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About Armagon

  • Birthday 07/23/2000


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    Xeno fan and expert

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    Video games, anime/manga, certain Western shows, movies (especially Kaiju).
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  1. Replaying games is good because you sometimes remember the good shit you had forgotten about
  2. Mm. I didn't really get to do it last year, i have an unfinished Torna playthrough right after Minoth joins the party. So i'm picking up from there. Xenoblade 1+Future Connected will be played in NG+ tho.
  3. Gonna go through the saga in chronological order. I mean, does FF style gameplay stay consistently the same? It was turn-based the first time, then they went ATB, then they did MMO-like, then they did action with the 7 remakes.
  4. Moreso the vibes. Medieval Final Fantasy like how it started. Some people didn't like that.
  5. Donkey Kong Country Returns (3D) Review: It's been years since i last played this, so i went through it again to see how it holds up. Yeah, it holds up pretty well. Level design is pretty tight, although not as good as Tropical Freeze (understandable). Music's good and the difficulty is just about right, though it admittedly can be cheesed with items at times. The main problem with this game is that it's not Tropical Freeze. So it's not really a problem but much like how Galaxy 2 takes everything that made Galaxy 1 amazing and improves it tenfold, Tropical Freeze does the same. Returns is the Galaxy 1 to Tropical Freeze's Galaxy 2. ....ok i do have an actual problem though: the puzzle pieces. They're not hard to find but it often involves you stopping in your tracks to pound a flower or blow a dandelion. For a 2D platforming game with decent schmoovemnt, this feels contradictory. I don't remember if Tropical Freeze was like this too (probably) but then again, i don't care for the Puzzle Pieces that much. You can get to 100% without getting all of them. 9/10 I think with it being a time-management game and all, certain friction just kinda makes it counterintuitive. Yeah i suppose you could savescum but most people don't think to do that, especially if they don't see it coming. I've also seen a big criticism of the winter break period in Persona 3, where you can't pursue any social links at all for two weeks. You plan ahead only for that time to be taken away from you. Yeah it could be "realistic" but reality is sometimes disappointing anyways. We just got FF16 doing just that and it's controversial because it "doesn't feel like Final Fantasy".
  6. P4 discourse son or Three Houses discourse daughter? You cannot kill yourself. Ironically that's what Square was doing this whole time. It's just that....it wasn't good lol. Sales wise at least.
  7. "Naoto P4 is trans" discourse on the timeline once again
  8. Yeah people who have gotten punched by one say it's the equivalent of being shot by a bullet. You have to remember that Mega Man as an IP back then was deader than dead. This was also in the era where all the spiritual successors were coming out and this one was being made by one of Mega Man's original creators no less. Mighty No.9 legit promised everything and delivered nothing.
  9. Yeah this is setting up to be an interesting kind of game. It's kind of like a horror game in the sense that you cannot take hits. Even the boss fights are more defensive, it's all about you dodging attacks to fill up your meter and then delivering an instant-kill. @Shrimpica
  10. Every bad piece of media will get it's historical revisionism "it was always good actually" in due time.
  11. I remember doing that to get the Golden Friendship Mask so that I could actually recruit folks like Darkrai. It's an Atlus game on Steam so it probably has Denuvo @Eltosian Kadath beware. Ehh kinda. You have to get her to Link 5 as one of the prerequisites for accessing the Royal storyline. The remaining five links only happen then when she's actually playable.
  12. Hardest lines in fiction. Switch 2 launch title 🙏
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