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Flying Shogi

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Everything posted by Flying Shogi

  1. I was hoping Lucrative Bow would come on a normal pool unit. Oh well. I wonder if Echo WoM means we're not getting it as a seal. If we had the choice between the B and S slot for WoM, I'd personally opt for the B slot when clearing PvE content. I find myself needing the extra stats more.
  2. Pegasus Flight was actually one the seals that I was looking forward to for Caeda so I don't have to keep switching Spd/Def Rein between her and Embla. She's part of my arena core and she usually don't fight fast enemies anyway. I'm just give her Atk/Def Clash and call it a day.
  3. I expected Miyuki Sawashiro to voice female Robin but also casting her as young male Robin is an interesting choice. Young Chrom is voiced by Ayumi Tsunematsu, her second role in FEH after Ginnungagap.
  4. Looks like you quoted me before I deleted the part about Ignis and Aether after seeing the interaction. It's as you said, Laguz Friend doesn't activate at the start of combat. Here's the video if anyone's interested:
  5. If you're looking for more suitable units for the skill, I've seen some push for Diamant. His weapon disables non-Special percent based DR so the con of Laguz Friend isn't applicable to him assuming no support. I've also seen people wanting to give CYL Dimitri Laguz Friend but I'm not convinced it'll beat Blue Lion Rule, especially if he's trying to tank magic. If he's tanking physical damage, then they might perform similarly. I haven't done the math to support this so it's just my speculation.
  6. This marks 2/2 for chip damage + AoE against an Emblem. Hopefully this doesn't mean I have to pull for merges.
  7. The new look feels natural on her. The red half-cape looking thing reminds me of the generic Priestess from Fates.
  8. Of course it's a character I like right before AHR. Would have preferred Katarina but Caeda isn't bad. At a glance, I don't see this banner winning a FB revival so I pretty much have to pull here. Time to dip into those story map orbs.
  9. Looks like we're getting Peony on 3/19. Last year's AHR banner went live on 3/22 so this year's will most likely also fall around that date.
  10. Looking forward to Atk/Spd Clash. It seems like the Harmonic pair is seeing some mixed reception on their art. I want to say it's the eyes for me? I also feel like the red background might be throwing me off. Regardless, I might pull for ChloƩ when she gets rerun. A mage unit granting Charge seems handy.
  11. Ideally, I'd like to run something dual phased but given her movement type, I'm leaning a little towards the enemy phase so Special Fighter seems like the best fit right now but I'm not in a rush so I'll just wait and see.
  12. Thank you for putting together the list. Reinhardt can pass off more skills than I expected. Yeah, this one has been a little tricky. Nino comes with Bold fighter but Arcane Thunder renders that redundant so I've been scratching my head on this one.
  13. What are some skills that can be inherited by mages regardless of movement type? I want to give Nino and Caeda Arcane Thunder but only passing Def/Res Smoke and the weapon is a little wasteful. Looking over the list of A/B/C skills, there's the Remote/Boost tree for A, Occultist's Strike for B, and the Smoke/Menace/Ploy tree for C. Highly likely I missed a skill since I was going off of the restrictions on the top of my head.
  14. Looks like it's an all green banner. A little surprised that it actually happened. A little bummed that Gullveig lost but on the bright side that means I'm only going for one spark. Doing 2 sparks very likely would have meant dipping into my story mode orbs and I try to avoid that.
  15. I pulled Gullveig on the legendary banner but she can use a better asset so I'm hoping she makes it onto the AHR banner. A shame that Claude is against Camilla. Would have liked both to be on the banner as they can use a better asset as well. Gonna go with Claude but regardless of who wins out of the two, it looks like I'll be sparking once on the banner.
  16. Pretty proud of my LHB clears this time around. Seiros's map is still a pain to deal with. I was having a hard time with Elincia's map and then I remembered someone swept my ARD with Galeforce Harken so I also tried it out.
  17. I used CYL Seliph, Chrom, Gullveig, and LH!Hinoka. I don't think I've done a regular clear for Abyssal maps since they became a thing. I use to field a mage and 3 refreshers but that got boring so I started doing 1 turn clears because I don't have to think too hard about the team I need to bring; it's mainly Galeforce, refreshers, and Wings of Mercy.
  18. This one took me a while to figure out a 1 turn clear. As always, Respite healers are a pain to deal with. I was surprised my CYL Seliph couldn't double that sword pegasus knight.
  19. As always, thank you for your input. I'll have to think about Desperation 4 but I think I'm going with Flare and Incite Atk/Spd. Decided to go with Flare since he's more likely to fight non-beast/non-dragon units so the 20% bonus damage is too low for my liking. Incite was an easier decision since it can grant +12 Atk/Spd but most of the time it'll be +11 for Merric. It also keeps his weapon active.
  20. Got all the skills I wanted on Caeda so I'm shifting my focus to Merric. Similar to Caeda, he'll mainly be used in PvE content so the goal is to maximize damage output. Thinking of this build: Winds of Change | Harsh Command+ | Flare or Ruptured Sky Atk/Spd Finish 4 | Occultist's Strike | Time's Pulse 4 or Atk/Spd Pledge A little torn between his Special and C slot skills. He's running Righteous Wind 99% of the time but I feel like Flare is more useful generally compared to Ruptured Sky. The thing about Ruptured Sky is the unstable bonus damage but beast and dragon units appear enough in PvE that it's worth considering. Then there's the C skill. TP4 allows him to basically have his Righteous Wind ready at all times but +9 Atk/Spd from Pledge is hard to say no to. Any suggestions?
  21. Thank you for the suggestions. I completely forgot about Prime. Will keep that on my radar since I have all of the listed units. It'd be nice for her to get NFU on her refine but I'm not too worried since I usually field her with her summer and legendary versions in LHBs so Soaring Guidance can be a general backup option in case the higher priority C skills don't show up. Since she's mainly used in PvE content, I wanted her to have somewhat of a dual phase skill in Gambit.
  22. I plan on getting the forma for Caeda in the upcoming Hall of Forms. Mainly looking to deal as much damage as possible. Aiming for this kit: Ninja Katana+ | Harsh Command+ | Ruptured Sky Atk/Spd Clash 4 or Flared Sparrow | Gambit 4 | Spd/Def Snap or Soaring Guidance What are some other skills she would want?
  23. Found two somewhat F2P clears for Freyr on Abyssal difficulty. Both use CYL Seliph as the non-F2P option.
  24. Given the the offensive Tempo effect is tied to their Special, I wonder how the offensive Tempo effect interacts with the defensive counterpart on an enemy. I forget how it works but I believe effects on a Special upon trigger. Looking at the lineup, there are enough duds for me to not pull on the banner. I'm hoping both of them land a spot on the AHR banner and pull there instead.
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