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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Sacred Stones


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  1. This is such a basic question, but I can't really find any solid answers. If you load up a ROM that saves to SRAM, and then hack the ROM to change things around in it, is it safe to use the same SRAM files for that modified ROM? Same question also for savestates.
  2. Oh dang, thank you! Forgot to enable notification, was waiting all this time for a reply to pop up when it was out the first day.
  3. Are you using Nightmare, or Nightmare 2? Using Nightmare 2, I had a bit of trouble with the save feature being wonky at first as well.
  4. Hello. I'm fairly new to using Nightmare 2 (and hacking in general). With the help of Crimson Red's Ultimate tutorial I was able to figure out the basics of using the program. I set myself some easy goals at first, and I successfully changed around some basic weapon values, shops, and character stats in the FE7 rom, and everything was in working order. I wanted to do the same and a bit more in the Sacred stones, starting with swapping around spell animations, but, there isn't any "spell association" module for FE8 like there is with FE7 (I downloaded all my resources from FEshrine) and in fact, there seem to be a few differences in the modules included. I did do a bit of searching, but most of the info I find is only related to FE7. To clarify, all I'm trying to do at this juncture is edit existing animations that are already present within the ROM, like say, I want to give a non-ranged lance a throwing animation, or give an existing sword a spell animation. Is there any way around this? Is there any way to acquire more nightmare modules for FE8? Thanks for your time. So far I've only used Nightmare 2, nothing else.
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