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About melancholicemblemer

  • Birthday January 24

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  • Interests
    I really like FE 13 and 14, (totally not the only ones I've completed what-) and I'm down anytime to discuss about them. I also love Pokemon, Xenoblade Chronicles, RF4 and the Zero Escape series.

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Shadows of Valentia

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  1. I've recently started re-playing Fates again and I've been thinking a lot about the support conversations. I wasn't really excited about the children in this game, but I wanted to have the "best" platonic couples S rank each other purely because the support conversation between the two of them was great (and by "best" and "great" conversations, I mean that the two characters don't suddenly want each others babies for no reason by S rank, but they build up a close and meaningful relationship throughout C, B and A ranks). However, I'm far too lazy to have every character reach A rank to then look over the conversations myself and decide, and I really can't be bothered to watch videos on the support conversations. :/ So, in a short paragraph or in just a couple of sentences, what were your "best" support conversations in Fates? Perhaps don't try to lean towards saying, "xx character and xx character because their child gets xx ability..." because that, unless you then explain why the parents have a good relationship together, defeats the purpose of my question. (And I do understand that Fates had some bad characters in this game and not all of the conversations were designed to be cute and happy, as some reveal more backstory about another character, so just have fun with this.)
  2. I'm playing the 3DS version since I do not have the other console, but I believe the game runs far better on the Switch.
  3. Well, hello! I've had my account for a little while now and I just wanted to say hi to everyone. I hope I'll enjoy my time here and possibly make a few new friends here and there! :D
  4. Like most people, I got into the Fire Emblem series because of Awakening. When I first played it I remember staying up until 2 in the morning just so that all of my units could have as many supports as possible and that each unit was levelled up enough for the next battle (even if I left some in the barracks to collect dust forever...). I would frequently change MU's classes and experience as many changes as possible, and honestly, I also really enjoyed the story. I got attached to most of the characters and fell in love with the dragonstone and beaststone classes making Nowi, Tiki and Panne three of my favourite characters. Replaying the game again doesn't bring back the emotions I had when first playing the game and I wish I could play it blind again. So yeah, I really enjoyed FE 13.
  5. I know this is going to be pretty unpopular, but Stahl and Panne are my two attractive units.
  6. Thank you everyone! In the end, I did end up buying the game and I'm currently up to chapter 8! It does have a few glitches here and there (...see the bugs topic for more info) but I enjoy the game nonetheless.
  7. Perhaps these aren't bugs and are maybe just glitches, but I've experienced a few on the N3DS. They're not bad enough to make me annoyed all of the time when they happen but when I pointed them out to my sibling, we just laughed together. The first one is appears when there are those cutscenes (the non-animated ones) where the characters are talking and on the very top of the screen there is the title of the chapter and a grey line running underneath the text. (Screenshot taken from Vooks' gameplay on Youtube) It didn't seem to glitch on this version of the game but I've had moments when that line would fade completely for a couple of seconds and then come back again. It took my focus off from the dialogue but it wasn't too bad and it has happened from every chapter after the first one. The second problem I encountered was when, for a split second, the next button to continue on with the battle (after reading the cutscene dialogue) would flash just below the tutorial picture before appearing to the bottom right of the screen. (The placement of the 'next' button- or the A button just before it returns to its original position. Screenshot taken again from Vooks' gameplay.) (Its original appearance after the flash. Screenshot taken again from Vooks' gameplay.) Those are just some of the things I've encountered playing the N3DS version of FE Warriors but other than that, it's a really enjoyable game!
  8. Yep I do own the New Nintendo 3DS. Sorry I should've mentioned that before.
  9. (My first post... yay!) So I've seen some gameplay of Fire Emblem Warriors on the switch and to me, it looks really good! I was already excited about its release but when it was announced to come out for the 3DS systems, I had my hopes raised. I only own a 3DS and I really want to play the game, but is it worth playing? I do understand that the graphics will be downgraded A LOT but, maybe from someone who is playing/has played the game on the 3DS (or simply has seen some gameplay of it on the 3DS), what would you recommend to me? If this helps at all, I've played Zero Time Dilemma on the 3DS and still enjoyed it to bits even though the graphics weren't all that great. I kept on playing the game because of the story (insert a gasp from a random reader) and the challenging puzzles that were presented alongside the graphics.
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