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Tessie Spoon

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  1. That would be a reasonable justification... it's just too bad it more than likely isn't the case in XC2. You'd think that otherwise it would've been made extra-clear in the story, to show that said outfit isn't just sex appeal for its own sake. Very true. Quite a few yaoi and yuri series take full advantage of that. That actually sounds pretty good. If only such feedback was given and considered more during the development of games like this, we'd have less nonsensical uses of the Rule of Sexy.
  2. Agreed, confidence in one's appearance is one thing, and enjoying being the target of the male or female gaze is another. Mythra's no Zeke. Understandable interpretation, and it begs the question: why would Mythra still choose to wear that outfit? She spends the vast majority of her time outside the company of her creator, so you'd think that by default, she'd still go with an outfit that doesn't contradict her personality. There's one more problem... Has said creator been revealed to be the type of guy who'd have her wear such an outfit in the first place? From what I remember, he's far from a Sir Lustful :/
  3. One particular use (or in my opinion, misuse) of the Rule of Sexy is one of my biggest pet peeves. Said peeve is: having a character dress like ogle-bait without any decent in-universe justification for it. One example that always stood out to me is Mythra from Xenoblade Chronicles 2. She's far from the type who enjoys being ogled, yet she dresses the way she does... and that one scene where she went hysterical on Rex for what clearly wasn't his fault? That didn't endear her to me. I find it extra bothersome that this trope use is so common since it's easy to avoid. Something as simple as "Oh, she likes the male attention" or "Oh, with how poor she is, she has little choice" would've been good enough, but I see such far too rarely :/
  4. I prefer her post-timeskip design due to how regal and imposing it makes her look, though the way she did her hair... I found it was silly and out-of-character. It's like she was trying too hard to look like a stereotypical evil empress. It would've been better for her to stick to her old hairdo, or go with the ponytail that the devs added in as an extra. This kind of reminds me of how some characters (like Mythra from Xenoblade Chronicles 2) went with erotic outfits that don't make sense in the context of the story or wearers' characterization, though in this case, the motivation at least made some sense in-universe.
  5. Taking someone's blood usually doesn't involve them stripping, though. Only the whole area from which the blood is being taken needs to be stripped (a single arm, thigh, etc). The idea about checking for physical differences compared to other crests makes sense to me. One thing that Hanneman once noted was how crest-havers usually have sweet tooths, so if having a crest can affect physical sensations in one area, then it makes sense for it to affect such in other areas. It was also implied that crests have effects on things like musculature and coordination, what with Dimitri's crazy strength (despite his Dex growth).
  6. Thanks for sharing your input! So basically, what you like most about the story is how each important character gets a good amount of the spotlight, which is unlike in several FE games where the main lords are all too often the centers of the universe. And how the main character in this case is good at helping the spotlight shine well on others, due to his role being mainly supportive rather than plot-driving. Did I get it right? If so, I can see the merit in that. I think it's kind of a waste to design a cast of central characters, only for most of them to seem too unimportant due to one of them being an accidental diva.
  7. I've been playing a lot of TMS lately, and I think I'm near the end of the story. Despite my issues with various parts of the game, I appreciate at least that part a fair bit. Especially the way Tsubasa's character development was handled: how it was more of a slow burn, rather than relatively quick like in many other stories like this. I mean, normally... huge, lasting character development just happens from big events. But in real life, while you can show big changes in the heat of the moment, it takes a lot more than that for the changes to last. You need a lot of big events building on each other. So, I found it refreshingly realistic how until much later in the game, Tsubasa's growth largely scaled back after each arc, only being more permanent in later parts. What do you guys like most in this game's story?
  8. I know. The thing is, if I can't see that the conclusion is wrong (due to the lack of explanation), then I believe that it is fair for me to not believe in said conclusion; not everyone's instincts are that good. All the same, it wouldn't be fair for me to blame the other person for believing in that conclusion, if the reference frames behind their belief are good enough. In your hypothetical case, they very well may be. Ah, you have a point; I forgot to consider scammers. And as someone who usually gives the benefit of the doubt when not seeing reason to do otherwise, I don’t understand the implication of the “No” in your response: that by default, explaining things to people messing up socially poses significant risk to things like your finances. The thing about lying being about the scammers and such? Makes sense, and I think I know why people tend to have such a hard time explaining things. Yes, my therapist is helping me with that. And yes, relying on random strangers is a gamble not worth taking on stuff like this; I’d rather listen to trusted friends and family. Yeah, especially in what's supposed to be a professional context, that phrasing was very overly-hostile. It also showed a fair bit of ignorance about autism while relying quite a bit on ad-hom attacks ^^; Yes, that's definitely stuff to avoid when you're trying to make a point. Thanks!
  9. Considering what video games are, and what makes them so fun, I’m pretty neutral on the concept of them being prequels to others. After all, the main issues with such games (that are related to the prequelness) are usually the narratives. And the issues with their narratives are usually the same you’d expect from video game narratives in general. I think the more important question here is: what about the narrative-implementation makes prequels seen as good or bad?
  10. I’m technically a native Spanish speaker, but my skill with that language is rather lacking. The obligatory Spanish classes I took while growing up didn’t help much, and admittedly, my personal lack of interest actually hurt things greatly. I’ve only started making more sincere efforts to learn Spanish last year, doing little lessons on Duolingo and SpanishDict. I was certainly surprised by things like how it often takes more letters to write things in Spanish that they do in English; at some points, I started joking that I was learning German instead. I wonder if it’s the reason why Spanish voice-acting in anime often has so much fast-talking... So, what was it like for you guys, learning second (perhaps not technically) languages? What kinds of things do you do to make it more fun? I myself have been playing Spanish localizations of video games, wondering what I can do to make it more effective.
  11. Makes sense. And I have indeed asked myself questions to try to understand why the other person reacted as they did, even when I was young. Yes, I was indeed placing a fair bit of blame on others with how I said "One of the greatest contributors"; I chose that wording knowing that it wouldn't be fair to place all of said blame, since I myself do bear a lot of responsibility. Now I see why you thought I wasn't being introspective at all. Very true. Logic/past experience (or as psychology experts might put it, reference frames) does indeed color the way we interpret things. For example, to you, I seemed responsibility-dodging due to the way I worded my post. As I've explained before, while I do place some of the responsibility on others, I do place a lot on myself as well. Also, trying to understand how others reacted was something I always struggled with (and not for a lack of effort), and it very much frustrated me. I appreciate the feedback, and I'd like to understand your POV better; I´m not entirely sure what you´re trying to say here, insofar as it being a response to the part of my post right above it. Please elaborate. As for analyzing my own thoughts and feelings, that is something I struggle with as well, hence why I've been seeing a therapist. Yes, he may have other options. The issue here was the lack of constructive feedback I believe he's entitled to. Whether one knows him or not, whether he seemed shady or not, I believe it is best to offer constructive advice like I did. After all, when you don't even know someone, shouldn't you usually give them the benefit of the doubt? Seems like the nice thing to do, and healthy for our society, in my opinion, with how it may cut down on ignorance. Btw, Alice was a hypothetical stand-in for me; Bob (not his real name, of course) was a guy I actually met and advised, though. Very true, I may have vented to the wrong people. I certainly needed professional help, and (as I later learned) it wasn't good to vent so much of it to others. And I believe the same constructiveness principle still applies like with Bob. I actually was professionally diagnosed for autism; Aspergers, to be exact. And don't worry, I wasn't offended. And yes, I know that forum discussions are no substitute for actual professionals; I still felt that the issue of giving constructive feedback to people who need it (like when they mess up big-time) is still worth discussing on this board.
  12. Thank you very much for responding and giving thoughtful feedback. To answer this part of your post I quoted, it was both irl and online. And what makes it seem that I wasn't being introspective in the sorts of experiences I mentioned? It's actually my introspection that prompted me to post this topic to begin with. Indeed, there can be problems with assuming I'm right because the other person couldn't validate their position. Perhaps they were still right all along despite them having a hard time explaining things. The alternative, however, is far worse: blindly agreeing with said other person. That's very anti-critical-thinking and can really hurt one's self-esteem. Speaking of which, I regret actually favoring that alternative during my high school and college years. Certainly not my smartest tendency. Example 1: Bob is an artist who really wants to be able to make a living off of online commissions, yet despite several years of effort, he can rarely get business. So he gets desperate, making himself look like a pathetic beggar on the internet as he tries to advertise his commission services. Instead of explaining to him how he's making himself look bad, and offering a more dignified way of advertising himself... people just insult him or otherwise scorn him. Example 2: Alice had a bad habit of being too open with her dissatisfactions with people. She became known as a chronic whiner, getting a pretty bad rep. Instead of explaining to her how and why her complaints were problematic, people just... Well, read the previous example. I once knew a guy like Bob, and instead of scorning him, I gave him the sort of feedback I wish I got when I messed up. And you know what? His behavior improved immensely. I myself was like Alice, and introspection helped me learn my lesson... albeit far later than was healthy. I agree and I understand on an emotional level how that works. That's a good idea. Could you elaborate more? Speaking of making notes of times where things went badly, here's an anecdote: I was a little kid, and I didn't want a teacher getting all up in my business. They tried just that one day. I forget what I said to get the idea across at the time, but despite how I intended to be respectful, they got angry. I later thought "Maybe I should have worded it a different way... Maybe then they won't be offended." I trusted that thought, and what do you know... it didn't work! The teacher got angry anyway. I vaguely remember there being many such times where I thought some change in my actions or wording, would get my intentions across better... only for my attempts to fall flat on their face, with me having no idea why. It was pretty frustrating, trying so hard to please people, trying so hard to understand them, yet they won't even give me the time of day. I even cried in many of those situations up until I was in my early teens. I agree with this and pretty much everything in your post. Having known this fact even as a kid, was what got me to ask for clarification so often to begin with.
  13. I can definitely relate, largely due to my struggles with socializing. Despite the efforts I've put in to fit in, I seem to only get along in society by being super-submissive. While I've tried to understand the hows and whys of what people do when interacting with each other, my attempts far too often end in failure. When I make mistakes socially, people would much rather yell at me than be constructive. And I have a hard time trusting my own family to teach me how to properly get along in society, due to... issues. I'm glad I had the courage to get a therapist to help out with these social challenges, that make me feel like I just don't belong.
  14. Throughout my life, my social intuition, the ability to know what to do in social situations without having someone guide me through it, hasn't always been the greatest... I've made a heck of a lot of mistakes, far too few of which I've really learned from. It's part of the reason I've been seeing a therapist to help compensate for my social intuition issues. One of the greatest contributors to my strings of mistakes... is people refusing to give me clear, good-faith explanations, even when I ask. They instead prefer to yell or say things like "You should've known!" When that doesn't leave me confused, it makes me think I was right after all, and that others were just picking on me; after all, when people keep refusing to validate their positions, their criticism naturally loses a lot of credibility in your eyes, right? And in the rare times where people DID explain things to me reasonably, clearly and logically... 9 times out of 10, I learned and became a better person. So... I feel that such clear communication is not appreciated near enough in the culture I was raised in. Am I the only one who feels this way? I'd like to hear about your thoughts and experiences.
  15. This kind of reminds me of how people tend to remember negative things easier than positive ones, which is why they might forget the positive things altogether. If the bad stuff is bad enough, anyway. I think I've seen similar sentiments towards Kirumi from Danganronpa V3, though that's not (really) a JRPG. What is one is Eredia: the Diary of Heroes. It's got one of those jerk protags, but he grew on me as I kept going along. Though, other than a certain character, I've felt that the playable cast could've gotten more development. I do like the writing, though, especially in the screenshot here.
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