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About Pikappa93

  • Birthday 03/22/1993

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  1. I believe I found a weird bug. In my Maddening save file, units will no longer use their unique quotes when defeating an enemy while engaged (like "I never yield" while engaged with Marth etc.). Curiously, this isn't the case in my Hard mode save file. Did this happen to anyone else?
  2. Sorry to bring this up again, I know it's very trivial stuff but it's bothering me to no end lol Can someone check if they have this particular soundtrack unlocked? Thanks!
  3. Not exactly a question but I think I've run into a weird bug? In the music log I've unlocked the Tear Streaked (Ice) song but not the calm version. I'm at chapter 19. Did this happen to anyone else?
  4. I'm in my Verdant Wind playthrough, and yes, I also wish they'd give Claude more character. I love him to death nonetheless. I still have to play Silver Snow. Crimson Flower and Azure Moon both satisfied me (even though Crimson Flower really needed more of it). But I can say that overall I love the worldbuilding TH has, opposed to the letdown that Fates was. EDIT: Speaking of worldbuilding, if we ever get a sequel of sorts, I'd like it to take place out of Fódlan, like in Dagda or maybe even Almyra. There's so much potential in there.
  5. I can only agree with Conquest gameplay and maybe prettier graphics, because 3H is kinda shallow in that department. Other than that, I find 3H superior in every way for reasons other people already explained better than I could. I'm noticing we're entering a phase in which it's cool to criticize 3H, and that's okay if you didn't like it, but baity titles like this... I don't know. Fates was criticized by everyone as soon as launch because its flaws were evident, this didn't happen with 3H because while it has its flaws too they're not as messy as Fates's. To suddenly say "Fates was actually good" after years of criticism looks like a mixture of based nostalgia for the 3DS era and claiming something controversial just for the sake of it. Just my opinion, of course.
  6. Everything seems to be very plausible at least. Time will tell.
  7. I agree that the game has its flaws, but this thread is basically "let's dislike it at any cost, I want to dislike it, you should dislike it too". There are flaws, sure, but saying the story is worse than Fates is... Well.
  8. Black Eagles, I chose F!Byleth just to marry Caspar.
  9. Even in that case you're not safe. Back then, I pre-ordered Fates Limited Edition at the store. They only got 1 copy in day 1 and I was lucky because I was the very first to pre-order. Everyone else was screwed. So yeah, I wouldn't trust Gamestop at all in general. Never got a single game from them ever again.
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