Gray & Tobin

C Support

Gray: Hey, Tobe. How goes?

Tobin: *sigh* It goes, I guess.

Gray: Uh, do you think you could sound a little less cheerful?

Tobin: I don’t know, you tell me. Why did you have to—

Gray: Huh?

Tobin: Ugh, never mind. Forget it.

Gray: Wait, what did I do?

B Support

Gray: So, uh, Tobin? Are we gonna clear the air here or what?

Tobin: Yeah, I suppose. So is it just me, or are you and Clair getting…close?

Gray: Huh? You think? I feel like she spends all her time telling me to bug off.

Tobin: Yeah, but that’s just it. She’s comfortable around you, or else she’d never let her hair down like that.

Gray: Heh heh. That’s a weird way of reading into things. Why can’t you put that much thought into anything else?

Tobin: Oh, you’re looking for a fight? Let’s take it outside, clown!

Gray: We’re already outside. And I’m kind of busy fighting these other guys…

Tobin: Ha ha ha!

Gray: Ha ha ha! Come on already. Let’s take out your aggression on someone who deserves it.

A Support

Gray: Hey, Tobe. Got a minute?

Tobin: What’s wrong?

Gray: Well, I was wondering something. So if Clair fell for someone else—like Alm, or…oh, I dunno, ME— what would you do?

Tobin: What COULD I do? I’d be hurt, but she’s a lady of noble birth and I’m just…you know. Tobin. Guys like me are lucky if women like that even show up in our dreams.

Gray: Heh. That’s a good attitude.

Tobin: Hey, the writing is on the wall. She’s out of my league. But I don’t have to throw away the good things I DO have over her. You know, like my best friend?

Gray: I wouldn’t want to lose my best pal either.

Tobin: What do you say we make it through today and figure things out from there?

Gray: It’s a date! Er, or a plan. Whatever. …Let’s do what you just said.