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    Celica (DLC)

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  1. Hi! Welcome to Serenesforest!
  2. Hi! Welcome to Serenesforest!
  3. Odin


    Hi, welcome to Serenesforest!
  4. Hey Magius, fancy seeing you here! Hope you enjoy your stay here!
  5. Not what I expected from Eirika, but whatever. Her outfit looks nice!
  6. Whoa! They both look really nice!
  7. I just had to laugh at that picture of Oliver. Now I need some brain bleach.
  8. I think I will let MU stay as a Grandmaster.
  9. Wait... is that Gangrel confessing his love to MU? Should I be happy or should I be scared? And seeing two Tikis in one area is quite amusing, actually. I do hope that that we don't need Starlight for Gharnef's Imhullu though.
  10. Oh yes, it's Elincia! I'll be honest, her artwork looks nice. I wonder if she'll have Amiti though?
  11. Welcome to Serenesforest, Freya!
  12. The banner looks amazing! I like how the characters pop up from the circle! Most impressive!
  13. I can't wait to use Lucina. I have to agree that she looks like a good unit to play with. Besides, it's nice to have another female Lord in the series.
  14. Hi, nice to meet you too!

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