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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Genealogy of the Holy War

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  1. So don't play. League is most fun for me now when I have a buddy online and we just shoot the breeze while playing arams or getting a first win, so I don't bother with ranked/normals.
  2. Hey, wasn't there a remake project of FE4 that did exactly this? A while ago now. I think it got hung up on the pairings ASM.
  3. I cleared normal with basic decks, and class challenge is easy too. I like the last boss on heroic, that's an actual puzzle.
  4. 2800? I got a decent play set and abused the reroll bug to force 60g and 100g quests, which I proceeded to complete in play mode. 6000 gold and counting. If you just want to go net positive on value (reward+pack > 150), it's a lot easier. This particularly true if you're farming gold for cards. Net positive on gold...yeah, what he said up there. I know people who do, but you're better off doing play mode and quests. Always reroll a 40g.
  5. I got doubles of Sigurd and Tiltyu, and when Siggy's head fell off I glued it to Tiltyu's free hand. I thought it was funny.
  6. Sivir has 500 range. I'd say it's a valid fix.
  7. Kiriane

    Summer School

    Is it going to get you credit for the next school year? Jump a grade?
  8. Altenna does show up in the jealousy system.
  9. Do you take out your phone immediately when you get a notification? Depends on how important the text is that I'm expecting Chatting with face to face conversation only to have them take out their cellphones just to check a text message when a notification sound clicks in? Sometimes they do that. I only do when I'm expecting something important, and it can always wait until I finish my point and say, excuse me for a second. Walking down their street with their phones out in their hands? Bad bad bad idea. Meetings where co-workers are more interested in their phones then the suppose task at hand? Seen it. Movies where people take their phones out? Lectures and class interruptions? They're usually good enough to keep it on silent, and sure, I spent most of my lecture hours in school only half listening at best. Work interruptions? Not sure what you mean, people use their phones for work all the time. In short, there's always the question of how important is the text you're expecting? Important enough to do something relatively impolite in company?
  10. Link to patch notes? I don't see it edit: now it's up for NA and I still don't see nightmare bots
  11. I hate all you control warrior types
  12. That is true. Support doesn't get either interesting or useful until high plat+, whatever anyone else is saying.
  13. Wards are for noobs. If you need a ward to tell you where 4/5 of the opposing team is, your map awareness needs improvement.
  14. Texas where? I'm not aware of any such issues. Sample size 1 though.
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