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  1. Nobody was trying to pin dissatisfaction as entirely western concept, so calm down. Just from what I see (and the friends I have who are foreign), the lack of patience and desperate need for everything to be detailed and explained (read: entitlement) is something I generally see from my western friends more. Everyone can be (and should be in some cases) dissatisfied about certain aspects of the game or things in general. I don't think being disappointed in poor handling is exclusive to anyone. They've handled things poorly. It's a fact. But maybe I'm just judging it from my friends (which clearly do not represent everyone), but they have tons more patience about the way the game is going and understand developing times/etc. They still complain, but it's generally not about the speed OR a desperate need for the company to tell them everything. They complain, and know their concerns will eventually be addressed if they do it loud enough. Instead of calling people fools, you should probably take a glance in the mirror. Or you know ... read a post fully or ask for clarification. - But onto the topic. I'm thinking if we get enough tickets I might go for Eirika, because it would definitely be helpful to have an armored healer. Definitely won't spend more than 20-ish orbs on it though, but might wait until near the end of the banner run to see all that's going on. But with New Years right around the corner, I'm thinking I want some NY!Takumi/Azura merges, so I might hold off until there's only a couple days left and see how many orbs I have!
  2. It is true, actually, scrawny men and chubby men are not generally seen as sexually hot unless it's a very specific preference. I agree 100%, but it is GENERALLY true, which is what makes something sexualized or not. I don't think that's right by any means, but we have beauty "standards" for a reason. We're generally conditioned to like certain things, muscled dudes being one of them. Everyone has a wide variety of preferences, but what does fan service cater to?? The standards. What is standard? Muscles for men. Big boobs and ass for girls. It's the standard. It's what they cater too.
  3. Uhhh, yes. Yes it is. Haha. I'm not saying it's right, I'm just saying it's a thing. And just because you don't find something sexual, doesn't mean it isn't! But a regular guy (no muscles) swimming? That's not sexual, because like ... well, to put it simply, muscles are hot because it implies a certain amount of dominance and a man being able to pick you up and throw you around (in a good way), and so a typical scrawny or chubby dude isn't considering sexual because it's seen as less masculine. And masculinity is sexualized. In the same way big boobs (a sign of femininity) is sexualized. Doesn't make it right, but that's sorta how it's seen.
  4. Ummm...sorry, but a picture of a random hot dude with muscles mowing his lawn IS fan service. That's so hot. Muscles on men are sexual. Including the 'V' of their abs disappearing into their pants. Pose and presentation matter, but muscles are sexualized generally, and a shirtless guy is pretty sexual. Why do guys take off their shirts at clubs if not for the fact that's a sexual act?
  5. Orrrr, you could understand cultural differences more and not be so quick to lose patience in the first place. It's a bit self-centered to think they need to be more communicative to make western players happy. Honestly, Western culture could just stand to be MORE understanding and patient in the first place. Furthermore, even in our culture, companies are NOT that open about what's going on. Also, player's complain about everything. Nobody is going to be happy. I personally don't find any issues about refresher units+ponies in Aether Raids. I find the best strategies to counter them (the point of the game). A lot of players don't care about Voting Gauntlet multipliers because it's just a mobile game, so why wake up in the middle of the night for it? How are they gonna fix that for a small minority of players? Yes they can clean up the 5* pool, but honestly they probably make more money from it being bloated, so from that standpoint it makes sense to be slow about addressing t. They don't need to TELL you they're cutting costs or spending more resources on Three Houses, and realistically knowing all the legal hoops a company has to jump through (working in Advertising/PR) it makes sense they're not going that in depth. They do communicate (slowly) and if you've been playing heroes since the beginning you should KNOW they move slow, so like ... why don't you have patience? And they already explained finding artists/producing assets/recording VO's and programming takes months. Do they really need to explain WHY as well for people to suddenly have patience and understanding?
  6. Congrats on the two Eirs!! That's an awesome spread of stuff!! And she's super helpful in Aether Raids for sure. I also got 2, so the extra lift has been awesome!!
  7. I agree Ephraim is definitely tempting, but I also REALLY dislike armors, and I know it's like a running gag to have armors that don't LOOK like armor's, but honestly I don't really like the trend. And also I know they're whale bait and they need the money, but I don't see why they can't make a banner that's MOSTLY armor's and maybe have one infantry or flying unit. It's fine though, because I get to keep saving my orbs, which is what I WISHED for. But do like the artwork for Ephraim and Eirika, though it's strange we get another Eirika alt right after she gets a Legendary, I wonder why they planned it like that. I don't even care about the millions of alts, but that one does feel a bit close together. Nice skills, maybe if I get a free one in the pull, I can fodder them off!!
  8. Ughhh, I'm hoping the same thing!! Haha. I don't even have a guess this time though. I just hope they're all armors or something and then I won't want them!
  9. I like this summoning ticket business. I got 2 Eir's (somehow BOTH neutral!) today because of it! So I just merged her for the lovely boost in Aether Raids!
  10. That's weird. I'm F2P and I foddered Fjorm off immediately. And then I got her again on a Legendary banner and foddered her off again! Haha. I didn't like her design, and I hate having random characters sit uselessly in my barracks. I would fodder off Sharena and Anna if I could (or if they had any worthwhile skills). Lol. But I hate random related quests to the things we get for free! Luckily I love Eir's design/etc, so I'm using her, but it's still annoying whenever we got Fjorm stuff. And it's annoying when we get Sharena and Anna stuff because they're still 2*. XD
  11. I hate this. I've gotten over FOUR 5* L'Arachel and COUNTLESS 4* it murders me. She's always my stupid blue pitybreaker, her curls and smile are now the bane of my summoning existence! But I wanna save orbs for the Beast units (don't care about the two revealed thus far, TBH, but hoping the other one or two are beasts I care about!), but also know they can totally screw me with Christmas and New Years. I hate armors, so if they do another all Armor Christmas, it's an easy skip, but then again I said that about Halloween and I HAD to get Halloween Niles, so we shall see. And New Years I loved NY!Takumi and NY!Azura, so if they do another cute theme like that, I'm probably sunk. But they could also totally do a FE game I haven't played and then I could use the rest of December to save orbs! I'm currently at like 130-ish, and wanna save at least 100 for beast units. And I don't *think* I'll pull on any of the other banners, except maybe to get Kliff if he's NOT with Lukas.
  12. Not really hard, but Infernal did take me several tries. I beat the first two with my team of Ike, B!Ike, L!Ike and Soren. Haha. And was TRYING to beat Infernal with them, but just couldn't, so I took away part of the handicap and used L!Ike and Soren, and Flying!Olivia and Veronica as support and then it went MUCH better. That stupid blue flying mage did more damage to Soren than I was expecting. But pulled out with some clever dancing and healing, so it wasn't that hard. But bummed I couldn't do it with my team of Ike's + Soren. Haha.
  13. Interesting. I got Owain as my free pull, and then Exalted Chrom halfway through (because no colorless orbs appeared). So I'm done for a little. Only spent like 40 orbs, refuse to fall below a 100 saved for Holiday/eventual Laguz banner. But it would be nice to give Eir a merge (I swear it's not because I like the little blue background in their portraits and I hate when characters don't have it).
  14. OMG but same. My first thought was "Omg, who is this hunk?!" And then I realized I'm shameful. XD But either way. <33
  15. Same. Robin's new weapon is pretty crap. Blarserpent+ is a much better fit for him. It would be better if the Rally Spectrum applied to Robin as well (a +4 in all his stats would do wonders), but without it, it doesn't really do anything except make him a support unit. And I much prefer him as an active member.
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