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About LorisaGoldfish

  • Birthday December 19


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    Games, cartoons, anime, all that shtuff
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    Three Houses

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  1. Dang, Seiros was ruthless, and I love it. Also loved when she kicked Nemesis in the face 😆
  2. I have a new sudden love for Bernadetta lmao Also Claude with that burn! Excited to see more stuff like this when playing the game 😄
  3. Edelgard and Claude both being bi is awesome! I wish they would've included Dimitri as well though, especially since there seemingly aren't any male bi characters in the blue lions. Unless there's a character that shows up or a relationship that unlocks after the timeskip. Love all the female options though, except Sothis I guess 😛 I'll definitely be romancing Edelgard in my Black Eagles playthrough.
  4. Really liking the voices they've shown so far. Annette's singing was absolutely adorable and Gilbert being her dad is pretty interesting! Though they have quite the strong family resemblance it makes me wonder why no one has theorized about this already 😛
  5. Woah, those look awesome! No idea as to the meaning/story behind them though.
  6. Somehow I was able to narrow it down to 2 choices per house and one of each gender! (guess I'm bi to the core lol) In black eagles I chose Edelgard and Linhardt, in blue lions, Dimitri and Mercedes, and in golden deer, Claude and Hilda. There are several others that might sway me though, such as Caspar, Marianne, Petra, Ferdinand or Sylvain. I actually really like all the character we've seen so far!
  7. lol I've watched both trailers so many times and still never noticed this. That symbol definitely looks like some sort of support increase. I guess this means that training/teaching students can also increase their support level with Byleth? That doesn't sound good for people who aren't a fan of this whole student/teacher relationship stuff.
  8. Wow! It's amazing what a difference that makes. I didn't even think Chinatsu's eyes were that weird until seeing your edits side by side with them lol, especially Ashe. Good job though, your versions have so much more depth and life to them^^ I'm a woman and I find Claude to be pretty appealing. Everyone has different tastes and preferences no matter their sexuality, you know?
  9. Out of the characters we've seen so far, the only one with a darker skin tone is Claude, which is kinda disappointing. I like Claude from what I've seen of him so far, but it would be nice to have more characters with varied races. The characters overall kinda don't stand apart much and I think having some different races would've helped design-wise as well as for representation. But obviously it's not like we've seen all of the characters in the game yet so hopefully there'll be at least one or two more. (I mean, even more than that would be ideal, but I know not to get my hopes up lol) I think it would be good to have maybe at least 1 gay character and 1+ bi character per gender. I also think IS and Nintendo know that they would receive some amount of backlash if there weren't any LGBT+ characters in Three Houses since they were included in Fates. The more queer characters, the better, to me, but I think we can expect at least two. I've seen people complain about potentially missing out on a child character but 1) as many people have already mentioned, adoptions/surrogates are a thing (and also magic) and 2) there may not even be a second gen in three houses, so I don't think that's really a viable excuse to not include gay/bi characters in this game. Another point I've seen people try to make is that straight people won't like that they can't romance a character that is gay and not bi, but honestly while I enjoy the matchmaking aspects of FE it's not the end of the world to have a character that can't be romanced by the avatar. In fact, I think it would be a good thing. Other games, such as Stardew Valley, have regular villagers that are not romance-able, and it's something I think FE would benefit from (not having the world revolve around the avatar so much). As for supports, hopefully they'll focus on quality over quantity, especially after Fates. I'll remain optimistic for now.
  10. The standout designs that I like the best so far (aside from the main characters) are Petra, Hilda, Ashe, Raphael and Mercedes. I like Dorothea a lot as well but her hat looks a bit too modern and out of place in the setting. And I don't get the Ferdinand hate lol I think he looks fine. I'm also not super fond of female Byleth's outfit compared to her male counterpart. Overall I think I need to see more of the characters' personalities before I can choose which house I'd go with first. (I may not decide until I actually play the game lol)
  11. No problem! And yeah, that sounds pretty plausible. I wonder how closely connected to the church our main characters are and why they might use a church as their base of operations.
  12. If the story does involve going against the church, one thing that I thought was interesting was that the "home base"/MyCastle type area that we see Byleth running around in looks very church-like: The inside even has the pews and the altar and everything. Not sure what it means for the story though. Maybe you start off the game on the same side as the church?
  13. So, for the other characters that have shown up in the trailer besides our main four (Edel, Dimitri, Claude, Byleth), there's Dragon Goddess Lady: And Sleeping Loli: I feel like she's probably a descendant of hers or something. They look similar enough. Then there's Whip-Sword Guy: and the Important looking Priestess(?) Lady: who, if we're going with the whole "church is evil" plot line, she might be the villain, and maybe the old guy will play a role similar to Gunter in Fates. Or, maybe he's a bad guy too, and he works under the Priestess lady as some kind of Holy Knight. The flower in her hair also appears to be the same as the goddess' which is a nice little design element. Then we have Hilda and Mercedes: Design-wise they look fine, if not a bit bland. There's these four guys who are very in the background so it's kinda hard to get the details: but they look alright I guess. Mustached Mage dude looks cool. The white/gray haired guy looks reminiscent of Robin and Henry to me, but I feel like personality-wise, he'll probably be nothing like them. The other two are just meh. And can't forget Random Mage Girl: such a great design. So beautiful and detailed. (jk)
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