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Everything posted by SaurianGuy

  1. So max out IVs if the player battles online, make grinding more interesting, make the rng less random and keep everything else the same? Although people are probably going to cheat anyway even if everything gets streamlined/improved because it's easier and less time consuming.
  2. Sounds like you're just putting too much pressure on yourself really. A change of scenery or making some plans for the future can be a good start.
  3. You were right, I loaded the wrong character for the fight scene. Now it works like a charm. I haven't done much with my ending events yet since I am still following some tutorial guidelines. However I'll make the following adjustments. Thanks for helping out kagnus.
  4. As soon as that event starts, most of the screen becomes a white pixalated mess but the fight scene still plays out (just map animation though). After that, the pixalated mess remains on the screen and hangs the game, just leaving the music working. Sometime a random unit appears on the top left corner despite not being loaded in.
  5. I have been trying to have a scripted fight occur during the opening events but the game always end up glitching. If I take that section out, everything else works fine which means I'm missing something.
  6. If I remember correctly, Gaiden's RNG rolls only once while newer games roll twice.
  7. Sure if you just count the soundtrack.
  8. Again? I think you only said it once. Thanks though!

  9. It sounds like something already done in SRW though. It would be sweet in a steam-punk setting though. Another idea to bring this back on-topic is to give more bonuses when you increase a weapon rank up like in FE 11/12. Would make more sense that as you gain the ability to use stronger and more efficient weapons that the user would also improve in hit, strength,etc.
  10. The ability to alter a character's promoted class depending on the promotion item they are using? Like if Lucy uses a Guiding Ring she becomes a Droid, uses a Knight Crest she becomes a Mage Knight, etcera.
  11. I am interested in seeing what happens next but it feels like you were fusing three different chapters into one and its kinda noticeable with its pacing. You also lost me when you keep on adding details on top of details that you just introduced. I think it would be better if you withhold some details like the role of the Honor-guard until later and expand your current details like the story's world and the characters in it.
  12. Gotta grit those teeth and move forward. It'll pay off... eventually i think.
  13. I should of done this when my account was created in September but better now than later! I'm SaurianGuy, a 18 year old going through the experiences of college. My favorite video game genre are RPGs, mainly turn base but I do dabble in other fields. I played RPGs like Final Fantasy, SMT Persona, Golden Sun, Chrono Cross, Dragon Quest and way more! Suggestions of other welcome games to play would be nice and welcomed. Anyway, my first Fire Emblem game was Blazing Sword and it was probably the first RPG I remember kicking me around when I started. Of course it introduced me to many similar games like Final Fantasy Tactics, Devil Survivor and Super Robot Wars so I am thankful for that. I was also introduced to other games in the series like Sacred Stones and Shadow Dragon, making me a Fire Emblem fan. Unfortunately I haven't been able to play FE 9 and 10 since my Wii no longer works and I haven't played anything before FE 6 after hearing rumors of how large and tedious the maps are. Besides my interest in the Rom Hacking section, I would like to finish a FE draft since I never had a chance to ever complete one. Also I have been trying out my hand in Spriting but that is still a work in progress and hopefully it's something I will show in the future. That's all for now and I think I haven't broken any rules so hey!
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