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Rekt no Ken

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  1. I'm looking for all of the Artworks books. Hopefully someone in Japan is gracious enough to help out like usual.
  2. Julian card just posted on the Cipher Twitter! "【カード紹介】シスターのレナを救うために盗賊団を抜けたジュリアンです。相手のデッキのカードを公開させ、その結果を次の行動に反映させられるというテクニカルなスキルが使えます。(Illust:伊藤未生) #FEcipher " source: https://twitter.com/FEcipher/status/606736858790305792 I felt like, now that the TCG has its own separate sub-forum (which is awesome btw!), everyone who's interested will be checking both threads so I didn't feel the need to post this in the General Cipher translations thread. If someone else wants to, or thinks we should post new cards in both threads anytime they're posted, please feel free to share your thoughts.
  3. New Miriel card! This is actually the first Miriel card I remember seeing. "【カード紹介】スターターデッキ限定カードの1枚、「覚醒篇」のミリエルです。商品にはミリエルのホログラム加工のカードも入っています。手札を操作するスキルを持っています。(Illust:とよた瑣織) #FEcipher " source: https://twitter.com/FEcipher/status/605712302977875968
  4. New Miriel card! This is actually the first Miriel card I remember seeing. "【カード紹介】スターターデッキ限定カードの1枚、「覚醒篇」のミリエルです。商品にはミリエルのホログラム加工のカードも入っています。手札を操作するスキルを持っています。(Illust:とよた瑣織) #FEcipher " source: https://twitter.com/FEcipher/status/605712302977875968
  5. New Minerva card courtesy of the FE: Cipher Twitter: 【カード紹介】ドラゴンナイトのミネルバです。飛行ユニットがいるほどアップする戦闘力と、弓の持つ「飛行特効」を無効にするスキルで、主人公としても活躍できるユニットとなっています。(Illust:島崎麻里) #FEcipher source: https://twitter.com/FEcipher/status/605283719687995392
  6. New Minerva card courtesy of the FE: Cipher Twitter: 【カード紹介】ドラゴンナイトのミネルバです。飛行ユニットがいるほどアップする戦闘力と、弓の持つ「飛行特効」を無効にするスキルで、主人公としても活躍できるユニットとなっています。(Illust:島崎麻里) #FEcipher source: https://twitter.com/FEcipher/status/605283719687995392
  7. Virion card posted by the FE: Cipher twitter. "【カード紹介】貴族的な弓使いヴィオールです。原作通り、弓は飛行ユニットに対して絶大な効果を誇り、攻撃時の戦闘力が大幅アップする特性を持っています。(Illust:煎茶) #FEcipher " Source: https://twitter.com/FEcipher/status/603802078838939648 Again, I'm posting in both Cipher-related threads just in case. Hope that's ok. No problem
  8. Virion card posted by the FE: Cipher twitter. "【カード紹介】貴族的な弓使いヴィオールです。原作通り、弓は飛行ユニットに対して絶大な効果を誇り、攻撃時の戦闘力が大幅アップする特性を持っています。(Illust:煎茶) #FEcipher " Source: https://twitter.com/FEcipher/status/603802078838939648 Again, I'm posting in both Cipher-related threads just in case. Hope that's ok.
  9. The FE Cipher Twitter just updated with a look at a Cordelia card. "【カード紹介】天才騎士ティアモです。1ターンで2回攻撃が可能になる「疾風迅雷」を使いこなせば、戦局を有利に進められます。戦闘力がやや低いので、仲間との連携がカギとなります。(Illust:YangYang) #FEcipher " source: https://twitter.com/FEcipher/status/603395505922547712 I wasn't sure if I should post this in here or the general TCG thread so I posted them in the both. Apologies.
  10. The FE Cipher Twitter just updated with a look at a Cordelia card. "【カード紹介】天才騎士ティアモです。1ターンで2回攻撃が可能になる「疾風迅雷」を使いこなせば、戦局を有利に進められます。戦闘力がやや低いので、仲間との連携がカギとなります。(Illust:YangYang) #FEcipher " source: https://twitter.com/FEcipher/status/603395505922547712 I wasn't sure if I should post this in here or the Twitter thread so I posted them in the both. Apologies.
  11. The latest issue of Dengeki Nintendo has some info pertaining to the card game like "How To Play" and HQ card art. Not sure if it's already known but I figure I'd share it here. Thanks to Cysx for finding and posting in the first place. The pics are quite big so I put them under spoiler:
  12. Instead of Vaike rhyming with "rake" like it's supposed to, I pronounce the name as if it rhymed with "bike."
  13. Thank you for the help! I went ahead and pre-ordered it. Although I do not have a scanner, I can take pictures of the book when it arrives. Hopefully someone else with a scanner will be able to get a hold of it.
  14. Is this link the issue that will come with the FE artbook? It says it's the July issue and will be released on May 21, 2015 http://www.amazon.co.jp/Nintendo-DREAM-2015%E5%B9%B4-07-%E6%9C%88%E5%8F%B7/dp/B00UJXL4D0/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1431933635&sr=8-1&keywords=nintendo+dream+2015
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