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  1. Not saying the Serenes crowd does this but the double standards man. Some people were dreading and joking about another Camilla yet Lyn is a-okay. I just wish they'd be consistent with their supposed too many alts complaint. Ah it's no good being negative, bad me. I like ninjas but other than Hana I'm not really interested in the other units. I'm summoning purely for cool weapon fodder which is probably a first for me. I don't think I've ever summoned for fodder lol.
  2. Yeah, I wonder why I thought this was a good idea. Hyper offense makes this map easy yet I didn't do that..... it was painful. Usually when Abyssal is hard for me it's cause I get stubborn and try to make whoever I bring in first work. This case I just really wanted to use Caeda, Grima, and Ethlyn. You can thank Genshin for lite mode, damn game needs like 8GB of space. Archanea once again turning me to the dark side. Caeda is super pretty
  3. XANE!!!!!!! THEY FINALLY ADDED HIM IN!!!!! SEASONAL HELL BUT I DON'T CARE!!!!!!!!!!!! Hah, seeing my absolute favourite character get in the game is just.... amazing. He's so cute T-T As always, he's looks memey as fuck lmao. 4* focus, thank the heavens. Xane means a lot to me TOT Getting all of that off my chest. I want Grima as well, she's really cute and looks like fun. Tiki is tiki so obviously I need to pull for her. Xane ^^^. Ena is a welcomed surprise~ Yeah, I don't really pull for meta reasons.
  4. Other than Rhea the list isn't in any particular order. I like almost everyone to a certain degree so this was kinda hard. Might say something or not if it's characters I haven't really talked about before. Trying to avoid a full on Blue Lion sweep was..... difficult. 1. Rhea 2. Dimitri 3. Ashe - Him and Caspar are funny. I always liked Ashe, Caspar was a mixed bag at first, but then I saw the cat mom support and instantly fell in love with the two as a pairing. My love for them has only grown~. Ashe as a character is just so incredibly sweet and humble that it makes me smile and a little sad. The inability to let go of his past deeds is pretty sad when he's genuinely a good person. 4. Caspar - Endearing and he's hilarious, his support with Hubert had me crying. I also think he's very strong character, emotionally speaking. Crest significance and nobility is such a heavy burden it's no wonder a good chunk of the cast just can't handle it but Caspar pushes through. Admittedly he seems to have a "normal" family but the societal pressure is huge. Plus he gets a lot of points for cat mom ^^^ 5. Flayn - I don't get how Flayn looks a like a child nor how she's childish :L. Anyways, I think she's endearing and pretty funny at times. Fruit ninja with Felix came out of no where and the way she knocks Sylvain down a peg via ridiculous rumours made me cry πŸ˜‚. Her fear of abandonment is also just too relatable, minus the whole immortality thing, and made me pretty emotional. 6. Felix 7. Mercedes 8. Marianne 9. Seteth 10. Ferdinand
  5. Colourless is incredible this time around with all 3 units being targets of mine. I always did find the Nohr outfit weird but I do really like conquest from a gameplay perspective. She doesn't seem that much different from her regular pool self except more bulky.
  6. Vero is super cute here but I don't like Xander >:L regardless, I'm not summoning for a while. 300+ orbs for garbage when trying to get Summer Byleth. I'm excited for Vero + Ephrain refines since I still use them regularly. If Celica ends up broken I'll be pissed I foddered her. Summoning changes are always nice but 4* pool could still use some work, there's just too many units now. Free stuff is free stuff. Sucks we got no cyl4 news
  7. Random Larum pity breaker was vital for my clear :L I'm not a huge fan of FE6 so I'm surprised I was able to clear Abyssal Hector. +10 Klein, +1 Brave Roy, Larum, and Winter Cecilia got the job done. Larum was lvl 1 and didn't have anything except atk tactic seal lol, her only purpose was to dance.
  8. I want Xane Hmm, my number one wanted hero from Three Houses would probably be Serios. Favourite character in the game~ and she's incredibly badass. FEH doesn't exactly celebrate individual anniversaries but Three Houses isn't comparable to the rest of the series. It's a mainline game that garnered a lot of attention and came out during FEH's lifespan.
  9. ... Kinda forgot about this until today πŸ™ƒ. Luckily for me there's nothing Leif and Linde can't handle. Usually I'd use Mia but I wanted to use Lethe this time around. I've truly fallen though thanks to Resplendent Linde. Feh pass actually got me via one of my favs πŸ˜”πŸ˜“
  10. Mila!! Ahh this is exciting~ She's one of my favs from SoV. Good thing colourless also has Alm. Green has Annette so I guess it's green and colourless for me.
  11. Oboro is wearing a traditional Japanese wedding dress. The "hooded" part is a headdress and it's a symbol of submission. Anyways I'm not too crazy about anyone here so I'll most likely skip. Oboro and Nailah are super pretty but they're not a must have.
  12. Lyon and Julia~ Too bad I wasted 150+ orbs getting a Naga :L Corrin is interesting and Ike is cool but he's sword infantry so I don't care.
  13. I wasn't in the mood to deal with reinforcement spam so here's a 1 turn clear video. Only took me 20 minutes since I needed to swap around skills/seals. Tibarn's -def and Edelgard's insane bonfire were not a fun combo lol. Needed chill def, def buff, and close guard to make sure he'd survive.
  14. I'm a little disappointed "Abyssal" is just infernal in disguise, map was way too easy. I get why they wouldn't actually use the Abyssal stats for this but it would have been fun to try. Beast Emblem featuring Naesala, Tibarn, NY!Lethe and Reyson cleared it easily.
  15. That's weird, have you tried giving Fjorm a seal? I gave Fjorm Fort. Def seal just to mess with her attack and she still manages to get the K.O. The only way I can see you missing out on the K.O is by missing a step or Fjorm somehow doesn't proc her special.
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