navigating the desert.
At map: Oasis Village It makes me glad Oasis Village came to no harm. How terrifying to see it become a battlefield…
At map: Solm Palace Solm Palace’s grounds are a true wonder. What a masterful choice, leaving the natural rock face.
At map: Northern Fortress Though the battle is over, the light grows thin. I recommend you stay vigilant.
At map: Azure Coast This might be a pleasant place to visit, were we able to swim in the sea. Alas…
At map: Florra Port Someday, this land will be restored. Under your auspices, I know the people will make it happen.
At map: Route to Elusia It grows colder the closer we draw to Elusia. Divine One, go in. Do not catch a chill out here.
At map: Givre Port It seems this town fell some time ago. I hope to see the port alive and bustling again someday…
At map: Elusia Castle An uninhabited castle. So melancholy. Even the throne looks to mourn its master’s absence.
At map: Lythos Castle It pains me to see this castle in ruins. I treasure it so… This is where you were reborn, after all.
At map: Lava Fields Remaining in this scorched land will lead to our exhaustion. Let us leave once the patrol is done.
At map: Mountainous Region How good to have learned about your past. As a human, I was unable to be with you so long ago.
At map: Gradlon Temple I think of Queen Lumera and am thankful she will never again be in a place so lonely as this.