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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. I have a retail version of birthright, and plan on downloading conquest and revelation soon. Does the patch work for them to?
  2. Ok so my fireware is 10.6.0-31U so is that ok for patching or do I need to down grade?
  3. Is there a way to check my firmware? I'm still rather new to things like this.
  4. I haven't picked on which program to use yet since I'm not exactly sure on how they differ from one another.
  5. Will there be a tutorial out for people doing this for the first time? I've never actually done something like this before and I really don't want to mess up and break my 3ds.
  6. Will there be an option to switch it between english and Japanese? I do enjoy certain part of the English, so when this comes out I dont want to lose it entirety.
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