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Red Dingo

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  1. Interesting, police hardly get punished for murder in the US.
  2. Yeah, I also remember when the fad on GFAQs was to call Lyn a male goat demon.
  3. So glad Texas focused on protecting its children from female body autonomy and accurate history books.../s
  4. Okay but how is that relevant to all of the kids who were murdered in the recent Texas shooting? What point do you think you're making right now?
  5. It's kind of weird that there are two Fire Emblem games where a boss is a guy going crazy to resurrect a woman named Monica.
  6. But they usually aren't. But they usually aren't. The most common use for guns is killing people. I don't understand why that's so difficult for anyone to understand. You don't see arms manufacturers marketing their wares on hunting or target shooting, its on how quickly you can turn a school into into a charnel house. The fact that we regulate alcohol and vehicle operations to minimize instances of drunk driving only strengthens the argument for gun laws: because of the damage this shit causes when it's unregulated at a federal level.
  7. The whole point of this thread is "what if" scenario. This angle you're going with here is essentially a 'nuh uh" to the entire premise of the discussion. The Valkyrie staff has an entirely functional magic explanation that does not need "fate" to explain. I'm not sure which type of "geasa" you are talking about but the Holy Blood has an entirely mechanistic explanation as well.
  8. Loptyr isn't divine, and there is no indication that either dragons possess such powers over causality. More to the point, the fact that fate or whatever rigs the game renders every choice the characters make essentially meaningless. They would be nothing more players in a some sadistic tragicomic farce. Julius was always screwed by destiny to be possessed by it. Julia was always destined to kill her brother. That's just plain garbage. I'd much rather the plot be a result of choices made countless agents than the whim of some higher power that got bored.
  9. People are always misplacing their Artifacts of Doom in a Post-Apocalyptic Aftermath. It's basic epic narrative 101. If the Crusaders had any sense, they'd have tossed the Loptuous Tome into the middle of the ocean after taking out the last Galle.
  10. Just to clarify, it sounded like the Child Hunts only started getting into gear when Julius had the throne and was possessed by Loptyr. Even if the tome was indestructible, it could still theoretically be placed in a chest and dropped off somewhere in the middle of the ocean, which has a similar effect to destroying it. It honestly seems like an easier way to the thwart Loptyr than forcing a girl to strike down her twin brother.
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