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    Power Broker of the Dark Realms

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  1. I never said I wanted people to "shoot all the bad guys". Stop putting words in my mouth. One of the first things they teach you in gun training classes (the NRA sponsored ones anyway) is that you never go out in search of the shooter; you shelter in a defensible location and only defend yourself or others if there's a direct threat of harm. No one here is advocating for vigilantism. You do realize that weapons manufacturers comprise a fairly significant chunk of the American economy, right? So not only is your plan not economically feasible, it would also hollow out the economies of many smaller towns throughout middle America, which is where most gun manufacturing plants operate, given that over regulation has made it impossible for them to operate in larger cities. But this is all a moot point anyway; the 2nd amendment makes your plan impossible to implement. The Supreme Court would strike it down instantly.
  2. I love how you zeroed in on one specific part of my post and ignored the rest of my argument; that's some top-notch deflection right there, but I nevertheless stand by my earlier statement that mandatory gun safety and training courses and community support programs for families is the correct solution to the problem, not gun control. Authoritarian gun-grabbing is doomed to fail in the U.S. Full Stop. The American people will absolutely rebel against that kind of half-assed legalism; it's what we're famous for, after all. 😂
  3. And other countries don't have anything like the 2nd amendment that makes gun ownership an inalienable legal right either. So what's your point? The United States has a deeply ingrained culture of non-conformism and rebellion against authority that goes all the way back to its' founding; trying to force cultural change through weaponised legalism will always be a doomed effort in America, a fact that the temperance movement of the 1920's learned the hard way. Their attempts to force Americans to give up alcohol through legislation backfired in the most spectacular manner possible; Americans just ignored their idiotic laws and turned to criminals to provide them with hooch, creating the American Mafia in the process. The same thing will happen with Gun Control as well. This a truth that many people on the left and the right could stand to learn; trying to force your way of thinking onto other people through the legal system will only cause resentment and increase lawlessness and criminality. Americans love their guns, for better or worse, and trying to use the force of law to take those guns away from them will only make them less likely to listen to you, not more.
  4. The way to solve the gun violence problem isn't to ban guns; it's education and community support for families. A simple change to current firearms regulations requiring anyone who owns or purchases a gun to attend mandatory gun safety and training courses would go a long way towards mitigating most of the problem. If more people could carry guns safely, there would be many fewer mass shootings in this country simply because more people would be in a position to stop a potential mass shooter before they can kill anyone. And having robust, community-lead social programs to strengthen families (after school clubs, support groups for new parents, job training programs) would eliminate one of the core causes of criminal violence - 85-90% of convicted violent felons in the U.S. come from broken and dysfunctional homes. Honestly, there's no reason to ban guns when there are much simpler and less authoritarian measures that can be taken. (And yes, banning guns IS a purely authoritarian invention, just look at how the Soviets dealt with civilian gun ownership in the USSR if you doubt me on that.)
  5. Does anybody know if this is still being worked on, or has it been abandoned?
  6. You misunderstand; TWSitD wasn't trying to resurrect Sothis..... Rhea was, and they simply used her secret project as a means to turn the Imperial Family against the church. Thales was playing a long game of 4D chess here, and Rhea was too obsessed with her mommy issues to notice.
  7. Rhea didn't know about TWSITD's involvement, but they WERE operating under the auspices of Rhea's secret crest research project, which involved church personnel in many different countries, not just in Garragh Mach. Her ignorance of their presence is not an adequate defense for all the harm they caused.
  8. None of that matters in the long run; Thales (as Arundel ) performed those experiments AS PART OF RHEA'S PLAN to resurrect Sothis. Rhea just didn't know that "Arundel" had other motives; none of this excuses her actions.
  9. The church may have been treating everyone equally in the Monastery, but they sure weren't doing much to address the root cause of the discrimination either. In fact, they were taking advantage of it to provide Rhea/Seiros with human guinea pigs for her "get mommy back" experiments, of which Edelgard and her entire family were victims. In my mind, Rhea lost any claim she had to the moral high ground the moment she decided that it was okay for her to sacrifice innocent people. Nemesis' actions in regards to the genocide of Zanado in no way justifies her response in sacrificing Edelgard's family, not to mention her attempt to sacrifice Byleth as well.
  10. I know that Byleth isn't going to be like Mark, but what's the point of making Byleth an Avatar, and then taking away all player agency? You can't even customize his appearance, and now it's looking more and more like their going to take away my ability to feel like I'm actually connected to the world as well; they might as well have just made Byleth a predefined character and saved themselves a lot of unnecessary grief.
  11. I realize that my opinion on this isn't likely to be terribly popular, but I'm going to say it anyway; I hate the idea of a silent avatar. I hated it in FE7 with the original Mark, and if IS does it with Three houses, then I most likely won't be buying the game. If the devs want me to put myself in the game, then I expect to actually be part of the story; that's exceptionally hard to do with a silent Avatar.
  12. I think Yeti should just release the growths. I understand the point he's trying to make by not releasing them, but it's ultimately not going to do any good; if he doesn't give the growths himself, some players are going to crack the game and find them anyway. FE isn't like Pokémon, which gives players the ability to level up their characters essentially at will. There's only so much EXP to go around in FE, and knowing which characters are likely to end up being good can mean the difference between winning a battle or losing it. Whether Yeti likes it or not, those Growth ratings are a valuable tool for players to decide which characters to focus on leveling and which characters to put on the bench; taking it away means you're effectively robbing the player of the ability to make an informed decision.
  13. I'm not skilled in translation, but a quick pass through Microsoft's online translation tool gave me the following; "Degenerations, it's customary for me to speak! It is fall to be surprised at that time." Yeah, I know... that's gibberish, and about as much as I would expect of Microsoft, but maybe it could get you started at least? <Edit> Google Translate gave me this "Onushi, sorosoro washi ga hanasu no ni nareyo! Sono-do ni odoroite koroba rete mo komaru wa." That might be more helpful.<Edit>
  14. In terms of what's "optimal"... well, that kind of depends on the person doing the planning. What I have found through my own ongoing experiments with FEBuilder is that it's always best to start with a story already mapped out... that way, you'll already have a general idea of what you need to do, and you won't have to waste time going back and changing a lot of things if you find that something you were trying to do won't work. Another thing to keep in mind is not to wait until you've already started up an editor to decide what you want to do. In the NWN Modding community, we call this "Designing as you go", and it's something you definitely don't want to do, because it can easily snowball and cause your entire story to be disjointed, and observant players will definitely pick up on this. In general, as long as you're organized and don't wait until the last second to plan things out, you'll probably do fine.
  15. No problem. If you don't mind, could you post a list of the AR codes you found here? I might give RD another playthrough with working codes.
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