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About Leftie

  • Birthday December 30


  • Member Title
    Furry Garbage

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  • Interests
    Drawing, Gaming, Going "uwu"
  • Location
    In your local trash bin

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Blazing Sword

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  1. Flash back to about 2014. I had been going through a phase where I was obsessed with strategy games of all kinds. I had been playing a game called Stellaris for a long time and I got a Nintendo eShop gift card for Christmas. I got on my 3DS and looked at what was available and I saw Fire Emblem Awakening. I had heard of FE before through Smash, though I didn't know much at all about it. But since I'm a chronic impulse buyer, I bought it almost immediately. I download it and I play it on and off for the next week or so. Sadly, Christmas break had ended and I go to a very demanding school, so I had to drop it almost entirely. So the school year ends, and I hear about the GBA Fire Emblem games. I get a ROM of Blazing Sword and I friggin love it. Sadly, I was caught up in many other things and I never beat it. Then for the next 3 years I kind of forget about it? Just recently (about 2 months ago), I found the ROM on my phone while cleaning it out, and I decide to try it again. Needless to say, I got obsessed with it again. :) And here I am.
  2. You're playing Genealogy? Good luck, I heard it's really hard :V and romhacking... that ain't easy. but if you're determined enough to learn to make something i'd be glad to play it ^^
  3. they be broken images, fyi. and noOOOOO IT COULD BE BETTER
  4. Wow, you're a really good artist!! I'm impressed! As for my own art uhhh h h h h h hh h hh im very self conscious abt showing it anD I HAVENT DRAWN ANYTHING NEW IN A REALLY LONG TIME but uhHHH (warning: a lot of furry trash incoming) and oooo, thats an interesting idea :o im kinda interested in making a game like fe that has its own story and stuff anD FURRIES
  5. That is generally my same strategy honestly, albeit I try to make formations in such a way that I generally stay out of enemy ranges unless I purposefully want to aggro an enemy, and also in a way where I can feed exp to certain units if an opportunity arises. And with the character attachment, it's always been a kind of problem for me that I get attached to almost every character I meet; not even in FE, but in practically everything I play/read/watch/etc. Wow, you played all those FE games in 4 years... with a job? I'm impressed! Oh, do you draw? I do too! If you feel comfortable, I'm interested in seeing what you've made ^^ If you don't want to share though, there's no pressure. That "project," too. You've intrigued me And trust me, massive text walls aren't anything new. Don't forget you're on a forum. Big text walls are kind of an obligation here, lmao
  6. I won'y say anything specific, but I live on the east coast of the US. :V
  7. It makes me feel all warm inside, of course! I've always loved helping people; it's just been something I've always liked doing. I'm incredibly lazy. Sooooooooo.
  8. Well it isn't even that!! I love strategy, don't get me wrong, but I'm just bad at strategic thinking; If I had a dollar for every time I got checkmated in Chess in less than 10 turns... And I also grow so attached to my units, that even one I would be more than okay with continuing the game without in a difficulty sense, I would still restart for regardless because I want to see them grow stronger. I'm like a freakin' mom!! I really don't mind permadeath; I actually kinda love the concept of it, it's just I grow way too attached to all my units and next thing you know I slip up and I start crying over whatever unit just died. What I'm trying to say is that I have a soft heart and I feel guilty every time a unit dies because Intelligent Systems did way too well writing their mfing characters
  9. Hello!! I am Leftie! I have been a distant fan of Fire Emblem for a really long time, though I've only recently gained the courage to actually play the game..... I have all the GBA games (including a Translated FE6 ROM) on my 3DS and Awakening but.... I... Have only played FE7. And I still have yet to beat it.... yeah.... pathetic, I know. Fire Emblem's difficulty has always spooked me, and it made me always afraid to play the game because I despise losing any unit, even if I don't care about them and im lowkey really bad at strategy But I'm finally playing FE7, and.... the farthest I've gotten is Chapter 23E. yeah. I've always been horrendous at introductions I'm sorry >~< If you want to ask me anything or roast me thats fine too go ahead I guess- Edit: I am sad because Matthew died for like the nth time and I'm restarting the chapter I've been trying for 2 days a g a i n
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