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Desert Mage

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About Desert Mage

  • Birthday 06/25/1997

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Path of Radiance

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  1. Happy birthday!

  2. I found a few more things I was curious about and that might be grammatical errors (also these pictures come out really big and I don't know how to make them smaller so I guess I'll just link to them from now on if that is okay.) I believe all of these things are from chapter 1, except for the Holyn dialogue obviously. http://i.imgur.com/mO4JOnA.png In this scene, Eldigan says both "and" and "nor." Since nor is already a conjunction, I'm pretty sure it might be more correct to just use that one. http://i.imgur.com/KRJmRuF.png This one is more of a comprehension error. Because Sigurd asks "Have you been hurt?" last, it seems like that is what Deirdre is saying yes to, as opposed to "Are you alright?" If the Japanese here is done how I think it is, then I can see how it would make sense there but not here. http://i.imgur.com/10HFnQO.png This one may have been pointed out, but I don't believe it was. I feel like you meant to write it as "That's why I ask... What are you doing here?" as opposed to "what you are doing here?" I don't think it is wrong, but I feel like the implied intonation in which this is read comes out weird. It's kind of hard to explain and it might just be me, but I thought I would bring it up. http://i.imgur.com/QlOi5RO.png Since "but" isn't being used here to connect two full separate sentences (which is why you don't need a comma) I believe your verb conjugations are supposed to agree. What I mean is that I would either write this as "I've done nothing but chase the money" or "I've been doing nothing but chasing the money"
  3. Alright sorry about that one then. I just wasn't really sure.
  4. First of all, thanks for this translation! I appreciate the work that has been put into it. I just started playing today, but I noticed something that might be an inconsistency in chapter 1. I'm not sure if its a big deal but here the word is spelled "defense" and here again it is spelled with an "s." This one, however, is spelled with a "c." Both are correct, but I figured you might not have noticed this and might want to change it for consistency. One last thing, I believe there should be a comma between "massacre" and "burn" ( "they'll loot, massacre, and burn") but I've heard that not every formal institution sees that as necessary. EDIT: I've been made aware that this is actually fully acceptable as it is
  5. I think this hack looks pretty good. I've played a few chapters in, and while spanish is not my first language I still understand whats going on for the most part. I do have one question, which may have been brought up earlier but I did not see it adressed. In a few early chapters the bosses were edited to have weapons with a range of 1-2 in their inventory. I originally thought this was to counteract the fact that you get a bow-user earlier than usual in this hack, but due to the fact that he has a bow with the capability to hit from 3 spaces away anyway, I'm not sure I fully understand the point of this change. It could be that I'm wasting Ixion by using it in these situations, but I'm not sure. It isn't really a problem or anything I just happen to be curious about this change. Regardless, so far I've enjoyed the hack and sorry if this question was already brought up.
  6. Thanks for the warm welcome everybody! To answer this question, and the one Jeheza asked, I really liked Ike. I feel he was a really good main character and I liked his interactions with the other party members. But as for my favorite character from it that wasn't a lord, I think I would say it was Soren. He had some really interesting stuff going on, and I felt he was good contrast to Ike in a lot of ways. They also both were pretty reliable in all of my playthroughs, so thats probably a part of my reason for liking them too.
  7. Hi there, what's up? My name is Desert Mage, but you can call me whatever works for you. I'm 18 and a high school senior. Admittedly, I've never really been much of a forum person before, however what I have noticed lately is that I often find myself looking through this forum a lot, be it just for some information or for discussion on FE. So, I decided to join in. There were a lot of times that I tried to Fire Emblem games when I was pretty young, but they didn't really click with me until a little later when I was good enough at games to keep most of the party alive through a normal mode playthrough. My first FE game was FE8, but I hadn't played many others until Awakening got me interested again. I've gone on to play every officially localized FE as well as FE6 (although admittedly I have not fully completed FE10 due to time issues and a few other things, but I don't want to accidentally burn myself out before Fates comes out in the west.) All that being said, I'm probably not the best or most knowledgable player, but I have a lot of fun. I also like a lot of other games, such as the "Tales of" series, Pokemon, and Persona (I never played the first one, but both 2s are cool with me as well as all the later ones.) Anyway, I hope we can all have a good time together here!
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