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Everything posted by Vince777

  1. I used Lilina as a example why who Eliwood's mother is does not really matter. She became a very proficient mage despite having Hector for father. Not having a mentionned problem with magic does not mean he could use the most powerful light magic spell in existence, or even any magic at all. Guess we'll just disagree.
  2. So gen 3 units get you more reward by using heroic ordeals or is there something I'm not understanding? Why this choice of design? (edit: ok I just realised it comes with quite a difference in difficulty)
  3. No, it doesn't make sense. He does not show that he can use magic in any of the two games he's in (one in which he's an old man and still can't use magic) and Aureola is the top light magic spell that only extremely proficient light mages can use. Lilina is Hector's daughter. What the hell do they have in common?
  4. I care about canon and although I’m willing to make some exceptions for seasonal units (who frankly I wish didn’t exist), the thought of Aureola/Apocalypse Eliwood disgusts me.
  5. Looks like I’ll finally be getting my first cavalry red mage and that I’ll be pulling only for Greil.
  6. Fodder is the only thing I use heroic grails for since I don't do merges. I only merge when I pull 5* duplicates. I've never had a +10 project and I don't think I ever will.
  7. Spent a lot of my f2p resources to get Duma yesterday and now I'm scared I'll get a duplicate knowing we don't pick the colour we want on this thing.
  8. Or you could look at it this way: that Gharnef and Hardin were the only two Archenean characters released and they happen to be 2 of the top 3 villains, leaving only Medeus, making him quite likely to follow the trend. May get overlooked a while but I feel this pretty much guarantees his eventual release. He's a dark dragon and that's just too fitting one of the elements. Corrupted Hardin totally could have been a Mythic hero as well. Perhaps even Gharnef. Both were basically literally invincible forces stalking you for a part of the game.
  9. I'm interested in OC units and units I couldn't play in their native games so despite not liking the character much, I'll go for Surtr since he's the only OC I don't have. Otherwise I would have went for legendary Azura but solely because I'm afraid she'll become a mainstay in f2p guides in the manner brave Veronica now is.
  10. I'm more interested in collecting the shiny new characters than being competitive in a game with boring game modes that pander to paying players. So I use f2p guides for all difficult modes and the fun is mostly to just summon and get something new. I do invest a little time in trying to make my units at least decent in combat though with whatever builds f2p allows for but I only play the PvP content to collect the rewards, never to jump up a tier or anything. So yeah, no MVP. Other than the f2p guide regulars, I guess.
  11. Wanted to draw red but didn't get an orb so I went for green, which had the most units I didn't have. Got Christmas Lissa, who I didn't have so I'm pretty satisfied.
  12. I already wasn't merging units, because it's way too much of a resource strain on f2p players, so I'm not excited over the flowers at all. When I saw it announced at first, I was hoping it was a way for Gen 1 units to catch up, but that isn't what it is. It'll be limited resources that I'll only be able to give to my stronger units, since I'll prioritize them, further cimenting the gap between the strong and the less strong and making my whole squad just much less diverse. It looks like we will get these flowers very slowly so I'm pretty sure I will get more units more frequently than I will get the flowers to make them +5. Don't like it.
  13. My apologies. By shapeshifters I meant units that would be considered ‘beasts’ in Heroes. I didn’t have the dragons in mind.
  14. If that’s the rule, have it apply to all the games. Not deny Lekain and yet give every villain with a custom portrait from Echoes a spot.
  15. Heroes require quite a lot more than the usual suspension of disbelief. While it feels odd that god-like beings be summoned, it was already irrational that heroes would willingly accept being essentially kidnapped from their homelands to fight and possibly die for a country they’ve never heard of.
  16. Wonder if there's anything that can be done about including such characters in the poll.
  17. It's so irrational that they've forgotten Lekain that I've started to like and appreciate the character more because of it. So much that if they do add him next year, I'll vote for him in protest at least once. When comparing all major villains, most of which had been corrupted by some dark force or another, he was entirely still sane of mind and probably one of the most naturally crooked and evil. Single-handedly used his smarts to bring two countries to their knees and nearly took Begnion for himself as well.
  18. Mustafa has meme status and recency going for him, I guess. It'd be even harder to explain why someone like Garth is in CYL. (edit: Scratch that, confused him with Cervantes) Also darn, I apologize for the double post.
  19. Oh yeah, I remember him now. We talk about Quan a lot but that was the other one moment where we felt really helpless and just had to watch the good guys die. (well.. other than in Belhalla... or when Byron was being chased.. darn)
  20. He's Andorey's son, both of which probably don't belong in CYL. If I'm missing something, it's certainly been a while, feel free to make a case for them.
  21. Alright, I want to predict a banner including the Annas before brave redux, since they all made a huge jump this yeah in CYL and I think Blazing Sword will get it's own, with Pent and Louise. Bruno I see getting in at the same time as vanilla Veronica in their own banner and I foresee 2 Tellius banners. I think one of Haar and Jill as well as one of Ranulf and Lethe will be left out for Farfetched Heroes while the other two will be on their own Tellius banner. So my predictions are: 1) Haar 2) Lethe 3) Panne (because she's the only popular shapeshifter from her game while Selkie/Kaden/Keaton/Velouria are likely to come together) 4) Rinea
  22. Oh yeah. Nah fuck Lundgren. He was a terrible character. (still think Darin was important enough)
  23. Yeah I did notice that everyone with a portrait from Echoes is basically there. On the villains side and while still remaining very generous, they should have stopped at Jeddah, Rudolf, Fernand, Desaix, Slayde, Nuibaba and perhaps Sonya's sisters because they're gorgeous. Oh and perhaps that Chapter 3 pirate boss guy whose name I forgot. All the others really shouldn't be there as they carry next to no importance (although I like the design of some of the Duma faithful). I wonder who the hell even votes for them. They all did better than Frost this year and at the very least he's playable. Tellius has it worst but amongst other omissions from other games, I would probably also include Darin the marquess of Laus. He's the main antagonist of Lyn's tale after all and is certainly more important than someone like the face-swaps from Genealogy, like Scipio. Weird selection.
  24. I want to know who picked the characters from Radiant Dawn to be in CYL if he thought Jorge and Amy belonged there while Lekain and Levail didn't.
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