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  1. I was going to choose Edelgard first, but now I'm really worried about Dimitri, I just need to know that he and the Blue Lions crew are okay and happy before I can play the other routes. Edelgard also looked very unhappy in the last trailer, so I just... I don't know... Maybe I should just play the two routes simultaneously... That being said, I wish Lorenz and Sylvain weren't the obsessed-with-women type, I find that to be kind of scary and also tiresome. But I wouldn't say I hate them or anything. Well, maybe Lorenz's hair, but that's not his fault.
  2. This was so much fun to read 😆😆 ------- I completely agree. Either he was charged with taking care of Byleth, or he's the MVP, because Byleth's dad has to have some very peculiar, special ancestry for Byleth to have such powers, crest and weapon. ----------- I think he is related to both, actually! Just not as their direct offspring. ---------- Or maybe, like in Genealogy if the Holy War, Byleth is the child of a Seiros' descendant with Nemesis' descendant! Except this time it wouldn't have been planned (or maybe it would?) and there's no incest involved, I hope.
  3. So, I have two theories as to why Byleth's hair color is different after the time skip. In my mind, Byleth is either the reincarnation of Seiros or the Goddess's child, from the many things we've seen so far. So, following this idea, I think there are two possibilities: 1. The light green hair tone is actually Byleth's original hair color. Their father Jeralt knew of Byleth's true identity, and Byleth is the reason Jeralt resigned as a knight and became a mercenary. He made Byleth dye their hair a darker color so as not to bring any attention to them. When Byleth becomes a teacher at the academy, Jeralt goes back to being a knight so that he can stay close to Byleth and protect them should the secret be found out. Somewhere close to the end of the first part (or during the 5 years), the secret is revealed anyway, and Byleth stops dying their hair since it's lost its purpose. Also, Byleth could either know of their origin all along and not say anything, or not know anything and simply follow their father's weird orders. 2. Byleth starts with naturally teal hair, but their particular power, which seems to be related to dark magic if the purple aura in former trailers means anything, starts taking a toll on them the more they keep using it, and the more they master it. Their body gets sicker and weaker as time passes, and the light green tone could be a reflection of it (among others), meaning their hair will eventually become fully white, and somewhere at the end of the story they'll die from the usage of their own power. What about you, guys? Any other crazy theories? 😄
  4. I'm annoyed at the fact that not even with a girl playing the game can they show us F!Byleth. I guess I'll have to buy the game to get the privilege. It was an awesome trailer, though .
  5. Dungeon Crawling is my jaaaam I also love Open World games but it seems to me our dear FE is just not that type of game. If we can have both Tactical RPG and Dungeon Crawling in this game, I'd be a very happy potato c:
  6. Jesus Christ, I'm old . --- I'm not sure I'd like for Byleth's ability to be that of foresight, because, for the purposes of the plot, I would find it quite boring that we can see into the future of our actions or anybody else's... but that's just me. I think it's hard for any story to make something interesting with such an ability. I also don't think it can be applied game-wise, or at least it shouldn't since this is a Tactical RPG. Not that it has to be a game mechanic, though. In my case, I believe he did make time reverse and then changed the original outcome, but not out of any factual evidence, it's just what I think and hope . I also think it will be very relevant to the plot, not in the same way they did it in Awakening, but sort of like... a Radiant Historia approach... maybe.
  7. To be honest, I'm so confused right now. I've loved every FE game so far, to different degrees but I've liked them all greatly from the beginning. Generally speaking, I'm not the complaining type when it comes to FE, so I don't understand what's happening right now. I didn't like the cover art, I find it... very amateur-looking... and the sample song, I liked it by itself, but it sounded to me like a song from Tokyo Mirage Sessions, which is another game I liked a lot (I really aren't accostumed to disliking anything FE), but for this medieval fantasy setting it feels so weird to me, so off... I'm also not thrilled about the school setting. What's this? This is my first time in the complaining side of FE's fandom, how do other people do it ? I'm miserable in here. Drama aside I'm still buying it, of course, I'm just not hyped. Strangely.
  8. The whole point is that they are already hinting at a war between the three. At present, nobody would be surprised if a war started between them because that is actually what most people are expecting. I would like this but then, there are some people who want to marry her and stuff. Not that being a villain ever stopped Robin from marrying them in Awakening, though.
  9. I know, but as I said before, nowhere in the two trailers does it depict any of the three protagonists directly fighting against one another. It's wierd, because if they were to become enemies then the trailers would have shown at least some small footage of it by now, specially since they're trying to make us believe the story is about the three houses fighting against each other.
  10. The thing is, we have two trailers of this entry already, and in none of them do we see any of the three protagonists fighting against even one of the other two. When it came to Fates, it was clear in both trailers that Nohr and Hoshido were fighting against each other, and in both of them we would see Xander and Ryoma directly confronting one another. Similarly, in Echoes it was very clear the two nations of Sofia and Rigel were at war, although that one's a remake so it didn't surprise anyone. In Three Houses, on the other hand, even though we have two trailers, they've shown the protagonists battling and even commanding their armies as if to suggest they're at war with each other but they have never actually shown them battling against one another (which would have been really cool, by the way). I mean, not even half a second of a cutscene of them sparring at least. On the contrary, they appear to be friendly with each other. So I believe IntSys just wants us to think that will be the main conflict but it's actually not.
  11. My exact thoughts! Also, strangely enough, at the same time her heart meter or whatever goes up, this bar goes 25 points down: https://imgur.com/ObCLXsB Although that could just be their stamina, like in Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons? Maybe there's a limit to how much you can train them per day or something.
  12. No. This forum is called 'Any hopes?' and my hope is that Claude and Dimitri can marry each other. There has been no hint of anything regarding that, it is simply my wish. I'm 99% sure it's not happening either either :c but well, one can only dream... I also wouldn't mind a love triangle, if done well. @Enduin's idea sounds dramatic enough hahaha
  13. To be able to get Claude marry Dimitri.
  14. This is my exact opinion on the matter. Japanese videogames and anime almost always have kids as protagonists, and while there's nothing wrong with that, I find it weird that the fate of the whole world always rests on the hands of a group of kids, hahaha. I know it's just fiction, though. Anyway, I love it when I get to be an adult in a videogame because I can actually identify with it. That being said, this is a good idea for a tutorial, like in New Mystery.
  15. Petra is not brown skinned, though. She looks just slightly tanned to me, compared to Edelgard who's paper white. I totally forgot about that guy. Anyway, it's just a theory.
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