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Zodok the Priest

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Everything posted by Zodok the Priest

  1. How about Dragon Quest 8 music? A lot of DQ8 music is orchestrated.
  2. Yar ho Sunwoo Id be mistaken for a bear if I came to ye pad should a beard be grown lol.
  3. I myself if I wanted to can grow a lumberjack beard I just hate beards.
  4. How big is Revelation in Blocks? I'm just curious.
  5. Thanks for the info Sunwoo:http://nintendoeverything.com/pre-order-fire-emblem-fates-at-gamestop-get-three-character-keychains/ This now includes the Special Edition as well.
  6. I remember my little niece who is 4 years old ask me "Who put this poop in my pants?" Let's just say I was like this -_- the rest of the day.
  7. Welcome, welcome to serenes forest where all your nightmares can come true we hope you have a terrible time and recommend us to everyone you know so they too can experience the hellish nightmare.
  8. You and me both mate that was the fight against Seymour Flux (Shiver) just thinking about that fight gives me the chills.
  9. That's the one thing that made me think to myself oh s*** what have I gotten myself into I should have continued on with the game lol. But I'll be honest with you I don't hate the game I just hate that boss fight I should honestly go back to the game it has been about 5 years since I've played it so who knows maybe I've gotten better I have to played several RPG's since then. But that theme kicks so much ass even in the remastered versison sounds even better.
  10. Believe me I've tried Bahamut I use the Overdrive and managed to take off about 15,000 to 20,000 HP with that move alone but once he kills the Aeon he manages to get three turns before I get to act again thus using total annihilation and various other things like the status effect Zombie and therefore wiping out what's left of my party. I've tried various strategies I looked online for help I have grinded for hours but to no avail can I beat this boss even after 5 attempts so that's why I've quit. I just ended up looking at the ending online thank God for YouTube.
  11. Basically any Seymour fights from Final Fantasy X but I would say the third Seymour battle is the hardest boss fight in the game and is honestly the very reason I have given up on Final Fantasy X. All I can say is F**K YOU SEYMOUR FLUX
  12. If a DOE destroyed a part of your town and don't have the money to repair the facilities the facilities will repair them selfs after a little while by going in a few dungeons (I'd recommend the first dungeon of the game since it's what 5-6 floors deep?). I believe you have to finish the dungeon by going to the bottom and warping back to town keep going through dungeons a few times and if I remember correctly will fix itself and you won't have to pay a single En. ;-)
  13. No problem I had to learn the hard way lol.
  14. You can disable skills to your liking so they only use what you want them to use. Go to Skills then press Y on any skills you wish to disable. This way they won't consume TP as much or any at all depending on your preferences.
  15. Nothing boring about that I have a basic party of Landsknecht, Protector, Runemaster, and Medic. Pretty lame right but I have made one of every other party member so far Gunner, Dancer, Hexer, Ninja, Sovereign, and Wanderer all at roughly even levels.
  16. Nope I do not pay for Pokemon Shuffle or Pokemon Rumble World I just wait for the timer to run out and play it again this in turn allows me to play other games on my backlog while playing Pokemon Shuffle/Rumble World.
  17. I saw that and I'm intrigued. Project X zone was very unique the problem for me is some of the maps were very long and tedious I would play for like an hour a day right after around chapter 20 that's how tedious it was. Let's hope PXZ2 will fix some of those problems. Now don't get me wrong I liked the first game, but I felt like it dragged on longer than it should have.
  18. Good luck with that. What's your YT user name? what do you post on your YT account?
  19. I am pretty excited for this game but I'm not impatient in waiting for it, and I have other games in my backlog I need to finish anyway. Etrian Odyssey series I'm looking at you >_>.
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