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  1. I would like the artist who does the legend of heroes franchise. It look anime but it has this alure to it that really welcoming to westerners
  2. my bad man I didnt see that post. cant wait to see them in game though
  3. Dude you can draw really good Are these art work going to be in game
  4. Really so you can s rank them all but what if you married or in relationship with someone else. or is some supports platonic
  5. Okay thanks man i love awakening so much so they have to be by each other while they fight or just be near each other.
  6. Hey how to supports work in this game like do they have to stand next to each other. 51 turns in chap 3 and no supports. please help
  7. they are old though gba games are almost 20 years old almost fec 6 and 7 are what 17 and 16 years old by now.
  8. Time for yoy to hang up fire emblem my guy. Seem like your been put into the elite class now and typical jrpg fantasy medevil stories or anime will stratified you anymore; probably watch some 80s or 70s maybe 90s anime. Bob samurai a good source for old school to recent 90s anime. Probably western games are more to your new refine test. No bull I am being 110 real with you.
  9. I mean if any of you play fgo than man they must be pissed at all the alt saber gets in that. All the Alter jeanne d arcs and all the other servents. I can tell they only play Heroes.
  10. Thank you for this sad that Algimas and Male Kamille cant support
  11. Can you put a list of who can support who in your game or is a list already in the core game.
  12. Man this demo was so fun it world building was great and storyline so far is great too cant wait to play it fully.
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