
**Note: Confessions are unlocked when a character reaches Level 40 with a Rarity of five stars.

Location Dialogue
Home Screen 1 Ah, good day to you! Perchance, have you seen Prince Marth anywhere?
Home Screen 2 Though I am a princess, my home, Talys, is but an island kingdom. So my standing isn’t all that grand.
Home Screen 3 You always seem so busy-please let me know if there’s any way I can be of assistance.
Home Screen 4 We may have so many enemies today, but I’m sure that given half a chance? They’ll become allies.
Home Screen 5 I’ve just finished making a stew. Would you like to try some while it’s hot?
Joining I am Princess Caeda of Talys. I’m also a pegasus knight, though perhaps an unconventional one.
Visiting Do you know who speaks very well of you-and bid me to greet you? It was [Your Friend]!
Good Level-up I can feel myself growing stronger!
Average Level-up Ah! I can now be of greater assistance.
Bad Level-up I’m sorry. It seems I’m not performing well today…
Learned New Skill I will use this new power to help everyone.
Confession Your strength has always impressed me. I’ve always felt weak, needing protection from others. I was envious of your strength, but I think I’ve got it figured out now… Your strength comes from your belief in your allies. My “weakness” could be your strength. I would like to stay with you longer and learn more from you and your strength, if that’s OK. Heehee! I appreciate it. I look forward to observing you right up close…

Voices/Voice Clips

Voice Clip ID Dialogue
Clip 1 Grunt 1
Clip 2 Grunt 2
Clip 3 Grunt 3
Clip 4 I won’t…lose…
Clip 5 Throw down your weapon!
Clip 6 Please, clear the way!
Clip 7 I’ll do my part!
Clip 8 I don’t want to hurt you!
Clip 9 Too weak…
Clip 10 Heehee
Clip 11 What’s the matter? Can I help?
Clip 12 Ahh! Don’t startle me like that!
Clip 13 You seem to be a very kindhearted person.
Clip 14 Tell me-do you believe in love?
Clip 15 I’m so glad we have a chance to talk! It’s always a pleasure.
Clip 16 Would you consider me a “tomboy”?
Clip 17 Let us fight side by side forever.
Clip 18 Certainly.
Clip 19 What next?
Clip 20 Let’s go.