In general, Heroes that exist at 3, 4 or 5★ rarity can be summoned from any summoning focus. This obviously excludes Heroes obtained via the story or as rewards. However, there are a few things to note:
- New Heroes are only added to the common summoning pool after their debut summoning focus has expired. After this point, it is possible for their rarity to be decreased.
- Seasonal and Legendary/Mythic Heroes are never added to the common summoning pool and can only be summoned from their debut summoning focus or from a Legendary/Mythic summoning focus if they are featured.
[Summoning event: ]
Rarity | Appearance Rate |
5★ (Focus) | 3.00% |
5★ | 3.00% |
4★ | 58.00% |
3★ | 36.00% |
Within each rarity, the chance of obtaining a particular Hero is the same.
“Focus” Heroes refers to the Heroes that are featured in the summoning focus (and appear on the banner artwork). Because there are fewer Heroes within this catergory, the chances of summoning a particular Hero are higher than usual.
List of Heroes
This is a list of Heroes that can be obtained in the game based on information from 1st February 2019. By default (and where available), Heroes are listed in the order they appear in the in-game Catalog of Heroes (which itself is ordered by Origin).
- All Heroes can be upgraded to 5★ rarity.
- Heroes that can’t normally be summoned at 5★ rarity can be 5★ rarity if they’re a Focus.
- For summoning events starting from 10th April 2018, several Heroes were demoted from 4 – 5★ rarity to 3 – 4★ rarity. (Please see here for more details.)
Name | Title | Attribute | Move | Rarity | Debut |
Alfonse | Prince of Askr | Red (Sword) | Infantry | 2 – 4★ (Note) | Launch Day |
Alfonse | Spring Prince | Green (Axe) | Cavalry | 5★ (Seasonal) | 22nd March 2018 |
Sharena | Princess of Askr | Blue (Lance) | Infantry | 2 – 4★ (Note) | Launch Day |
Sharena | Spring Princess | Green (Tome) | Infantry | 5★ (Seasonal) | 22nd March 2018 |
Anna | Commander | Green (Axe) | Infantry | 2 – 4★ (Note) | Launch Day |
Veronica | Brave Princess | Colorless (Staff) | Cavalry | 5★ | 21st August 2018 |
Fjorm | Princess of Ice | Blue (Lance) | Infantry | 5★ (Legendary) | 28th November 2017 |
Fjorm | New Traditions | Green (Bow) | Flying | 5★ (Seasonal) | 1st January 2019 |
Gunnthrá | Voice of Dreams | Green (Tome) | Cavalry | 5★ (Legendary) | 28th December 2017 |
Gunnthrá | Year’s First Dream | Red (Sword) | Flying | 5★ (Seasonal) | 1st January 2019 |
Hrid | Icy Blade | Red (Sword) | Cavalry | 5★ (Legendary) | 28th November 2018 |
Hrid | Resolute Prince | Red (Sword) | Flying | 5★ (Seasonal) | 1st January 2019 |
Ylgr | Fresh Snowfall | Blue (Dagger) | Infantry | 5★ | 21st November 2018 |
Surtr | Ruler of Flame | Green (Axe) | Armored | 5★ | 21st November 2018 |
Laegjarn | Sheathed Steel | Red (Sword) | Flying | 5★ | 21st September 2018 |
Laegjarn | New Experiences | Blue (Lance) | Cavalry | 4 – 5★ (TT) | 1st January 2019 |
Laevatein | Searing Steel | Red (Sword) | Infantry | 5★ | 21st September 2018 |
Laevatein | Kumade Warrior | Colorless (Staff) | Cavalry | 5★ (Seasonal) | 1st January 2019 |
Helbindi | Savage Scourge | Green (Axe) | Infantry | 5★ | 21st September 2018 |
Eir | Merciful Death | Colorless (Dagger) | Flying | 5★ (Mythic) | 11th December 2018 |
Loki | The Trickster | Colorless (Staff) | Infantry | 5★ | 23rd October 2018 |
Marth | Altean Prince | Red (Sword) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Marth | Altean Groom | Green (Axe) | Cavalry | 4 – 5★ (TT) | 25th May 2018 |
Marth | Hero-King | Red (Sword) | Infantry | 5★ (Legendary) | 28th August 2018 |
Jagen | Veteran Knight | Blue (Lance) | Cavalry | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Cain | The Bull | Red (Sword) | Cavalry | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Abel | The Panther | Blue (Lance) | Cavalry | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Draug | Gentle Giant | Red (Sword) | Armored | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Gordin | Altean Archer | Colorless (Bow) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Luke | Rowdy Squire | Red (Sword) | Cavalry | 5★ | 14th June 2017 |
Roderick | Steady Squire | Blue (Lance) | Cavalry | 3 – 4★ | 14th June 2017 |
Caeda | Talys’s Heart | Red (Sword) | Flying | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Caeda | Talys’s Bride | Blue (Tome) | Infantry | 5★ (Seasonal) | 30th May 2017 |
Ogma | Loyal Blade | Red (Sword) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Barst | The Hatchet | Green (Axe) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Linde | Light Mage | Blue (Tome) | Infantry | 5★ | Launch Day |
Linde | Summer Rays | Colorless (Dagger) | Cavalry | 5★ (Seasonal) | 10th July 2018 |
Jeorge | Perfect Shot | Colorless (Bow) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Michalis | Ambitious King | Green (Axe) | Flying | 3 – 4★ (GHB) | 20th March 2017 |
Minerva | Red Dragoon | Green (Axe) | Flying | 5★ | Launch Day |
Maria | Minerva’s Sister | Colorless (Staff) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Palla | Eldest Whitewing | Red (Sword) | Flying | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Catria | Middle Whitewing | Blue (Lance) | Flying | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Catria | Spring Whitewing | Blue (Tome) | Cavalry | 5★ (Seasonal) | 22nd March 2018 |
Est | Junior Whitewing | Blue (Lance) | Flying | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Merric | Wind Mage | Green (Tome) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Hardin | Dark Emperor | Blue (Lance) | Armored | 5★ | 22nd February 2018 |
Camus | Sable Knight | Blue (Lance) | Cavalry | 3 – 4★ (GHB) | 2nd June 2017 |
Sheena | Princess of Gra | Green (Axe) | Armored | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Tiki | Dragon Scion | Red (Dragon) | Infantry | 5★ | Launch Day |
Tiki | Beachside Scion | Red (Dragon) | Flying | 5★ (Seasonal) | 10th July 2018 |
Tiki | Legendary Dragon | Blue (Dragon) | Armored | 5★ (Legendary) | 28th September 2018 |
Katarina | Wayward One | Red (Tome) | Infantry | 5★ | 14th June 2017 |
Clarisse | Sniper in the Dark | Colorless (Bow) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ (GHB) | 28th June 2017 |
Legion | Masked Maniac | Green (Axe) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ (GHB) | 16th June 2017 |
Navarre | Scarlet Sword | Red (Sword) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ (GHB) | 4th April 2017 |
Wrys | Kindly Priest | Colorless (Staff) | Infantry | 1 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Athena | Borderland Sword | Red (Sword) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ | 14th June 2017 |
Gharnef | Dark Pontifex | Red (Tome) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ (GHB) | 23rd November 2018 |
Alm | Hero of Prophecy | Red (Sword) | Infantry | 5★ | 14th April 2017 |
Lukas | Sharp Soldier | Blue (Lance) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ | 14th April 2017 |
Gray | Wry Comrade | Red (Sword) | Infantry | 5★ | 13th July 2017 |
Tobin | The Clueless One | Red (Sword) | Infantry | 4 – 5★ (TT) | 7th July 2017 |
Kliff | Curious Spirit | Blue (Tome) | Infantry | 5★ | 23rd October 2018 |
Faye | Devoted Heart | Colorless (Bow) | Infantry | 5★ | 14th April 2017 |
Clair | Highborn Flier | Blue (Lance) | Flying | 3 – 4★ | 14th April 2017 |
Clive | Idealistic Knight | Blue (Lance) | Cavalry | 4 – 5★ (TT) | 11th August 2017 |
Celica | Caring Princess | Red (Tome) | Infantry | 5★ | 15th May 2017 |
Celica | Imprisoned Soul | Red (Sword) | Infantry | 5★ | 22nd February 2018 |
Celica | Warrior Priestess | Red (Sword) | Infantry | 5★ | 21st August 2018 |
Mae | Bundle of Energy | Blue (Tome) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ | 15th May 2017 |
Boey | Skillful Survivor | Green (Tome) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ | 15th May 2017 |
Genny | Endearing Ally | Colorless (Staff) | Infantry | 5★ | 15th May 2017 |
Saber | Driven Mercenary | Red (Sword) | Infantry | 5★ | 13th July 2017 |
Leon | True of Heart | Colorless (Bow) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ | 13th July 2017 |
Mathilda | Legendary Knight | Blue (Lance) | Cavalry | 3 – 4★ | 13th July 2017 |
Delthea | Free Spirit | Blue (Tome) | Infantry | 5★ | 13th July 2017 |
Sonya | Vengeful Mage | Green (Tome) | Infantry | 5★ | 13th July 2017 |
Berkut | Prideful Prince | Blue (Lance) | Cavalry | 3 – 4★ (GHB) | 18th July 2017 |
Duma | God of Strength | Colorless (Dragon) | Armored | 5★ (Mythic) | 30th January 2019 |
Sigurd | Holy Knight | Red (Sword) | Cavalry | 5★ | 16th October 2017 |
Arden | Strong and Tough | Red (Sword) | Armored | 4 – 5★ (TT) | 23rd October 2017 |
Arvis | Emperor of Flame | Red (Tome) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ (GHB) | 18th October 2017 |
Tailtiu | Thunder Noble | Blue (Tome) | Infantry | 4 – 5★ | 16th October 2017 |
Quan | Luminous Lancer | Blue (Lance) | Cavalry | 5★ | 7th September 2018 |
Ethlyn | Spirited Princess | Colorless (Staff) | Cavalry | 4 – 5★ (TT) | 11th September 2018 |
Ayra | Astra’s Wielder | Red (Sword) | Infantry | 5★ | 19th October 2017 |
Jamke | Commander | Green (Axe) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ (GHB) | 4th September 2018 |
Lewyn | Guiding Breeze | Green (Tome) | Infantry | 5★ | 7th September 2018 |
Eldigan | Lionheart | Red (Sword) | Cavalry | 5★ | 27th February 2017 |
Lachesis | Lionheart’s Sister | Colorless (Staff) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ | 27th February 2017 |
Deirdre | Lady of the Forest | Green (Tome) | Infantry | 5★ | 16th October 2017 |
Silvia | Traveling Dancer | Red (Sword) | Infantry | 4 – 5★ | 7th September 2018 |
Seliph | Heir of Light | Red (Sword) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ | 15th February 2017 |
Julia | Naga’s Blood | Green (Tome) | Infantry | 5★ | 15th February 2017 |
Ares | Black Knight | Red (Sword) | Cavalry | 4 – 5★ | 10th May 2018 |
Lene | Yearning Dancer | Red (Sword) | Infantry | 5★ | 10th May 2018 |
Julius | Scion of Darkness | Red (Tome) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ (GHB) | 14th May 2018 |
Ishtar | Thunder Goddess | Blue (Tome) | Infantry | 5★ | 10th May 2018 |
Leif | Prince of Leonster | Red (Sword) | Infantry | 5★ | 11th April 2018 |
Finn | Lance of Legend | Blue (Lance) | Cavalry | 4 – 5★ (TT) | 21st April 2018 |
Nanna | Nordion Princess | Colorless (Staff) | Cavalry | 4 – 5★ | 11th April 2018 |
Reinhardt | Thunder’s Fist | Blue (Tome) | Cavalry | 3 – 4★ | 27th February 2017 |
Reinhardt | Thunder’s Sword | Red (Sword) | Cavalry | 5★ | 11th April 2018 |
Olwen | Blue Mage Knight | Blue (Tome) | Cavalry | 5★ | 27th February 2017 |
Olwen | Righteous Knight | Green (Tome) | Cavalry | 5★ | 11th April 2018 |
Saias | Bishop of Flame | Blue (Tome) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ (GHB) | 15th April 2018 |
Roy | Young Lion | Red (Sword) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Roy | Brave Lion | Red (Sword) | Cavalry | 5★ | 31st August 2017 |
Roy | Youthful Gifts | Colorless (Bow) | Cavalry | 5★ (Seasonal) | 9th February 2018 |
Lilina | Delightful Noble | Red (Tome) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Lilina | Blush of Youth | Green (Tome) | Cavalry | 5★ (Seasonal) | 9th February 2018 |
Gwendolyn | Adorable Knight | Blue (Lance) | Armored | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Raigh | Dark Child | Red (Tome) | Infantry | 2 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Cecilia | Etrurian General | Green (Tome) | Cavalry | 1 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Cecilia | Festive Instructor | Colorless (Dagger) | Armored | 4 – 5★ (TT) | 18th December 2018 |
Klein | Silver Nobleman | Colorless (Bow) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ | 27th February 2017 |
Clarine | Refined Noble | Colorless (Staff) | Cavalry | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Zephiel | The Liberator | Red (Sword) | Armored | 3 – 4★ (GHB) | 20th April 2017 |
Narcian | Wyvern General | Green (Axe) | Flying | 2 – 4★ (GHB) | 10th February 2017 |
Shanna | Sprightly Flier | Blue (Lance) | Flying | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Bartre | Fearless Warrior | Green (Axe) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Fir | Sword Student | Red (Sword) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Sophia | Nabata Prophet | Red (Tome) | Infantry | 1 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Fae | Divine Dragon | Green (Dragon) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Fae | Festive Dear | Green (Dragon) | Armored | 5★ (Seasonal) | 18th December 2018 |
Eliwood | Knight of Lycia | Red (Sword) | Cavalry | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Eliwood | Devoted Love | Blue (Lance) | Armored | 4 – 5★ (TT) | 14th February 2018 |
Lyn | Lady of the Plains | Red (Sword) | Infantry | 5★ | Launch Day |
Lyn | Bride of the Plains | Colorless (Staff) | Infantry | 5★ (Seasonal) | 30th May 2017 |
Lyn | Brave Lady | Colorless (Bow) | Cavalry | 5★ | 31st August 2017 |
Lyn | Wind’s Embrace | Blue (Tome) | Armored | 5★ (Seasonal) | 9th February 2018 |
Lyn | Lady of the Wind | Green (Bow) | Infantry | 5★ (Legendary) | 1st May 2018 |
Hector | General of Ostia | Green (Axe) | Armored | 5★ | Launch Day |
Hector | Just Here to Fight | Green (Axe) | Armored | 5★ (Seasonal) | 9th February 2018 |
Hector | Marquess of Ostia | Green (Axe) | Armored | 5★ (Legendary) | 28th June 2018 |
Hector | Brave Warrior | Blue (Lance) | Armored | 5★ | 21st August 2018 |
Matthew | Faithful Spy | Colorless (Dagger) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Serra | Outspoken Cleric | Colorless (Staff) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Raven | Peerless Fighter | Green (Axe) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Lucius | The Light | Colorless (Staff) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ | 14th March 2017 |
Rebecca | Wildflower | Colorless (Bow) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ | 14th March 2017 |
Priscilla | Delicate Princess | Colorless (Staff) | Cavalry | 3 – 4★ | 14th March 2017 |
Dorcas | Serene Warrior | Green (Axe) | Infantry | 5★ | 15th November 2017 |
Dorcas | Pumpkin Smasher | Green (Axe) | Armored | 4 – 5★ (TT) | 14th October 2018 |
Florina | Lovely Flier | Blue (Lance) | Flying | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Canas | Wisdom Seeker | Red (Tome) | Infantry | 4 – 5★ (TT) | 16th June 2018 |
Karel | Sword Demon | Red (Sword) | Infantry | 5★ | 14th March 2017 |
Karla | Sword Vassal | Red (Sword) | Infantry | 5★ | 8th June 2018 |
Hawkeye | Desert Guardian | Green (Axe) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Ninian | Oracle of Destiny | Blue (Dragon) | Infantry | 5★ | 14th March 2017 |
Ninian | Bright-Eyed Bride | Blue (Tome) | Flying | 5★ (Seasonal) | 21st May 2018 |
Lloyd | White Wolf | Red (Sword) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ (GHB) | 19th May 2017 |
Linus | Mad Dog | Green (Axe) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ (GHB) | 12th June 2018 |
Jaffar | Angel of Death | Colorless (Dagger) | Infantry | 5★ | 14th March 2017 |
Ursula | Blue Crow | Blue (Tome) | Cavalry | 3 – 4★ (GHB) | 10th March 2017 |
Nino | Pious Mage | Green (Tome) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Nino | Pale Flower | Green (Tome) | Flying | 5★ | 8th June 2018 |
Legault | The Hurricane | Colorless (Dagger) | Infantry | 4 – 5★ | 8th June 2018 |
Eirika | Restoration Lady | Red (Sword) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ | 15th February 2017 |
Eirika | Anamnesis Lady | Red (Tome) | Cavalry | 5★ | 25th January 2018 |
Eirika | Graceful Resolve | Red (Sword) | Cavalry | 5★ (Legendary) | 31st October 2018 |
Eirika | Gentle as Snow | Colorless (Staff) | Armored | 5★ (Seasonal) | 18th December 2018 |
Ephraim | Restoration Lord | Blue (Lance) | Infantry | 5★ | 15th February 2017 |
Ephraim | Legendary Lord | Blue (Lance) | Cavalry | 5★ (Legendary) | 28th February 2018 |
Ephraim | Sacred Twin Lord | Green (Axe) | Armored | 5★ | 21st August 2018 |
Ephraim | Sparkling Gallantly | Blue (Lance) | Armored | 5★ (Seasonal) | 18th December 2018 |
Seth | Silver Knight | Red (Sword) | Cavalry | 3 – 4★ | 15th August 2017 |
Lute | Prodigy | Blue (Tome) | Infantry | 5★ | 15th November 2017 |
Innes | Regal Strategician | Colorless (Bow) | Infantry | 5★ | 15th August 2017 |
Innes | Flawless Form | Green (Axe) | Flying | 5★ (Seasonal) | 21st June 2018 |
Tana | Winged Princess | Blue (Lance) | Flying | 5★ | 15th August 2017 |
Tana | Noble and Nimble | Red (Tome) | Flying | 5★ (Seasonal) | 21st June 2018 |
Lyon | Shadow Prince | Red (Tome) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ (GHB) | 26th January 2018 |
Valter | Dark Moonstone | Blue (Lance) | Flying | 3 – 4★ (GHB) | 21st August 2017 |
Amelia | Rose of the War | Green (Axe) | Armored | 5★ | 15th August 2017 |
Joshua | Tempest King | Red (Sword) | Infantry | 4 – 5★ (TT) | 21st November 2017 |
Marisa | Crimson Flash | Red (Sword) | Infantry | 4 – 5★ (TT) | 31st January 2018 |
L’Arachel | Princess of Light | Blue (Tome) | Cavalry | 4 – 5★ | 25th January 2018 |
Myrrh | Great Dragon | Green (Dragon) | Flying | 5★ | 25th January 2018 |
Myrrh | Spooky Monster | Red (Dragon) | Armored | 5★ (Seasonal) | 10th October 2018 |
Ike | Young Mercenary | Red (Sword) | Infantry | 5★ | 26th April 2017 |
Ike | Brave Mercenary | Green (Axe) | Infantry | 5★ | 31st August 2017 |
Ike | Stalwart Heart | Red (Sword) | Armor | 5★ (Seasonal) | 8th February 2019 |
Titania | Mighty Mercenary | Green (Axe) | Cavalry | 3 – 4★ | 26th April 2017 |
Titania | Warm Knight | Red (Tome) | Cavalry | 4 – 5★ (TT) | ??? |
Soren | Shrewd Strategist | Green (Tome) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ | 26th April 2017 |
Soren | Addled Strategist | Blue (Tome) | Cavalry | 5★ (Seasonal) | 8th February 2019 |
Mist | Helpful Sister | Colorless (Staff) | Infantry | 5★ | 26th April 2017 |
Mist | Purest Spirit | Green (Tome) | Cavalry | 5★ (Seasonal) | 8th February 2019 |
Greil | Heroic Exemplar | Green (Axe) | Armor | 5★ (Seasonal) | 8th February 2019 |
Oscar | Agile Horseman | Blue (Lance) | Cavalry | 3 – 4★ | 15th September 2017 |
Mia | Lady of Blades | Red (Sword) | Infantry | 5★ | 15th November 2017 |
Elincia | Lost Princess | Red (Sword) | Flying | 5★ | 15th September 2017 |
Nephenee | Fierce Halberdier | Blue (Lance) | Infantry | 5★ | 15th September 2017 |
Sanaki | Apostle in White | Green (Tome) | Flying | 5★ (Seasonal) | 21st May 2018 |
Black Knight | Sinister General | Red (Sword) | Armored | 4 – 5★ (TT) | 23rd September 2017 |
Micaiah | Priestess of Dawn | Blue (Tome) | Infantry | 5★ | 12th January 2018 |
Micaiah | Summer’s Dawn | Red (Tome) | Infantry | 5★ (Seasonal) | 10th August 2018 |
Sothe | Zephyr | Colorless (Dagger) | Infantry | 4 – 5★ | 12th January 2018 |
Mia | Moonlit Witch | Colorless (Staff) | Flying | 5★ (Seasonal) | 10th October 2018 |
Ike | Vanguard Legend | Red (Sword) | Infantry | 5★ (Legendary) | 31st January 2018 |
Elincia | Estival Princess | Green (Dagger) | Infantry | 5★ (Seasonal) | 10th August 2018 |
Tibarn | Lord of the Air | Red (Beast) | Flying | 5★ | 11th January 2019 |
Reyson | White Prince | Green (Beast) | Flying | 4 – 5★ | 11th January 2019 |
Leanne | Forest’s Song | Colorless (Beast) | Flying | 5★ | 11th January 2019 |
Naesala | Sky’s Shadow | Blue (Beast) | Flying | 3 – 4★ (GHB) | 12th January 2019 |
Nailah | Unflinching Eye | Blue (Beast) | Infantry | 5★ | 11th January 2019 |
Sanaki | Begnion’s Apostle | Red (Tome) | Infantry | 5★ | 27th February 2017 |
Zelgius | Jet-Black General | Red (Sword) | Armored | 5★ | 12th January 2018 |
Oliver | Admirer of Beauty | Blue (Tome) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ (GHB) | 14th January 2018 |
Chrom | Exalted Prince | Red (Sword) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Chrom | Spring Exalt | Green (Axe) | Infantry | 5★ (Seasonal) | 30th March 2017 |
Chrom | Gifted Leader | Green (Axe) | Armored | 5★ (Seasonal) | 18th December 2017 |
Chrom | Knight Exalt | Red (Sword) | Cavalry | 5★ | 9th March 2018 |
Robin | High Deliverer | Blue (Tome) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Robin | Festive Tactician | Blue (Lance) | Armored | 5★ (Seasonal) | 18th December 2017 |
Robin | Fell Reincarnation | Green (Dragon) | Armored | 5★ | 22nd February 2018 |
Robin | Mystery Tactician | Green (Tome) | Infantry | 2 – 4★ (GHB) | 23rd February 2017 |
Robin | Seaside Tactician | Blue (Lance) | Infantry | 5★ (Seasonal) | 30th June 2017 |
Robin | Fell Vessel | Colorless (Dragon) | Flying | 5★ (Legendary) | 29th March 2018 |
Lissa | Sprightly Cleric | Colorless (Staff) | Infantry | 1 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Lissa | Pure Joy | Green (Axe) | Armored | 5★ (Seasonal) | 18th December 2017 |
Frederick | Polite Knight | Green (Axe) | Cavalry | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Frederick | Horizon Watcher | Colorless (Dagger) | Infantry | 5★ (Seasonal) | 30th June 2017 |
Sully | Crimson Knight | Blue (Lance) | Cavalry | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Stahl | Viridian Knight | Red (Sword) | Cavalry | 1 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Sumia | Maid of Flowers | Blue (Lance) | Flying | 5★ | 20th July 2018 |
Maribelle | Dire Damsel | Colorless (Staff) | Cavalry | 5★ | 20th July 2018 |
Cordelia | Knight Paragon | Blue (Lance) | Flying | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Cordelia | Perfect Bride | Colorless (Bow) | Infantry | 5★ (Seasonal) | 30th May 2017 |
Cordelia | Knight Paradise | Blue (Lance) | Cavalry | 5★ (Seasonal) | 21st June 2018 |
Libra | Fetching Friar | Green (Axe) | Infantry | 4 – 5★ | 20th July 2018 |
Gaius | Candy Stealer | Colorless (Dagger) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Gaius | Thief Exposed | Colorless (Bow) | Infantry | 5★ (Seasonal) | 30th June 2017 |
Donnel | Village Hero | Blue (Lance) | Infantry | 1 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Lon’qu | Solitary Blade | Red (Sword) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Olivia | Blushing Beauty | Red (Sword) | Infantry | 1 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Olivia | Festival Dancer | Colorless (Dagger) | Infantry | 5★ (Seasonal) | 29th September 2017 |
Olivia | Sky-High Dancer | Red (Sword) | Flying | 5★ | 20th July 2018 |
Henry | Twisted Mind | Red (Tome) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Henry | Happy Vampire | Green (Tome) | Armored | 5★ (Seasonal) | 30th October 2017 |
Tharja | Dark Shadow | Red (Tome) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Tharja | “Normal Girl” | Red (Tome) | Armored | 5★ (Seasonal) | 18th December 2017 |
Tharja | Obsessive Bride | Red (Tome) | Infantry | 5★ (Seasonal) | 21st May 2018 |
Aversa | Dark One | Red (Tome) | Flying | 3 – 4★ (GHB) | 25th October 2018 |
Walhart | The Conqueror | Green (Axe) | Cavalry | 3 – 4★ (GHB) | 29th July 2018 |
Virion | Elite Archer | Colorless (Bow) | Infantry | 1 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Cherche | Wyvern Friend | Green (Axe) | Flying | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Tiki | Naga’s Voice | Red (Dragon) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Tiki | Summering Scion | Green (Axe) | Infantry | 5★ (Seasonal) | 30th June 2017 |
Nowi | Eternal Youth | Blue (Dragon) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Nowi | Eternal Witch | Red (Tome) | Flying | 5★ (Seasonal) | 30th October 2017 |
Lucina | Future Witness | Red (Sword) | Infantry | 5★ | Launch Day |
Lucina | Spring Exalt | Blue (Tome) | Infantry | 5★ (Seasonal) | 30th March 2017 |
Marth | Enigmatic Blade | Red (Sword) | Infantry | 4 – 5★ (TT) | 8th June 2017 |
Lucina | Brave Princess | Blue (Lance) | Infantry | 5★ | 31st August 2017 |
Lucina | Glorious Archer | Blue (Bow) | Infantry | 5★ (Legendary) | 31st July 2018 |
Owain | Chosen One | Red (Sword) | Infantry | 5★ | 23rd October 2018 |
Inigo | Indigo Dancer | Green (Tome) | Infantry | 5★ (Seasonal) | 29th September 2017 |
Gerome | Masked Rider | Green (Axe) | Flying | 4 – 5★ (TT) | 15th March 2018 |
Morgan | Lad from Afar | Red (Tome) | Infantry | 4 – 5★ | 9th March 2018 |
Morgan | Lass from Afar | Blue (Tome) | Flying | 5★ | 9th March 2018 |
Noire | Shade Seeker | Colorless (Bow) | Infantry | 5★ (Seasonal) | 21st June 2018 |
Corrin | Fateful Prince | Red (Sword) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Corrin | Enjoying Tradition | Colorless (Bow) | Infantry | 4 – 5★ (TT) | 16th January 2018 |
Corrin | Dream Prince | Blue (Dragon) | Infantry | 5★ | 9th November 2018 |
Corrin | Fateful Princess | Blue (Dragon) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Corrin | Novice Vactioner | Blue (Tome) | Flying | 5★ (Seasonal) | 28th July 2017 |
Corrin | Dream Princess | Green (Dragon) | Infantry | 5★ | 9th November 2018 |
Azura | Lady of the Lake | Blue (Lance) | Infantry | 5★ | Launch Day |
Azura | Lady of Ballads | Green (Axe) | Infantry | 5★ (Seasonal) | 29th September 2017 |
Azura | Celebratory Spirit | Green (Axe) | Flying | 5★ (Seasonal) | 31st December 2017 |
Azura | Young Songstress | Green (Tome) | Infantry | 4 – 5★ (TT) | 12th November 2018 |
Azura | Vallite Songstress | Blue (Tome) | Flying | 5★ (Legendary) | 28th December 2018 |
Gunter | Inveterate Soldier | Green (Axe) | Cavalry | 1 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Felicia | Maid Mayhem | Colorless (Dagger) | Infantry | 1 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Jakob | Devoted Servant | Colorless (Dagger) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Jakob | Devoted Monster | Colorless (Bow) | Armored | 5★ (Seasonal) | 30th October 2017 |
Mikoto | Caring Mother | Colorless (Staff) | Infantry | 5★ | 9th November 2018 |
Ryoma | Peerless Samurai | Red (Sword) | Infantry | 5★ | Launch Day |
Ryoma | Supreme Samurai | Red (Sword) | Flying | 5★ (Legendary) | 30th May 2018 |
Ryoma | Dancing Samurai | Blue (Dagger) | Infantry | 5★ (Seasonal) | 10th August 2018 |
Ryoma | Samurai at Ease | Blue (Lance) | Flying | 5★ (Seasonal) | 23rd January 2019 |
Saizo | Angry Ninja | Colorless (Dagger) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Kagero | Honorable Ninja | Colorless (Dagger) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Kagero | Spring Ninja | Colorless (Dagger) | Flying | 5★ (Seasonal) | 22nd March 2018 |
Kagero | Beverage Ninja | Green (Dagger) | Armored | 5★ (Seasonal) | 10th October 2018 |
Hinoka | Warrior Princess | Blue (Lance) | Flying | 5★ | Launch Day |
Hinoka | Blue Sky Warrior | Colorless (Bow) | Flying | 5★ | 24th April 2018 |
Hinoka | Relaxed Warrior | Green (Dagger) | Flying | 5★ (Seasonal) | 23rd January 2019 |
Azama | Carefree Monk | Colorless (Staff) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Setsuna | Absent Archer | Colorless (Bow) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Takumi | Wild Card | Colorless (Bow) | Infantry | 4 – 5★ (Note) | Launch Day |
Takumi | Prince of Soup | Colorless (Dagger) | Infantry | 5★ (Seasonal) | 31st December 2017 |
Takumi | Empty Vessel | Colorless (Bow) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ (GHB) | 24th February 2018 |
Takumi | Prince at Play | Colorless (Bow) | Flying | 5★ (Seasonal) | 10th July 2018 |
Hinata | Wild Samurai | Red (Sword) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Oboro | Fierce Fighter | Blue (Lance) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Sakura | Loving Priestess | Colorless (Staff) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Sakura | Gentle Nekomata | Colorless (Dagger) | Infantry | 5★ (Seasonal) | 30th October 2017 |
Sakura | Hot-Spring Healer | Colorless (Staff) | Flying | 5★ (Seasonal) | 23rd January 2019 |
Hana | Focused Samurai | Red (Sword) | Infantry | 1 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Subaki | Perfect Expert | Blue (Lance) | Flying | 1 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Kaze | Easygoing Ninja | Colorless (Dagger) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ (Note) | 2nd May 2018 |
Garon | King of Nohr | Red (Breath) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ (GHB) | 20th September 2018 |
Xander | Paragon Knight | Red (Sword) | Cavalry | 3 – 4★ (GHB) | 2nd May 2017 |
Xander | Spring Prince | Blue (Lance) | Cavalry | 5★ (Seasonal) | 30th March 2017 |
Xander | Student Swimmer | Green (Axe) | Infantry | 5★ (Seasonal) | 28th July 2017 |
Xander | Dancing Knight | Colorless (Dagger) | Infantry | 5★ (Seasonal) | 10th August 2018 |
Laslow | Dancing Duelist | Red (Sword) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Peri | Playful Slayer | Blue (Lance) | Cavalry | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Camilla | Bewitching Beauty | Green (Axe) | Flying | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Camilla | Spring Princess | Green (Tome) | Flying | 5★ (Seasonal) | 30th March 2017 |
Camilla | Holiday Traveler | Red (Sword) | Flying | 5★ (Seasonal) | 31st December 2017 |
Camilla | Tropical Beauty | Blue (Tome) | Flying | 5★ (Seasonal) | 10th July 2018 |
Camilla | Flower of Fantasy | Red (Tome) | Flying | 5★ | 9th November 2018 |
Camilla | Steamy Secrets | Colorless (Dagger) | Flying | 4 – 5★ (TT) | 26th January 2019 |
Selena | Cutting Wit | Red (Sword) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Beruka | Quiet Assassin | Green (Axe) | Flying | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Leo | Sorcerous Prince | Red (Tome) | Cavalry | 5★ | Launch Day |
Leo | Seashore’s Prince | Red (Tome) | Infantry | 5★ (Seasonal) | 28th July 2017 |
Odin | Potent Force | Blue (Tome) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Niles | Cruel to Be Kind | Colorless (Bow) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Niles | Forbidden Tease | Blue (Bow) | Armored | 5★ (Seasonal) | 10th October 2018 |
Elise | Budding Flower | Colorless (Staff) | Cavalry | 5★ | Launch Day |
Elise | Tropical Flower | Green (Tome) | Infantry | 5★ (Seasonal) | 28th July 2017 |
Elise | Bubbling Flower | Red (Dagger) | Flying | 5★ (Seasonal) | 23rd January 2019 |
Arthur | Hapless Hero | Green (Axe) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Effie | Army of One | Blue (Lance) | Armored | 3 – 4★ | Launch Day |
Silas | Loyal Knight | Blue (Lance) | Cavalry | 4 – 5★ | 14th September 2018 |
Charlotte | Money Maiden | Blue (Lance) | Infantry | 5★ (Seasonal) | 30th May 2017 |
Flora | Cold as Ice | Red (Dagger) | Infantry | 5★ | 14th September 2018 |
Kana | Dragon Spawn | Blue (Dragon) | Infantry | 3 – 4★ (GHB) | 3rd May 2018 |
Kana | Dragon Princess | Green (Dragon) | Infantry | 5★ | 24th April 2018 |
Shigure | Dark Sky Singer | Blue (Tome) | Infantry | 5★ (Seasonal) | 29th September 2017 |
Shigure | Uplifting Artist | Blue (Lance) | Flying | 4 – 5★ | 24th April 2018 |
Shiro | Raw Talent | Blue (Lance) | Infantry | 5★ | 4th December 2017 |
Rhajat | Black Magician | Green (Tome) | Infantry | 5★ | 2nd December 2017 |
Siegbert | Future King | Red (Sword) | Cavalry | 5★ | 4th December 2017 |
Ophelia | Dramatic Heroine | Blue (Tome) | Infantry | 5★ | 14th September 2018 |
Soleil | Adorable Admirer | Red (Sword) | Infantry | 4 – 5★ | 4th December 2017 |
Nina | Eye Spy | Colorless (Bow) | Infantry | 5★ | 14th September 2018 |