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  1. I'd still prefer Sinnoh remakes myself (especially if it's Platinum) but these hypothetical Sinnoh sequels would be very interesting and I'll keep my Sword and Shield opinion out of this (not a fan and didn't get the game) but if they keep improving on that as a base I feel like this concept could pass HeartGold and SoulSilver and also Sword and Shield (while I don't have the game due to personal choice, I still recognize that it's a great game I would have enjoyed if it wasn't for my principles) in being arguably the best pokemon main series game. I'm rarely on Serenes tbh but you have my sincerest sympathy. I hope things get better soon but I think the moderation team is far from being out of the storm. Regardless I wish you and every other moderator and serenes forest staff member good tidings.
  2. So this is an idea I've had to change up the FE formula (it works for a spin-off), and it's to kinda become more like Valkyria Chronicles, or rather I guess Code Name Steam would be a better mix but given Valkyria Chronicles unique take on the strategy RPG I would prefer a spin-off closer to that.
  3. Binding Blade Echo on gaiden chapter requirements Roy getting another promotion wouldn't be bad the weapon repair system from 3H Bonus EXP like the Tellius games needs to be in everything Blazing Blade Lyn's story role being enhanced would be great additionally unlimited supports albeit you choose the endings they get Also the weapon repair system Bonus EXP once again Sacred Stones Personally, I would just want a few more class additions along with the repair system and unlimited supports (no bonus exp since SS allows for unlimited grinding as it is) PoR (haven't played so yeah) Radiant Dawn Either Make the Dawn Brigade actually decent at the start, or give them more chapters to easily gain exp to be decent power up Laguz so they can actually be used outside of the royals Support Conversations would be nice, sorry for those who like the free flow lack of actual meaningful supports, I'd rather have limited, meaningful supports instead of what we got Make Nephenees growth rates and caps even higher and have her be able to land the final blow on the final boss (this is a joke. Nephenee is OP enough as it is, just giving her some love) Shadow Dragon - Not talking about it because most of its issues were fixed with new mystery New Mystery HAVE THIS RELEASE GLOBALLY Despite Kris being a good foreshadow and precursor to Robin, flex out their character some, as they're more of a Mary Sue than Corrin or Byleth can be, though that is partly why I like them (referring to Kris) Gaiden Chapter guides once again Awakening Better lore and story enhancements for the Valm Arc, Chrom's dad, Rosanne (in a fic I read it was a major food supplier for the continent, use that!), Explain Grima some more like his multi-timeline presence abilities More support conversations and options Infantry Lance classline, I want Sentinels in this game Fates fix a lot of the lore and story issues and the game would be a lot better. Its gameplay is fine thought I dislike the pairup interpretation. Also have the game be more like 3 Houses Echoes Doubt this would get a remake since it's a remake itself (I know New Mystery is, the only reason I think that would get remade again is because no one played it) Map Design was arguably one of the games biggest flaws, though I didn't mind it, it'll get people to shut up about it Celica's story fell flat at its end, so fix that otherwise, don't change anything, game was great. Three Houses Considering the game isn't fully done with additional content this is subjective to change but A lot of people have had problems with the story and some characters, mainly everything with Edelgard and most of the male cast. While I myself don't see a problem with this, a lot of people just don't understand Edelgard and end up hating her and the Black Eagles entirely. i don't know what they can do but I guess make Edelgard's motivations more clear and how this will impact Fodlan more more classes, I know we're getting more in the upcoming dlc and they have been rumored/leaked, but balance the mastery classes out from so many mounts and I'd also like an infantry lance line again I would say increase growth rates, since some houses are considerately weaker than others. most of black eagles are outclassed by BL and GD. Axe? Hilda tops Caspar, Bow? Leonie yawns (though Bernadetta has often been good for me, a lot of people say she's unusable), Cavalry unit? Leonie and Sylvain yawn. Healer? Mercedes tops all, Mage? Lysithea is leagues above Dorothea. Hubert is definitely a lot less useful compared to Dedue's tankiness, or Hilda's perfect balance of bulk, offense, and speed. Sword unit? Felix cuts the competition. I feel it's best that while each house has archetypes and a wild card, BE's usually end up underperforming compared to the other houses other than Edelgard and maybe Bernadetta and Dorothea (tbh she does have utility as a high-ish damage siege mage) for ng+, get rid of the tutorials, we know how to play the game. I know all this is a hot take, but it's my choices, because hey, at least I didn't say put Awakening gale-force on every unit in every game.
  4. I haven't commented on this, but regardless of whatever happens to the content, as long as the core content of the game and majority of the side content isn't affected I'm still getting this as it will be the first time I can play it.
  5. *my response* Nagi oh coo- WAIT IS THAT NORNE AHHHHHHH *later finds out Astram is here too* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
  6. I'm echoing on the Trueblade, and Sentinel line for classes. Stuff like General/Marshal and other missing classes would be great too. A flying healer would be interesting to see too
  7. So I do think based off the mii costume theory combined with a bit of company theory, that the final two characters will be Capcom and Bandai Namco. (Basically the theory presumes that since Joker brought sonic costumes for Sega and Atlus is owned by Sega, and that we may get Geno and Chocobo costumes back with Dragonquest, the missing costumes from Smash 4 will be added back in this way, though a counter to this is we didn't get Jackie or Akira's costumes back) For Capcom I think either Dante, Phoenix, or Monster Hunter may get in. For Bandai Namco I think one of five possible reps, a Tales of Rep, either Lloyd Irving (legacy for the series and Nintendo plus worldwide popularity), or Yuri Lowell (Has Japan popularity, is iconic on his own, relevancy with definitive edition). Now the other two are either a Super Robot Wars rep, I'd prefer Haken as he has a bit more of an appearance in the west and has a unique moveset, but also Sanger would be cool, the next one is Heihachi but he's the among the least likely in my eyes. Next is Solaire from Dark Souls, but I think this would be random now and was something I thought more for when he got an amiibo. Finally we have KOS-MOS, representing Xenosaga and the non-Xenoblade part of the Xeno series as a whole, she is unlikely due to her low relevancy and appearance but is a dream wish for me. As for who I want Yuri Lowell or KOS-MOS and Master Chief (Master Chief would be a big announcement for the Game Awards as the final character) I do also think they'd be stupid to not do a second season of dlc characters, focusing on 1st party this time. So Rex and Pyra hopes are not dead.
  8. Top 5: Edelgard, Bernadetta, Petra, Lysithea, Dimitri most of the middle weren't even ranked because I find them meh Bottom 3: Rhea, Sothis, and Annette. IDK just don't like them designwise
  9. I can maybe see them doing dlc classes, and while it good be higher tier for base game classes or returning classes (please bring back my Sentinel class), I do think in general it'd probably be something that doesn't fit with the base game, kinda like echoes dlc classes. I'm sorry but where are elephants on Valentia? Why are they roman soldiers? The whitewings would never dress so immodest! Etc.
  10. Maybe it could be character recruitment, I'd kinda like that, but materials would be likely, since Splatoon even with it's little amiibo area in the hub only gave gear. Perhaps if they are recruitable they can only be used in free battles and not main story battles, though IDK.
  11. 1. Elincia, honorable mentions to Lucina, Caeda, Minerva, L'arachel, and Tana. 2. Estelle (Tales of Vesperia) 3. Leia if she counts otherwise uhhhh none of them? 4. If Marvel doesn't counts as Disney then I'll go with Silver Sable (blame Spider-Man ps4), otherwise I guess Nia from Gurren Lagann. She was born a princess so I guess that counts. 5. Princess Diana
  12. Artstyle: Definitely Echoes. Hidari's style looks great and was very refreshing after Kozaki's style (not saying its bad, but it got kinda stale) For Gameplay/Menu/Other stuff: I have to give it to radiant dawn. I played it recently and while the models aren't hd they still hold up very well. Menus look and function well. Maps are pretty good design (as in art design) wise, and by gods those combat animations.
  13. So very true, Katarina became one of my favorite FE characters, up there alongside the likes of Nephenee, Cordelia, Mia, Jill, Ophelia, Elincia, Minerva, and others. It is quite sad to see how underappreciated she is and I do wish FE12 got localized because it would have been a better seller than shadow dragon and Katarina wouldn't get shafted in every voting gauntlet she's in in heroes.
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