
**Note: Confessions are unlocked when a character reaches Level 40 with a Rarity of five stars.

Location Dialogue
Home Screen 1 It’s strange. I feel like you are a part of me-as if we have been together forever.
Home Screen 2 I am no Hero-King. I only stopped the war thanks to my many allies.
Home Screen 3 Thank you for everything you do for us. If ever you find yourself in need, I want you to rely on us.
Home Screen 4 This world is beautiful… It reminds me of my own homeland.
Home Screen 5 I cannot allow a single one of my friends to die. Together, you and I, with everyone else, will win this war.
Joining I am Marth, Prince of Altea. It is good to make your acquaintance. Like you, I desire peace above all.
Visiting Pardon the intrusion. I was asked to come say hello by [Your Friend].
Good Level-up Let this be a ray of hope that lights the way for others!
Average Level-up I shall do my best to always improve.
Bad Level-up My apologies. It seems I am not myself today.
Learned New Skill May I help end the fighting with this ray of hope.
Confession Over all the battles we’ve fought together, I have come to see my own powerlessness. As but one, I cannot accomplish anything. Together, we can face everything. That is why having you at my side gives me courage beyond the telling of it. I shall continue to fight at your side as long as you will allow me. I am eternally grateful that we may count on one another.

Voices/Voice Clips

Voice Clip ID Dialogue
Clip 1 Grunt 1
Clip 2 Grunt 2
Clip 3 Grunt 3
Clip 4 Grunt 4
Clip 5 My prayers are with you.
Clip 6 Forgive me.
Clip 7 I must end you.
Clip 8 Fate has brought us here.
Clip 9 Farewell…
Clip 10 Heh
Clip 11 What’s wrong? And how may I help?
Clip 12 I admire how you lead your troops in battle.
Clip 13 You, too, are blessed with wonderful allies.
Clip 14 The circlet I wear? A gift from…someone dear to me.
Clip 15 It seems every world is war torn…
Clip 16 I don’t want anyone to die. Surely you feel the same way.
Clip 17 I enjoy this time with you. My troubles seem to melt away.
Clip 18 Understood.
Clip 19 Together.
Clip 20 As you say.