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Everything posted by Vince777

  1. I wonder what can and what cannot hurt the BK. He fled the scene when Caineghis was getting close so the Lion King I would assume could.
  2. Bit soon for timeskip version, in my opinion. Release more students first. Timeskip versions of the lords/Byleth can come as legendary hero alts in the future.
  3. I'd be one to be a little pissed if Gerik's first appearance was a dancer. What about Elphin/Lalum?
  4. You don't seem to understand that anything that Rhea or scripture would say is biased, at best her perspective and sometimes even an outright lie. You have no actual knowledge of the motives involved in the past conflicts. You make a lot of assumptions but with no insight whatsoever on the world before the conflict and that is because the game does not provide much of it. At least from what I could tell. Of course humans aren't denied jobs in the current world as humans is all there is left. I'm not claiming to have insight either but I can raise possibilities that you refuse for some reason to even consider. Why were the Agarthans at war with the dragons and why couldn't it have been to rectify some injustice? "I'll wait for you to show Thoese Who Slither In The Dark being willing to share a world with the dragons if the were offered terms for surrending their weaponry and agreeing the obey the law." I don't consider that out of the realm of possibilities at all. We're never really made aware of what Agarthans were really like and what were their motives in the war. They also may have little to do with what they've become centuries later as "TWSITD". Yes, I did mean the western church. Outright killed the Bishops she had captured and many before that, like Christophe. Not a single one with the knowledge that she is a dragon.
  5. I've no knowledge of why the Agarthians were at war against the dragons and you're not showing me that you do either. You don't know whether humans suffered from racism at the hand of the dragons or not. It may be that dragons intended to keep humans under their rule, confined to their space, and I can see why some would want to rebel against that. I don't think that conflict is very well explained. Or at least, I'm personally missing pieces. They built weapons to wage war as did all in history that have waged war. This seems completely irrelevant to me. What are you even saying. If they were not targeted, I don't see why they'd end up having to live in the shadows. They clearly had no place to be after their defeat and they weren't very numerous anymore. Plus you've seen what Rhea did to anyone that would oppose the Church. It's likely she would have destroyed all that is left if given the chance. That too is genocide.
  6. I don't know enough about the war Nemesis led to take a side. What exactly makes Nemesis so clearly the villain here? That isn't clear to me. Nor if the Agarthians deserved to be banished. They also suffered a genocide of sort, I believe, since their society was made to collapse and the remnants of them only remained in the shadows for so long. I may be completely off with the lore here. They used the bones of vanquished dragons during the war to fight but they also did because those held tremendous power. Yeah, they're very shady and not exactly recommendable but it isn't clear they were this way before and this is the sort of thing that happens constantly to marginalized groups when they get desperate. Playing fair just doesn't make sense anymore. This is partially why I also liked Micaiah so much in her conflict with Ike and the Alliance. She was getting crushed, started getting desperate and shifted towards more shady measures, like using a rockslide.
  7. I thought these were Lysithea and Ignatz. ._.
  8. I'm unconvinced Edelgard would harbor similar hatred towards the dragonkin had they not been deceptive and ruling through their imposed and promoted caste system. She likely doesn't hate Rhea because she's a dragonkin but hate the dragonkin because they are Rhea. Regarless, it remains inconsequential in that it isn't actually her focus. She would have led the same rebellion had Rhea just been human and would have hated her just as much. You haven't addressed that.
  9. It strikes me as a manner to highlight her deception. She lies to the people about her true nature and she lies about history. She does so to maintain the status quo. There is no doubt to me that Edelgard would still have wanted the end of the Church and the nobility regardless of whether Rhea is human or not. It is just not her focus. So there are endings with Edelgard still leading Fodlan. I had not seen them. However, I doubt Edelgard/Lysithea should be considered the canon ending, were there to be one. They're not even from the same class. Multiple endings with bring about many flavour endings. When unpaired, she eventually abdicates. That seems more canon to me. Edit: Upon inspection, most Edelgard endings have her remain a ruler her entire life so I'll conceide on that. Lysithea's was a weird choice to show me.
  10. Look at you and your two cents assumptions. I had actually forgotten about Rhea's nature. Regardless, there is a great total of three of those characters and her motivation for their removal isn't their racial nature in particular. Edelgard would not have acted any differently had Rhea just been human. No, I would not automaticly assume humans to be the "good guys". I would seek rebellion against a class system that's passed on through blood, however.
  11. Edelgard gave away her position right after accomplishing her goal, quite unlike Staline and she doesn't seek to eliminate people based on ethnicity, like Hitler hoped to do. Napoleon would seem like a better comparison to me.
  12. Yes, I feel they do make them redundant and I played all versions of the games multiple times. The older ones before they had their remakes and I can say for sure that I'm not ever going back to the older versions and their dated mechanics. I consider them all are superior to the games they revisited. Some people have issues with Kris or maybe even with Conrad but I am not one of them. The only ones I'd maybe reconsider is FE3 because it had a very interesting mechanic for the manaketes that they didn't port over the newer version, sadly. In essence, Tiki could transform into any of the multiple dragons with the appropriate stones outside of battle and she'd keep that form for a few turns, some forms allowing you to fly, others to swim in the water.
  13. I didn't know about the materials from monsters in my first playthrough either (and also barely used gambits) but all my units were a little above lv40 by the last chapter.
  14. We're talking about odds here. Who would they most likely side with. There's a rationale you can make for it but I don't think Marianne would be very likely to choose a route against the church. Plus, she'd seek to avoid conflict, not join a revolution. Same goes for Mercedes. Especially seeing the way she reacted to Rhea condemning the western church Bishops to death. She'd be all in for the Church.
  15. Most of these materials you get by completely shattering all 4 tiles of armor on the big beasts. Plus. when you manage that, they'll be stunned, they won't attack the next turn and the armor will never regenerate. On an ulterior playthrough, you can use the gambits that target several tiles to make it rather easy.
  16. I don't see Marianne wishing to fight the church of Seiros. She seems extremely devoted to the goddess.
  17. You don't have much to base on regarding Dimitri if you've only played GD. I played BL last and I still barely knew anything about him going in.
  18. Lysithea and Ignatz. Didn't plan for them. They just always joined.
  19. I believe they changed the skill stat to '"dexterity" just so that it not be confused with the skills characters can gain.
  20. Dimitri knows that what he's doing is wrong even in his worst moments. It's clear in the manner he describes himself and his behavior.
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