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  1. euler


    Update: This one is a revamp of this portrait that I did in the past here. I'm actually really proud of how this turned out; I did my best to make the hair make more sense with the proportions and the sizing. I also had to make blinking frames for the eyes myself (I based them off of an FE6 reference), which turned out to be a lot easier than I thought it would be. Also, the original thread has been updated with all the insertable hackboxes for each of the portraits. Just click the names/links to get to them.
  2. euler


    Update: Another update! This time is the traditional red cavalier archetype to parallel the green cavalier I had already made.
  3. euler


    Update: Hey there! I know it's been a long while, but recently I've been trying to finish up the sprites that I had worked on before. The cavalier mug that I had previously been working on turned into an archer mug - which later inspired the second mug which is of a paladin. My head canon is that these two are brothers; the paladin is more or less the Jagen figure, while the archer is your starting ranged unit that you receive. I also tried to recolor some battle sprites to represent these characters.
  4. euler


    Update: Just a small scale update. The left mug is a new splice I've been working on, mainly trying to create another Cavalier mug, but this time for a male. The super WIP on the right is the beginnings of a custom mug, with a pose that resembles that of Tethys (off to the side). The middle is just there as a reference for proportions and size. :*
  5. Assuming he means a Rate This Unit thread
  6. euler


    Small update here: Some quick blinking and talking sprites for the insertable version of this mug. Also some minor shading changes with the hair.
  7. euler


    I've been doing mugs for around four-five months(?) or so but I've done some other sprite work in the past. Thanks! - - - In other news, I've narrowed down my choices to two of the four color alternates. I wanted to keep the red riding hood aspect so I kept with the red cloak.
  8. euler


    Here's the finished knight portrait, as well as another mug I've been working on. I've been trying to go for more of an innocent "red riding hood"-esque mage girl, so hopefully that seems apparent. Here are some alternate color options for some variety. Just have to finalize her clothes and she should be finished soon too.
  9. euler


    Here's the finished knight portrait, as well as another mug I've been working on. I've been trying to go for more of an innocent "red riding hood"-esque mage girl, so hopefully that seems apparent. Here are some alternate color options for some variety. Just have to finalize her clothes and she should be finished soon too.
  10. euler


    Update to the Knight WIP! Gave him some bangs that comb over the right end of the bandanna, and some minor sideburns (though it's hard to see because of the shade of yellow I'm using). For armor design: Ignore the blue if it doesn't suit him much, the palette is temporary and I wanted to see what an Arthur color-scheme would look like. I gave him a torn shirt under his chest plate to resemble the tattered bandanna he has on. I kind of hit a block when I was testing out different armor pieces for his torso and his arms. Anything I put on, it made him seem too big(?) even for an armor knight. So I'll have to do some more work for that.
  11. euler


    Here's a little preview of a WIP for a Knight character. I've still got a bit to work on with the hair (bangs hanging over the bandanna; sideburns), but other than that, most of the face is complete. The goal here is to make him seem like a rugged Knight, someone with rusty armor (perhaps even cracked?) while still retaining a young, fresh valiant look.
  12. euler


    I took your advice and added a bit more to the armor to make it seem natural. Here's what I got: Her base class would ideally be the Cavalier class, while her canon promote would be Paladin (since Great Knight seems too dark for her thematic elements). Although, it'd be interesting if she could promote to the Mage Knight class, since I think it also suits her look better than the Paladin class. And that's that! Any suggestions for future portraits?
  13. euler


    So I'm almost done with the mug; I'll probably be finished with mug with one more update. In the meantime, I've narrowed down the armor to two options: (1) the standard Vanessa armor with a hint of Syrene (2) Ephraim's cloak design along the chest I've also put up a few palettes just to see what they'd look like. Once I've settled on a design and palette, I'll work out the little details with shading and such. As always, I'm always open to suggestions. I'm still trying to figure out a name for the character and such, so feel free to share your comments.
  14. euler


    Here I've worked on the W.I.P a bit more, mostly experimenting with different kinds of armor and such. For now, I've just slapped on Syrene and Vanessa's armor onto the mug, just to see if the character would look good with a large or small suit of armor. I think I've settled on a design for the armor by making small changes to Vanessa's armor, but what do you guys think? In response to this, I tried a few different palettes for the suit of armor, with green/blue hair from Lyn and the cream hair in the reference image. Also, any name suggestions for the character? I'd love to hear any insight you guys have to offer!
  15. euler


    Updated as of 02/28/2020 Gallery (Click the names for links to the insertable hackboxes) Archive:
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