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  1. Could post any spelling or grammar mistakes as you see them on the discord. Some of the mugs are WIP as well, like that Warlock who doesn't have shading yet. I think the devs figured it'd be better than the black question mark person. Post on the discord sometime!
  2. Yep, Discord is where updates and discussion with the devs are most frequent: https://discord.gg/XbhhVp6
  3. I mean, A) people do use Wolf and Sedgar for their slightly better bases and because they're pre promotes, even when not relying on their growths. B) If a unit has Wolf level growths cough Elle cough, you'll be able to see it from their first good level-up or two in conjunction with stats staying yellow. Or with their stats turning orange really quickly. C) No 7x unit is clearly worse than those around them other than maybe Fargus and that's not because of his stats, meh as they are, so use who you want or who's green. Unit balance is at least aimed for with play testing, and bases and growths aren't going to tell you enough, when so many other factors in chapter design and progression play a role. In general, easier to use units early will be harder to use later. So in this game at least, if the player is putting people in the reject pile before experimenting with them, that's on them. Doing well in this game isn't done easily by picking "top tier" characters, since the devs work towards eliminating that concept, in favour of looking at team dynamics and blessing. Using whoever is above average and can support well, in my many playthroughs, has yielded the best results me. Interestingly, basically all the early pre-promotes somewhat resemble Wolf/Sedgar, with how bad their bases are for their level/tier and their above top tier growths. So they're more slightly ahead at the start and not as far behind during the mid-late game. Sort of another time when a lot of players would tunnel vision on good growths, not paying attention to how much slower exp gain is at high levels and how number of levels to utilize them and promotions remaining make an arguably larger difference. Average stats and estimates on where units will be in their progression are what really matter, and stat colouring and playing are the most holistic ways to portray that. It is possible that knowing growths would help some players, but I don't think it will for the majority, with all the other unknowns. And for those that would be able to use them correctly, they can quite easily get estimates early on. Imo, the stat colouring is the correct amount of info to give.
  4. As long as you're using a clean US FE7 Rom, it should work. Mine was numbered 1235.
  5. Looks like the dots from RD's availability tables have disappeared.
  6. And those trainees level up quite quickly, so you can get a sense on their growths before they're even t1's. Unless he's under leveled or below average, Harken will be doubling most Cohorts in 7 and probably all the fighters 7x (while Uther often can't). That means he's the closest to being able to one round both of those units with his huge str. That's a benchmark that growths can't tell you. All this is to say that I get that knowing growths can theoretically help you plan better, but this isn't a game where some units are obviously better than others. Leveling up your units a few times will give you a rough estimate of growths, and unless you don't care about turns/rankings, every trainee will be getting a few levels. Also, growths can be more misleading than helpful about how useful a unit will be in the future to most players, so including the middle man of needing to ask or do some calculation to figure out growths is a good way to tend knowledge of growths towards those who will use them more correctly. So I'm not sure if you're arguing that players in general will use knowledge of growths correctly, or that the game's current way of conveying them is too vague/too much trouble. I find the colouring gives a good idea on both how units are supposed to turn out and why a given unit is over or under performing.
  7. I'm still not sold on it as a general difficulty thing. It definitely makes the game more puzzle like. When you can always use a certain tool to clear a certain challenge if you know they'll be exactly on their average, certain aspects become "easier" due to repeatability. Though yes, by nature of only keeping some units while dropping others, I can see it being on average a slight difficulty increase for general combat. I expect the creators won't have a fixed mode, due to wanting higher replayability. Not sure what you meant by this? Ranking players against eachother? Just have them play a large enough number of ironmans and compare scores, if you can even get them to agree on the criteria. Yeah, +20% is less than +10 (9.4) at end game for a lvl 1 trainee. So average of +5 for that unit tops, except that unit probably isn't a lvl 1 trainee, so half that again to 2.5%. Earlier stats are more helpful than late stats generally. And most units won't reach 20/20, some might gain hardly any levels. It all adds up.
  8. It's not that people won't expect the RNG, it's that people won't consider other arguably more important factors, such as base stats and starting level, utility, challenges faced, supports, etc. Because of stat colouring, growths can also be calculated with a few playthroughs/a little crowd sourcing. Less data's needed if you don't need as exact an idea. However, yeah, character balance is good enough that in general you should be dropping redder units and keeping green ones. So you can find the growths, but not without getting a sense on how base stats and starting level (and other aspects of the unit) affect their performance. You'll also get a sense of some of the challenges these units will face (at least in the first half of the game). Basically, giving growths right away can easily give a false sense of what units will be like in the future, with so many other unknowns.
  9. All the tutorial links a directing to Malko's (the first link).
  10. It's under grid settings or something. One of the options further down. Also takes out the unplayable border iirc. Play around with those settings, and enjoy.
  11. The previous chapter selection in 6 (and 8, for that matter) is a programming work around, currently, I believe. Neither of the previous chapter selections in both those chapters matter, only 4 and 9 matter. Fastest answers to questions can be found on discord.
  12. The palette is in the optimal order, don't be ridiculous. The fact that I didn't use battle sprite colours when making it is more the problem.
  13. Yeah, I think the idea is he shouldn't have made it. I gave permission to use and edit with credit, so if you displayed it anywhere public, as long as you credited, you didn't break any psuedo rules.
  14. Whoever made it very clearly stole the majority of it from bwdyeti's halbardier (and the map sprite is basically a copy as well).
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