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Everything posted by Zangetsu

  1. Damn, I really wanted hyphen in the name. Anyways, "Scrub Zero"
  2. Didn't stop me Yu Narukami. But I get what you're saying.
  3. Really no one picked Sub Zero as a user name? Anyways, "Scrub-0"
  4. That's pretty good reason to drop the game. You should probably drop it altogether if the game feels like an obligation instead of enjoying it. Especially a game that tries to get people addicted to it. Unless you're hoping for Legendary Elincia? I'm pretty sure this banner will last for a month or at least 3 weeks. You should be able to get at least a 100 orbs? Anyone feel free to correct me on that. And for those who don't want to get 3 Houses?
  5. Unless somehow Byleth has the same issue with Joker I'm pretty sure their age is up to interpretation. Didn't exactly stop Kenshin Himura from being 28 at the end of the day. Well that's incredibly disheartening to know. That's actually a really good answer.
  6. More interesting & diverse maps than just "eliminate all targets" or "capture base". Some units have questionable growth stats, but I never really care enough to pay attention.
  7. They're avatar, their age is whatever you want it to be.
  8. If you don't mind shelling out another 20 bucks, then yea it's worth it. As far I'm concern the game is better than Birthright & the only real downside is how much you like Scarlet.
  9. Did this thread always have a predictor? What is this toxicity people keep talking about? The worst I've seen is people being salty or indifferent compare to the early days.
  10. Yes, because I'm sure no one would've complain about Chrom. It's not like waiting another year would've been the ideal choice. I'm more disappointed that now Eliwood isn't allowed to have a Christmas alt.
  11. The best lord in the franchise gets 2 alts in the upcoming months. How completely unfair. More disappointed that he doesn't chuck Durandal like his GBA sprite. Still one of the most found memories I have for the game all those years ago.
  12. Why? It's a summer theme, they're not surfing on said tsunami.
  13. Still might be in bad taste to release a trailer.
  14. Well since you genuinely asking, I'll do just that. Not being sarcastic, being 100% sincere. Good luck with future pulling.
  15. Got that out of your system or are you going to give me more fuel? Supposedly earthquake in Japan. There's more details in the last page.
  16. @Othin What, you think I'm not aware of my antithesis? Why should I be angry about the leak?
  17. What makes you think I'm not? The actions of others will never validate my own. I choose to be this way
  18. Characters got leaks so there's that. Maybe I wouldn't have become the problem if the people didn't make the problem exist begin with.
  19. OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I can't see people being salty about seasonal alts. Now what will I do? Play another Fire Emblem game? That's stupid.
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