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  1. [High Investment Unit] = Unit that immediately upon joining your party will underperform other units available at the time, which you could be using in the alternative. And will require you to warp your gameplay around feeding them the resources they need to perform better, before they can perform at or above the level of a low investment unit. Whether or not high investment units are "good" depends on whether or not you're playing a game where your low-investment units eventually drop-off. And having high investment units able to outperform them is necessary to meet the difficulty spike of buffed up enemies in the mid to late game. Or whether your low investment units never drop off and can comfortably handle endgame mobs without higher performing high investment units that have been fully invested in. __ FE8 is the classic example of a game where high investment units are dogshit, because your low investment units never drop-off and the marginally better units you get from fully investing in an Amelia or an Ewan is never necessary to address a problem you could be throwing Seth or Saleh at. Conquest is the classic example of a game where high investment units are good. Because the endgame goes hard. You can't just count on Camilla putting in the same work on Chapter 20 that she puts in on Chapter 11 to carry the team. And building up high-investment units that will eventually outperform your low investment units when they're fully invested in pays off when she doesn't.
  2. Its a distinction without a difference tbh--the patchwork form and function of state level regulation whereby the efforts of the states that have it are fustrated by the efforts of the states that don't remains the same. i.e. You can for example have strict gun control laws here in New Jersey. And it just doesn't matter at all when you have the I-95 corridor running through the State. And every Red State along the way that doesn't control whose running around with burst rifles and hollow tips can send a U-Haul full of w/e across the Commadore Barry. It only works if there's centralized enforcement.
  3. Human history makes a lot more sense when you remember how many of the major decisions were historically made by 19 year olds who drank wine for breakfast.
  4. TLDR--its culturally ingrained in the body politic of the American voter through 100s of years of law and tradition that they have a fundamental right to own and operate firearms. That that right is part of America's national identity + founding doctrines. And that changing the law to adopt the gun control systems of more modernized, better governed, and less violent countries would be a violation of a fundamental right + a tyrannical misuse of government power. There's also massive propaganda campaigns and disinformation funded by gun manufacturers and special interest groups frequently putting out publications about how gun control laws don't actually work. Don't reduce shooting deaths or increase public safety. And make law-abiding citizens less safe, because "yada, yada, yada--when you make guns illegal than only criminals have guns." Which has unfortunately been quite effective at influencing voter opinion on the issue. "If you elect him, he's going to take your guns away" is an attack line you will often hear candidates for public office using against their opponents in American elections. __ In short, for gun control to happen in Ameria, there needs to be a generational change in the way the American public thinks about the issue and the mandate we give to the lawmakers we elect to office. I think American thinking on the issue on-the-whole has liberalized a bit in recent decades and there is more receptiveness among more people to realizing we shouldn't be the only developed nation that routinely has school shootings and armed gang warfare in the streets. The 2nd amendment says what it says--but men of the 18th century weren't right about everything in perpetuity. The country as a whole just isn't there yet.
  5. 3H still feels like it has so many unexplored plot threads and side stories that the developers just never got around to fleshing out, because their ambition outstripped their ability to produce a finished game. Sooooooo....head canon-time... __ HEAD CANON: The fuckery Rhea did with baby Byleth was more successful then her previous failed attempts to resurrect Sothis. ...but she still didn't get it 100% right... And Sothis only coming back in child form + coming back without her memories was a result of Rhea once again failing to perform a full and complete restoration.
  6. A little bit late to the party here, but what I've found is. Priority #1: Get the one's with big avoid bonuses on the main enemy phase weapon of units that make good dodge tanks. Tomes and Daggers are ideal for the 1-2 range on their counterattacks; a fast mage or thief with a basic weapon that carries no speed penalty and a +avoid engrave can inherit +avoid skills. sit on defensive terrain. Pull aggro. And put damage on everything that attacks into them + never die. (I did this with Yunaka and she quickly became the best unit on my team) __ Priority #2 Anything that reduces avoid or adds weight as a penalty to offset its bonus goes on weapons that you want to give to slow, tanky units that aren't relying on doubling or dodging to do their job. And just appreciate having harder hitting, more accurate attacks. These will typically be whatever weapons you plan on giving to your armor knights. ___ Priority #3 Weapons that have very high might but bad accuracy are good candidates for engraves that increase accuracy but reduce might. (i.e. I put Lyn's engrave on the Tomahawk. And its turns it into a much more functional throwing axe that doesn't weigh you down or miss all the time, but still packs a ton of power at 1-2 range)
  7. I am shocked--shocked--that a coalition of the absolute worst people and most malignant egos in society formerly being held together by an authoritarian strongman has now in his absence devolved into petty, self-destructive infighting. ... Okay. I'm not that shocked.
  8. I heard it was due to a problem with the captcha login
  9. ...huh... Its almost like finding common cause in tonguing Trump's ass for 7 years was the only thing stopping the bible-thumpers and the ammosexuals and the Tea Party cosplayers + the vulture capitalists and the crypto bros and the country club Republicans from remembering that they actually hate each other.
  10. No. Republicans are just bad enough that voters looked at what they were offering in the alternative and said: "absolutely not." ___ Addendum: The biggest flex of the midterms was clearly the Florida GOP. Not gonna toot Ron Desantis's horn too hard, because the last time a Florida GOP Governor was being hailed as the presumed republican anti-Trump + national frontrunner in a GOP presidential primary they were pushing Jeb. But the GOP controls Florida. It use to be a swing state. Its Red now. Gotta go into future elections planning accordingly.
  11. Soooooo--you were presented with a hospital form asking you which race you identify most strongly as, if biracial. Thought the question was racist against biracial people who don't identify more strongly with one race. Felt disheartened, excluded, and 'outlawed.' And as a result of same you as a biracial person now more closely identify with MAGAs, Nazis, and White Supremacists who--literally believe that Loving v. Virginia was a mistake. Race-mixing is degeneracy. And laws banning race-mixing are good laws + biracial people shouldn't even exist. __ That's your thought process. Really???
  12. Let me be very, very, very clear: Joining the US military means you will be duty-bound under the law to invade and kill and die for your government, if ordered to do so. Have no right whatsoever to speak up about it or question your orders. And can be arrested + jailed if you bail. If its absolutely your last resort for food in your belly and a roof over your head and its either that or prison--go for it. But holy shit if you're gainfully employed and your only complaint now is that you don't find your civilian job fulfilling--no. Don't do it.
  13. She was a dogmatic conservative on every issue whose only transgression against the party-line was that she wouldn't treat personal loyalty to Donald Trump as a core value of being a Republican. And would call him out on lies and disinformation + hold him accountable for crimes and frauds, rather than acting like every word that came out of his mouth was pure undiluted greatness and anyone with a bad thing to say about him was part of a conspiracy to destroy America. __ I think it can be said without exaggeration that her ouster as a representative that no longer has a place in the GOP marks the transition of the GOP from a ideologically conservative party to an outright autocratic one.
  14. Confirms my Head-Canon that Fire Emblem takes place in the Warhammer 40k setting. All the worlds of Fire Emblem are just lost feudal worlds of humanity that were never rediscovered during the Great Crusade, or worlds words that would later be discovered during the Great Crusade still isolated with medieval levels of technology and social structure during the Age of Strife. (except that the Agarthans are holdovers from the Dark Age of Technology that still have computers and nukes and automatons) The Outrealm Gates are Warp Portals. Fucking with the Outrealms is Fucking with The Warp. The Degeneration of the Dragons is Chaos Corruption. Dragons are an ancient reptilian xenos race formerly affiliated with The Eldar. 'Dragonstones' are Eldar Spirit Stones that allow Dragons to take Eldar-like forms + undergo the Eldar cycle of reincarnation. And the Dragons started having problems with 'degeneration' right around the time that The Eldar started getting real fucky + having problems with Slaanesh. __ "Boundless Chaos" i.e. The Primordial Truth. (Praise the Dark Pantheon and the Gods of Chaos Undivided)
  15. Maybe one day in the distant, distant future we enter a Star Trek like eutopia of fully automated luxury space communism--an age of perfect rationalism where humankind has evolved beyond the social ills of religious superstition, profit-motive, and inequality between the races and sexes. ...but until that day... Yes. Its a perpetual grind to make as much progress as we can with each generation, and push back against the regressive forces that want to see the progress undone. With solemn appreciation that no matter how far we come: we're always just one generation of indolence and neglect away from backsliding into the worst practices of our history. ...Loyalists and Patriots were the 2 party bipoles of American politics until the Loyalists became a defunct political identity no longer representative of the cleave in the electorate... Then the Patriots split into federalists and antifederalists. ...Federalists and antifederalists were the 2 party bipoles of American politics until the antifederalists became a defunct political identity no longer representative of the cleave in the electorate... Then the federalists split into federalists and democratic republicans. ...Federalists and democratic republicans were the 2 party bipoles of American politics until the federalists became a defunct political identity no longer representative of the cleave in the electorate... Then the democratic republicans split into Republicans and Democrats. __ I would love to see a day when democrats achieve ultimate victory and republican values fade away. (which i agree is incredibly unlikely to happen any time in the near future) ...but if does... I don't think it would be undesirable or that the result would be a One Party State. What would happen next is that the Democratic Party would split along ideological lines to represent the new political bipoles of a post-Republican America. And a new 2-Party system would emerge from that schism. i.e. classic democrats on the right as the new conservative party vs. progressives and democratic socialists on the left as the new liberal party. And that would become the new political landscape. (a man can dream)
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