
**Note: Confessions are unlocked when a character reaches Level 40 with a Rarity of five stars.

Location Dialogue
Home Screen 1 Ah, cruel boredom, why must you hound me so? Perhaps I shall go and admire a mirror for a while…
Home Screen 2 I am the rightful ruler of Rosanne, a duchy in faraway Valm. I was… forced from my homeland.
Home Screen 3 I have noted your good works in patrolling and leading us. You’ve done well to draw my eye!
Home Screen 4 Might I interest you in a game of chess? I promise to avoid dirty tricks till the latter half of the game.
Home Screen 5 I’ve brewed some tea using some of the fascinating herbs you grow in this land… Hmm? Weeds, you say?
Joining I am Virion, the finest archer of the fairest of realms. Delighted to be of service.
Visiting I come bearing gracious greetings for Kiran. Ah, from whom? Well, none other than [Your Friend]!
Good Level-up Please! Avert your envious gazes!
Average Level-up I could do no less-not with my reputation!
Bad Level-up What? So little gain for my efforts?
Learned New Skill I see you have granted me power to match my splendor!
Confession Ah, may I steal a bit of your time, Kiran? I’ve grown fascinated with the board games of other cultures lately. Care to play one now? Take a look-this board is the battlefield and this dazzling little gemstone is yours truly. All of these pieces-you move them around the board as you would fighters in a battle. Yes, yes… Of course… Very good. You grasp the game quickly, as I suspected you would. But I see that you’re not willing to sacrifice that dazzling little gemstone… Who can blame you? It is more scintillating than all the rest! Still, I need to tell you… You’re playing that wrong. It’s better strategy to sacrifice any piece for the greater good. Much as you could choose to rid yourself of me from your team to serve your purposes. There are other Heroes to bring into the fold. But do I sense…that you’re repelled by the idea? You don’t want to sacrifice anyone, do you? Very well. Then as the first Hero you summoned… I will make it my duty to keep polishing myself into the most dazzling stone in your possession!

Voices/Voice Clips

Voice Clip ID Dialogue
Clip 1 Grunt 1
Clip 2 Grunt 2
Clip 3 Grunt 3
Clip 4 Irksome…
Clip 5 Die with magnificence!
Clip 6 One for the bards!
Clip 7 Such perfection!
Clip 8 I have a gift for you.
Clip 9 No…!
Clip 10 Whew…
Clip 11 Greetings! You appear to be in high spirits today.
Clip 12 I fancy a cup of tea right now. Care to join me?
Clip 13 I see that, like so many, you have been spellbound by my elegance.
Clip 14 Isn’t my ruff extraordinary? …What?! You thought it was a bib?!
Clip 15 I know my radiance makes it difficult, but do try not to stare.
Clip 16 *sigh* I miss the noble pastimes of my homeland.
Clip 17 You may count on my help until the war is won.
Clip 18 Very well.
Clip 19 Indeed.
Clip 20 Quite so.