Dawn Armoury

The Dawn Armoury offers Hoshidan-style weaponry, such as katanas, naginatas and clubs.

Upgrade Details

Shop Level Chapter Completion Required Dragon Vein Points
1 6 1
2 13 1
3 20 1

Things to Note

The Dawn Armoury can only be built in the Birthright and Revelation campaigns.

For those stuck in Nohr, you can visit a player of the other campaigns via StreetPass or SpotPass and use their Dawn Armoury that way.

However, keep in mind that when using another player’s Armoury, items with limited stock can not be purchased (eg. Venge Katana).

Item Quantity Buy Sell
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Brass Katana Infinite Infinite Infinite 500 250
Iron Katana Infinite Infinite Infinite 1000 500
Steel Katana 1 Infinite Infinite 2000 750
Silver Katana 0 1 Infinite 4000 1000
Venge Katana 0 0 1 8000 2000
Kodachi 2 5 10 1800 650
Wakizashi 0 1 2 4500 1500
Axe Splitter 0 1 2 3400 1150
Dual Katana 0 1 2 4000 1250
Practice Katana 0 1 2 2700 900
Spirit Katana 0 1 2 2200 800
Brass Naginata Infinite Infinite Infinite 500 250
Iron Naginata Infinite Infinite Infinite 1000 500
Steel Naginata 1 Infinite Infinite 2000 750
Silver Naginata 0 1 Infinite 4000 1000
Venge Naginata 0 0 1 8000 2000
Swordcatcher 0 1 2 3400 1150
Dual Naginata 0 1 2 4000 1250
Guard Naginata 0 1 2 2700 900
Bolt Naginata 0 1 2 3300 1100
Brass Club Infinite Infinite Infinite 500 250
Iron Club Infinite Infinite Infinite 1000 500
Steel Club 1 Infinite Infinite 2000 750
Silver Club 0 1 Infinite 4000 1000
Venge Club 0 0 1 8000 2000
Throwing Club 2 5 10 1800 650
Battering Club 0 1 2 4500 1500
Pike-Ruin Club 0 1 2 3400 1150
Dual Club 0 1 2 4000 1250
Great Club 0 1 2 1900 750
Brass Shuriken Infinite Infinite Infinite 500 250
Iron Shuriken Infinite Infinite Infinite 1000 500
Steel Shuriken 1 Infinite Infinite 2000 750
Silver Shuriken 0 1 Infinite 4000 1000
Spy’s Shuriken 0 0 1 8000 2000
Dual Shuriken 0 1 2 4000 1250
Sting Shuriken 0 1 2 2500 850
Barb Shuriken 0 1 2 3000 1000
Flame Shuriken 0 1 2 3300 1100
Brass Yumi Infinite Infinite Infinite 500 250
Iron Yumi Infinite Infinite Infinite 1000 500
Steel Yumi 1 Infinite Infinite 2000 750
Silver Yumi 0 1 Infinite 4000 1000
Spy’s Yumi 0 0 1 8000 2000
Dual Yumi 0 1 2 4000 1250
Illusory Yumi 0 1 2 2700 900
Surefire Yumi 0 1 2 4300 1400
Rat Spirit Infinite Infinite Infinite 500 250
Ox Spirit Infinite Infinite Infinite 1000 500
Tiger Spirit 1 Infinite Infinite 2000 750
Rabbit Spirit 0 1 Infinite 4000 1000
Dragon Spirit 0 0 1 8000 2000
Calamity Gate 0 1 2 4000 1250
Snake Spirit 0 0 1 8000 2000
Horse Spirit 0 1 2 2100 780
Sheep Spirit 1 2 2 1800 700