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Everything posted by Kaoxt

  1. I faced that exact team earlier. I luckily had Ike to deal with them all with rally Atk/def to help somewhat. VL Ike is way tankier then PoR Ike.
  2. Gotcha makes sense! Just finished Arena run, obtained my highest score of 5,254. So many Ikes! I don't know why I was encountering a few Ikes with Ragnell equipped and Distant Counter in their A slot. One person obtained at least 22 VL Ikes. He had two +10 (one +Atk, other + Spd).
  3. Nice looking team. I have a ways to go for a set team. Slowly getting there. Do you find triangle adept Nowi better then SB Nowi? I currently have a +Atk / -Spd with SB.
  4. Nice! So that is just one of your 7 teams? I always struggle after 2nd or 3rd group when I put 4 +10s in that first round. I always end up losing a unit here and there in arena assault which kills score.
  5. Who are you using for bonus unit normally? Rotating between Anna, Alfonse, etc.?
  6. Do any of your units run stuff like reposition, or all rally/def to optimize score?
  7. Few more: Will try to post in groups of 5 so page isn't too big over time. Have about 37 +10 in all. Just want to finish every build off before posting image.
  8. Do you want to have bonus units in your defense team as well? I am stuck in the same range for defense wins at around 315 even though I always have 10+ wins. Wondering what I can do different to raise score.
  9. Hopefully someone creates a hero analysis thread for Ike soon! Will be interested in seeing what best IV is.
  10. Gotcha. Guess I will try for him then. Wonder what his best IV will be? Maybe +Atk/-Res like others? I almost feel like Steady Breath is best for him, at least the way I play. Yeah, there's zero reason for Radiant Aether to not be locked to RD Ike. It's gonna be locked to him.
  11. How long until you guys think the new Ike will be available in a regular banner? Trying to decide if it's better to wait even though, the 5* % goes up for Legendary banners.
  12. Would you personally choose Heavy Blade over something like Close Def?
  13. Is Heavy Blade as seal, a good option with Brave Ike? Ran into a Aether, DC, QR build in arena. Still seems steady breath build would be better. Tempted to run DC with Bike though.
  14. Sorry I meant would Panic Ploy cause a negative if I had Infantry Pulse on and opponent had Panic Ploy on.
  15. Alright sounds like a plan. Do you know if Panic Ploy affects infantry pulse by any chance?
  16. Would you guys run Panic Ploy or Infantry Pulse on Nowi? I have an all infantry team, besides Rein or Brave Lyn sometimes switching out an infantry unit. My Nowi has 54 HP
  17. I figured I would lose the better IV Nowi. Nice to know Nintendo got this right.
  18. Just wondering if I merge a +3 merged heroes into a regular 40 unit (no merges). It would just become +1 again right? I am wanting a better IV Nowi, so was going to merge a +3 Nowi as I have plenty of spares, but it showerd it was going to turn into a +4 Nowi. I did not want to lose the better IV Nowi to.Game shows she will become +4.
  19. Thank you! Was going to be making one eventually, but will hold for now.
  20. Is there any must have skills from the Christmas banner? Just wondering if I should grab any units before banner ends. Thanks :)
  21. Do you guys put your highest stat heroes in team 1? In my case that would be 4 x +10 merge heroes and I struggle in the later rounds for arena assault. I put about x2 40 and a few smaller merged units in my team 1 to start this time and it is definitely manageable going deathless this route. It is taxing going deathless when every round is +10 merges for arena assault otherwise.
  22. @Rafiel's Aria @DarkLordIvy would a +Atk / -hp work just as well as -def?
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