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Edelgard for Smash

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About Edelgard for Smash

  • Birthday 07/13/1989

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    Thracia 776

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  1. Because institution racism is only who is in charge, not the actual immorality of the racism itself. When people say that “so and so can’t be racist because....” they aren’t making a moral argument, all they are essentially implying is that their preferred group isn’t in charge and therefore it is bad.
  2. Ok then, why do people care about institutional racism or sexism if it is all about power?
  3. If principled center left political views are “trolling” to you then you need some serious psychological help. I am sure your parents would agree. Again guys, you can’t post nonsense DNC talking points(like how Trump supposedly picked a rapist for Supreme Court) and realistically expect someone not to challenge you eventually. It is not “trolling” it is called actually knowing something about politics.
  4. Except the academic definition of racism and sexism specifically mentions power. So it is entirely antithetical to that humanistic worldview.
  5. Have you considered that you can’t keep an echo chamber going indefinitely?
  6. Any real mods would have banned most of the people on this thread, especially scum who would actually think I deserve banning simply for expressing my thoughts and calling out real trolling concerning my dead step brother. But go ahead and continue with your toddler outbursts that you think is “knocking” my “shit” down. Show me how pathetic the modern left wing can actually be.
  7. Why is it so important to people whether someone is a racist or a sexist or not when morality takes a secondary role or no role at all? How is equality possible with this outlook when whoever isn’t the oppressor is automatically the oppressed?
  8. Actually it is called critical thinking and basic application. Learn it sometime. Asking me to not blame black people for my step brother ODing twice like Excellen Browning did is what trolling actually is(it is actually worse but I will leave it at that)and the fact that Shoblongoo responded to that as if that was a serious reply to what I posted puts him in the same position. I understand just fine what leftist positions are, I am on the left end of the spectrum myself. I am just not a lunatic and don’t go along with whatever bullshit the media wants me to accept. Being involved in politics longer than some of you have been alive kind of helps me in that regard.
  9. Except the OP explicitly mentions Trump and the “far right” repeatedly. My posts were about global affairs.
  10. Where you live being sober is probably equivalent to being high, which changes the entire dynamic. Meanwhile you are proving what I said. The police don’t care whether anyone has weed unless they need to fill a quota. You are also proving what I said earlier about health care and taxes or anything that used to be meaningful to political discussion meaning absolutely nothing to the modern left wing agenda, it is all about purely reactionary intersectional nonsense now(as Excellen Browning’s nonsensical response to my post and your agreement to that response show) You even go as far as to try to downplay the unprecedented drug epidemic that is almost exclusively affecting white kids because you think it is tragedy that white communities are actually mentioned for something other than racist redneck stereotypes. Funny how you took issue with my statement about white privilege being mythical earlier and yet here you are, a lawyer who has obvious biases that clearly interfere with your job in a multitude of ways that don’t exactly benefit any potential white defendants or prosecution that you deal with.
  11. That is a new phenomenon that is mostly due to depression but spills over into more conventional drug usage in various ways. It is also not a generalization when everyone I know who current smokes or has smoked weed fits that description.
  12. You mean like how they didn’t arrest him when he did pot as his first drug(as the rest of that statement clearly implies)? Or how they have never arrested the hundreds of people I have seen smoking weed in public? Marijuana usage is primarily rebellious and not for the high. They will move on to cocaine and heroine and possibly other more obscure drugs once they realize no one cares that they are doing it.
  13. Ask my step father whether he would rather have his son in jail or dead. I am pretty sure believing your son is dead for weeks only to bring him home with a tube in his chest, watch him for a year in your home, send him to rehab, regain trust in his decisions enough to allow him to move and then hear about him overdosing to death just days after you and he come back from a memorable family cruise is about as terrible as it gets for a parent. Black people who are arrested are incarcerated for multiple offenses with possession tacked on because it was at the scene of the crime. Again, not arresting white kids for drugs usually is condemning them to death.
  14. They are arrested for distributing and prior use. If they were actually as strict as you claim there would be an actual opposition to drug legalization and ballot initiatives would actually fail for once instead of easily passing with margins to spare. The reality is that only people like me give a rats rip about even harder drugs than marijuana, much less weed, and most of the police don’t agree with me either. Most people I interact with proudly proclaim to do drugs and I live in a state that supposedly hasn’t legalized anything yet. Where were the police when my step brother overdosed on heroine twice and technically dying both times(the 2nd time he was dead before a coma was even a possibility) after doing every other drug imaginable for most of his life? What about when my step sister, other step brother and my brother routinely did drugs and underaged drinking and driving? I know exactly what I am talking about. Nobody gives a shit anymore, including you. Compared to the America that was founded Republicans today are all socialists. FDR was a radical for his time, but he was a conservative compared to today’s Democrats, and that goes even more so for JFK. Funny how the radical cultural and social progressives always try to hide behind secondary economic policies, while at the same time economic conservatives are forced to distance themselves from social and cultural conservatives, isn’t it? Except I am not wrong, you are just a small time lawyer who deals with less than a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of anything relevant and you actually think you know more than Eric Holder’s FBI did(the Attorney General at the time of the formation of BLM). No, the media willingly lies every day while you trust them for absolutely no reason. What you trust as news is no more real than the crap on Buzzfeed or Rotten Tomatoes(you know, the kind of sites “real news” regularly supports despite being obvious trash?). NBC editing a 911 call to make Zimmerman sound racist in it at a time when race riots were starting up is not merely “sensationalism”, it is making up a story at a time when people could die for what they did.
  15. From the FBI database. I am sorry but “hands up don’t shoot” isn’t a counter argument to that. White people are significantly more likely to be killed by cops, even when they are less likely to be armed or confrontational when a cop stops them. The woman you used as an example was arrested. She was trying to seduce the cop with her female privilege(which is a very real thing) but she was too drunk to be successful despite her mythical “white privilege”. How often do honestly believe anyone is arrested for possession of weed without a previous offense? I would much prefer that all of your friends were arrested. Having all these drug addicts on the loose isn’t exactly helping the white community.
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