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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Three Houses

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  1. Yea, the gameplay mechanics can be tedious at times for probably a notable amount of players, but I kept going because of the story. I felt it was worth it.
  2. Not sure how unpopular this actually is, but I think Three Houses has one of the weakest OSTs in the series (potentially the weakest). That being said, I still think it has a lot of great tracks and I don't think the music sucks (all Fire Emblems have good music imo) and it actually very well may be my favorite FE overall (I played them all basically).
  3. Oh, I see. Thought it was a problem on my side.
  4. Thanks a lot for this. Started playing this game last week and I love it (already finished it). Planning on doing a second ''not blind'' playthrough so this will be helpful. For some reason, my game freezes when I get to that girl speaking after I beat the final boss. Wonder if there's a way to bypass this. Unfortunate I couldn't watch the ending (although I can see it on youtube at least).
  5. Robert I think is the other one? He had the smooth wavy hair. At least they were nice enough to give them death quotes.
  6. Sounds like a fun idea. Might as well try some out. Arden: My comrades rely on me! Sir Sigurd! Victory quote: I might be slow, but I'm definitely not weak! Oifey: Baldur blood runs in my veins! I found your weak spot. Victory quote: I must make sure Seliph lives on. Azel: Fala, I ask for your power once more.... I am no weakling! Victory quote: Arvis...Am I doing all right? Eltshan: The mystletainn craves blood! Why throw your life away so easily? Victory quote: Augustria will not be touched. Titania: Behold the fruits of my training! I serve Commander Greil. Perish. Victory quote: I'm sorry, but this is my duty. Shinon: Why is this trash in my way? Let's get this over with. Victory quote: Tsk..You're all the same. Oscar: I serve the Greil Mercenaries! I will not falter here! Victory quote: I must protect Boyd and Rolf. Naesala: Behold. I am the Raven King. Feel the wrath of Kilvas. Victory quote: Fighting with no reward is a waste of time... Mordecai: Why must we fight? It seems I have no choice but to fight. Victory quote: War only brings more sorrow... Lloyd: I will kill you all. One by one. The White Wolf shall now dispense the Fang's justice. Victory quote: Did you think you could run away from fate? Black Knight: Playtime is over. Do you want to die? Victory quote: How foolish. Nino: I'm sorry but I can't let you get away! I'll try my best! Victory quote: I found friends I can cherish! Canas: Behold the power of elder magic. My thirst for knowledge will not stop here. Victory quote: This will help my learning process. Tibarn: I will gladly tear you apart. Your head is about to roll. Victory quote: Your fate was sealed when you stood before me. Karel: I only know how to cut. Do not grovel, it will only last a second. Victory quote: You died like everyone else before you.
  7. Looks wise, Lowen and Makalov's hairdo (and Kyle to a lesser degree) is just too weird for me to use them. Personality-wise, a lot of characters are bland or have barely any back story (especially FE1-2-3) but that doesn't really count. I'd say most hated is Excellus, extremely unpleasant to look at and horrible personality, a boring villain.
  8. Obviously there's to many good songs, the top 10 thing is just to avoid people replying with 40+ songs and makes it more fun (in a twisted sense ahah). Also some people might recall/discover new songs with this thread (I did). I plan on doing a ''Rate these FE songs'' Poll sort of thing eventually where I would just post like 5 Fire Emblem songs every week or so and people will rate them. Not sure if people would like this, just an idea to put more activity around here and I'm also a huge fan of video game music in general.
  9. Pretty sure almost everyone here agrees this series have very good/fantastic music so i was wondering what are everyone's favorites (and say why if you want). You can put them in order if you want but that could be hard so it is not necessary. These are mine (had to choose between 40 or so excellent songs, was really hard for me to choose 10): 1. (First Fire Emblem music I loved and it will forever remain in my top 10, the melody is extremely beautiful).2. (Pure Melancholy)3. (I was blown away by this song the first time I heard it, it was Unstoppable foe from fe8 before I heard this)4. (The begginning is extremely catchy and gives me the tragedy vibe)5. (Perfect fitting song)6. (The melody fluctuates so much and hits different emotions)7. (Very catchy and fitting)8. (No comment)9. (Very uplifting)10. (So much emotion compared to the other recruitment themes who I find are moslty just very catchy)
  10. Best: Hawkeye (Edit: Nevermind, I jsut read Legault's, I choose him instead). Worst: Lowen
  11. http://www.mrwallpaper.com/wallpapers/Anime-Girl-Sunset-1920x1200.jpg And on my laptop: http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs37/i/2008/278/e/5/The_Bridge_by_Gate_To_Nowhere.jpg
  12. Hm, that's a good point. It would technically be ok, but some heterosexuals will consider it unfair and I think it's a viable thing to contest. Making it illegal for all is simpler.
  13. It could actually be cool to play Thracia before Genealogy, story wise. Hard to say which order is better.
  14. Are we talking about efficiency-wise or your 13 favorite characters (but 1 lord max)? I'm assuming a mixture of both?
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