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Event Hacking for Dummies


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Welcome, reader, to Event Hacking for Dummies (Arch's third event tutorial)! Since you’re reading this, you obviously want to learn events (or clicked here by mistake looking for porn, but you’ve probably closed the window already if that was the case). This tutorial is designed to give you the tools you need to make fully-customized Fire Emblem chapters of your very own! Before we begin, here’s a list of tools you’re going to need:

Make sure you’ve got all of these readily accessible as you read through the tutorial. With that said, let the learning begin! But before that, a quick heads-up. Learning events should not be your first foray into the realm of FE hacking. I'm not going to explain basic ROM hacking terminology in this tutorial (I don't feel I should have to). If there's a term you come across that you don't understand, look it up or ask someone. I'm expecting that you've at least played with the Nightmare Modules a bit.


Before we embark on our quest to use the Event Assembler, I'd like to go over some vocabulary. Some of this is basic hacking terminology, some of it is exclusive to the Event Assembler. I'd hope that the more basic terms are ones you're already familiar with, so I'm not going to go in-depth explaining things.

Variable: An integer with some value. Variables can be manually defined with words to make translation between what the game recognizes and what humans recognize easier (using one of the EA's features).

Parameter: A value selected by a user that modifies the code's effect. Parameters will always be variables.

CODE Parameter1 Parameter2 Parameter3

Pointer: Points to a data location in another part of the file. Pointers are found in GBA ROMs, as well as within event files themselves. Pointers within the event files are mostly handled through a labeling system (defined below). However, raw pointers may be used.

Label: Placed before a series of event codes as a reference-point for a pointer.

CODE Parameter
CODE Parameter

If Label1 is referred to in the event file, this code will be pointed to by the game.

Raw Code: The basic form of data written for the Event Assembler. This is raw code:

TEX1 0x0815

Macro: A more user-friendly feature, which translates strings of raw code into easy-to-understand text. This is the above raw code with macros added:


Comment: A comment in the Event Assembler is denoted by two slash signs, '//'. The EA will ignore all text after // on a given line. You can also use /* and */ (the first starts a comment, the second ends it).

Text(0815) //Everything after this is ignored by the EA. I like cake more than pie, and the EA can't respond to the greatest debate mankind has ever known! BWAHAHAHAH!
MNCH /* Comment in-between code? Yesz! */ 0x05

Edited by Optimus OVERTROLL
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The first step towards creating your fully-customized chapter is inserting a map. You need the map to do your events, get coordinates and such. I’ve never tried to do events without the chapter’s map, but I can’t imagine it’s any fun (you can try though, and tell me how much longer it takes).

What we’re going to need for this lesson is Nintenlord’s .MAR Inserter, and a .MAR file. “How do I get a .MAR file, Arch?”

[spoiler=Step 1: Get the .MAR File]Open your map (should be a .FMP file) in Mappy, then click the “File” dropdown-menu and select the option “Export...” Put a check-mark in the box labeled “Map Array (?.MAR)” and click “Ok.” Your .MAR file has been created! Be sure to note the size of the map (X,Y), it's important for the next step.

[spoiler=Step 2: Insert the Map]Open up Nintenlord's .MAR Inserter, it should look like this.


The first two are pretty self-explanatory. Pick your ROM and .MAR file. The coordinates you should have gotten from the map like I told you. Here's the catch though: take those coordinates and add one to them for your input. Finally we'll choose our offset, this is the location where the tool will write the map. If you're learning events and don't know what offsets are, I'd suggest you look it up or ask someone else (I mentioned before that I'm not explaining basics like offsets, this is your last warning of that).

Where to write your shiny new map? In FE7, there's a bunch of free space beginning at offset 00D00000. I personally like to write my maps in the 00DA0000 area (from offset DA0000 and onwards basically). However, you write the maps where you want. It's your ROM, organize it however you'd like.

[spoiler=Step 3: Tell the ROM where the map is]Step 3 involves using Nightmare. Load your ROM in Nightmare and then find the FE# Event References.nmm module and open it. Here's what you should see:


The "Pointer" is going to point to the offset of our maps. My screenshot already has the Prologue Map pointing to 00DA0000 (notice that the first two 0s are replaced with 0x8, that's part of what pointers are). Once that's taken care of we need to open the Chapter Data Editor.nmm to edit the tileset that the game uses for your chapter.

[spoiler=Step 4: Specify the Tileset]Step 4 is to edit the tileset (just in case you didn't read the spoiler tag's label). You'll see these four labels with drop-down menus:


Edit those to suit the tileset of your map. Once that's completed your map is officially ready to go!

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Setting Up an Event File

Luckily for you, the basic event setup has already been made. There is a template in the EA download for FE7, but there are also templates for the other two GBAFE games.

[spoiler=FE7 Template]

//Made by markyjoe1990 of Youtube
//Modified by Nintenlord

#include EAstdlib.event


ORG 0x????????

POIN Turn_events 
POIN Character_events 
POIN Location_events 
POIN Misc_events
POIN BallistaData BallistaData
POIN Bad Bad Bad Bad
POIN Good Good Good Good
POIN Opening_event Ending_event








MNCH 0x??


MESSAGE Events end at offset currentOffset
//The map for this chapter is at offset: ????????

[spoiler=FE6 Template]

//Made by markyjoe1990 of Youtube for FE7
//Modified by Nintenlord
//Modified further by Arch for FE6

#include EAstdlib.event


ORG 0x????????

POIN Turn_events
POIN Character_events 
POIN Location_events
POIN Misc_events
POIN Bad Good
POIN Ending_event








MNCH 0x??

MESSAGE Events end at offset currentOffset
//The map for this chapter is at offset: ????????

[spoiler=FE8 Template]

//Made by Camtech075 of SerenesForest

#include EAstdlib.event


ORG 0x????????

POIN TurnBasedEvents
POIN CharacterBasedEvents
POIN LocationBasedEvents
POIN MiscBasedEvents
POIN Dunno Dunno Dunno
POIN Tutorial
POIN Ballista1 Ballista2
POIN Units1 Units1
POIN $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
POIN BeginningScene EndingScene





CODE $00

CODE $00





STAL 0x01
MNCH 0x__

MESSAGE Events end at offset currentOffset

Pick whichever template you need for the game you're hacking.

However, just because the template is already made doesn't mean we aren't going over it! The first few lines are dominated by comments. For FE7, the first thing of significance is DISABLE_TUTORIALS, which, as you've hopefully guessed, disables FE7's tutorials. Next we have "#include EAstdlib.event," which tells the Event Assembler to include the Event Assembler Standard Library of macros and labels. I would highly suggest keeping this in your event files.

Now we delve into "EventPointerTable(0x??,ThisChapter)." This goes back to the FE# Event Refences Nightmare Module we learned about in the last chapter. In the folder where the Nightmare Module is, you'll find a file called "Pointers.txt." Let's say I'm doing my hack's Prologue Events, Pointers.txt says "0x06 Prologue Events." Therefore, I'll replace 0x?? with 0x06. I'll include the lists below for easy reference.

[spoiler=FE7 Values]0x00 None

0x01 ObjectSets: Sacae Plains

0x02 Palette: Sacae Plains: Light Sand

0x03 Set confic: Sacae Plains

0x04 Prologue Map

0x05 Animation: Water (Fields; Plains; M&S)

0x06 Prologue Events

0x07 Palette: Sacae Plains: Dark Sand

0x08 Ch.1 Map

0x09 Ch.1 Events

0x0A ObjectSets: Plains&Castle

0x0B Palette: Plains&Castle: Bright

0x0C Set config: Plains&Castle

0x0D Ch.2 Map

0x0E Ch.2 Map Tile change

0x0F Ch.2 Events

0x10 ObjectSets: Town&Docks

0x11 Palette: Town: Cliffs&stone road unusable

0x12 Set config: Town&Docks

0x13 Ch.3 Map

0x14 Ch.3 Map Tile change

0x15 Ch.3 Events

0x16 ObjectSets: Fortress&Fields

0x17 Palette: Fortress&Fields: Dawn

0x18 Set config: Fortress&Fields

0x19 Ch.4 Map

0x1A Ch.4 Map Tile change

0x1B Ch.4 Events

0x1C ObjectSets: Fields

0x1D ObjectSets: Fields

0x1E Palette: Fields: Sunny weather

0x1F Set config: Fields

0x20 Ch.5 Map

0x21 Ch.5 Events

0x22 Palette: Town: Cliffs&ship unusable

0x23 Ch.6 Map

0x24 Ch.6 Map Tile change

0x25 Ch.6 Events

0x26 Ch.7 Map

0x27 Ch.7 Map Tile change

0x28 Ch.7 Events

0x29 Palette: Plains&Castle: Neutral

0x2A Ch.7x Map

0x2B Ch.7x Map Tile change

0x2C Ch.7x Events

0x2D Ch.8 Map

0x2E Ch.8 Map Tile change

0x2F Ch.8 Events

0x30 Ch.9 Map

0x31 Ch.9 Map Tile change

0x32 Ch.9 Events

0x33 Palette: Fields: Darker; suitable for rain

0x34 Ch.10 Map

0x35 Ch.10 Map Tile change

0x36 Ch.10 Events

0x37 Ch.11E Map

0x38 Ch.11E Map Tile Change

0x39 Ch.11E Events

0x3A Palette: Plains&Castle: Castle Ostia/Laus

0x3B Ch.11H Map

0x3C Ch.11H Map Tile Change

0x3D Ch.11H Events

0x3E Ch.12 Map

0x3F Ch.12 Map Tile change

0x40 Ch.12 Events

0x41 Ch.13 Map

0x42 Ch.13 Map Tile change

0x43 Ch.13 Events

0x44 Palette: Fields: Night

0x45 Ch.13x Map

0x46 Ch.13x Map Tile change

0x47 Ch.13x Events

0x48 Palette: Fields: Darker; suitable for rain

0x49 Ch.14 Map

0x4A Ch.14 Map Tile change

0x4B Ch.14 Events

0x4C Ch.15H Map

0x4D Ch.15H Map Tile change

0x4E Ch.15H Events

0x4F Ch.15/16 Map

0x50 Ch.15/16 Map Tile change

0x51 Ch.15/16 Events

0x52 Palette: Plains&Castle: Castle Caelin

0x53 Ch.16/17 Map

0x54 Ch.16/17 Map Tile change

0x55 Ch.16/17 Events

0x56 Palette: Town: Ship&stone road unusable

0x57 Ch.16x/17x Map

0x58 Animation: Water (Town&Docks)

0x59 Ch.16x/17x Map Tile change

0x5A Ch.16x/17x Events

0x5B ObjectSets: Ship

0x5C Palette: Ship

0x5D Set config: Ship

0x5E Ch.17/18 Map

0x5F Animation: Water (Ship)

0x60 Ch.17/18 Map Tile Change

0x61 Ch.17/18 Events

0x62 Palette: Fields: Dull; suitable for fog

0x63 Ch.18/19 Map

0x64 Ch.18/19 Map Tile change

0x65 Ch.18/19 Events

0x66 Palette: Fields: Sunny weather

0x67 Ch.18x/19x Map

0x68 Ch.18x/19x Map Tile change

0x69 Ch.18x/19x Events

0x6A ObjectSets: Mountains&Shrine

0x6B Palette: Mountains&Shrine: Neutral

0x6C Set config: Mountains&Shrine

0x6D Ch.19x pt2 Map

0x6E Ch.19x pt2 Map Tile changes

0x6F Ch.19x pt2 Events

0x70 Ch.19/20 Map

0x71 Ch.19/20 Map Tile changes

0x72 Ch.19/20 Events

0x73 Palette: Town: Night

0x74 Ch.20/21 Map

0x75 Ch.20/21 Map Tile changes

0x76 Ch.20/21 Events

0x77 Palette: Fortress&Fields: Daytime

0x78 Ch.21/22 Map

0x79 Ch.21/22 Map Tile changes

0x7A Ch.21/22 Events

0x7B ObjectSets: Desert

0x7C Palette: Desert

0x7D Set config: Desert

0x7E Ch.22/23 Map

0x7F Ch.22/23 Events

0x80 Palette: Plains&Castle: Green&blue

0x81 Ch.22x/23x Map

0x82 Ch.22x/23x Map Tile changes

0x83 Ch.22x/23x Events

0x84 Ch.23/24 Map (Lloyd)

0x85 Ch.23/24 Map (Lloyd) Tile changes

0x86 Ch.23/24 (Lloyd) Events

0x87 Ch.23/24 Map (Linus)

0x88 Ch.23/24 Map (Linus) Tile changes

0x89 Ch.23/24 (Linus) Events

0x8A Palette: Fields: Neutral

0x8B Ch.25H Map

0x8C Ch.25H Map Tile changes

0x8D Ch.25H Events

0x8E Ch.24/26 Map

0x8F Ch.24/26 Map tile changes

0x90 Ch.24/26 Events

0x91 ObjectSets: Snow

0x92 Palette: Snow

0x93 Set confic: Snow

0x94 Ch.25/27 Map (Kenneth)

0x95 Ch.25/27 Map (Kenneth) Tile changes

0x96 Ch.25/27 (Kenneth) Events

0x97 Ch.25/27 Map (Jerme)

0x98 Animation: Shimmering ice (Snow)

0x99 Ch.25/27 Map (Jerme) Tile change

0x9A Ch.25/27 (Jerme) Events

0x9B Palette: Plains&Castle: Night

0x9C Ch.26/28 Map

0x9D Ch.26/28 Map Tile change

0x9E Ch.26/28 Events

0x9F Palette: Plains&Castle: Purple

0xA0 Ch.26x/28x Map

0xA1 Animation: Water (Plains&Castle)

0xA2 Ch.26x/28x Map Tile changes

0xA3 Ch.26x/28x Events

0xA4 Ch.27/29 Map

0xA5 Ch.27/29 Map Tile changes

0xA6 Ch.27/29 Events

0xA7 ObjectSets: Lava Cave

0xA8 Palette: Lava Cave

0xA9 Set config: Lava Cave

0xAA Ch.28E Map

0xAB Animation: Lava (Lava Cave)

0xAC Ch.28E Map

0xAD Ch.28E Events

0xAE ObjectSets: Sand Cave

0xAF Palette: Sand Cave

0xB0 Set config: Sand Cave

0xB1 Ch.30H Map

0xB2 Ch.30H Map Tile changes

0xB3 Ch.30H Events

0xB4 Ch.29/31 Map

0xB5 Ch.29/31 Map Tile change

0xB6 Ch.29/31 Events

0xB7 Palette: Town: Ship&stone road unusable

0xB8 Ch.29x/31x Map

0xB9 Ch.29x/31x Events

0xBA Ch.30/32 Map

0xBB Ch.30/32 Map Tile Changes

0xBC Ch.30/32 Events

0xBD Palette: Mountains&Shrine: No plains

0xBE Ch.32x Map

0xBF Ch.32x Map Tile changes

0xC0 Ch.32x Events

0xC1 ObjectSets: Dragon's Gate

0xC2 Palette: Dragon's Gate

0xC3 Set config Dragon's Gate

0xC4 Final Ch. pt1 Map

0xC5 Animation: Gate and flames (Dragon's Gate)

0xC6 Final Ch. pt1 Map Tile change

0xC7 Final Ch. pt1 Events

0xC8 Final Ch. pt2 Map

0xC9 Final Ch. pt2 Map Tile change

0xCA Final Ch. pt2 Events

0xCB [3642E8]

0xCC [CE3A60] Tile change

0xCD [CA6890]

0xCE [36423C]

0xCF [CA68F0]

0xD0 [364108]

0xD1 [CA6950]

0xD2 [363FE4]

0xD3 [CA69B0]

0xD4 [366678]

0xD5 [363E80]

0xD6 [CA6A10]

0xD7 [363D2C]

0xD8 [CA6A70]

0xD9 [360538]

0xDA [363C58]

0xDB [CA6AD0]

0xDC [363B7C]

0xDD [CA6B30]

0xDE [363A38]

0xDF [CA6B90]

0xE0 [3603F8]

0xE1 [363900]

0xE2 [CA6BF0]

0xE3 [363800]

0xE4 [CA6C50]

0xE5 [3636F4]

0xE6 [CA6CB0]

0xE7 [3602B8]

0xE8 [3635B0]

0xE9 [CA6D10]

0xEA [363474]

0xEB [CA6D70]

0xEC [363328]

0xDE [CA6DD0]

0xEE [3631C8]

0xEF [CE3B40] Tile change

0xF0 [CA6E30]

0xF1 [3630C0]

0xF2 [362FB8]

[spoiler=FE6 Values]0x01 Plains & Castle #1

0x02 Plains & Castle #1

0x03 Plains & Castle #1 Palette

0x04 Plains & Castle #1 Config

0x05 Tutorial Map

0x06 Water (Fields; Plains; M&S) Tile Anim

0x07 Tutorial Map Changes

0x08 Tutorial Events

0x09 Tutorial Worldmap Pre-Chapter Scene

0x0A Ch. 1 Map

0x0B Ch. 1 Map Changes

0x0C Ch. 1 Events

0x0D Ch. 1 Worldmap Pre-Chapter Scene

0x0E Ch. 2 Map

0x0F Ch. 2 Map Changes

0x10 Ch. 2 Events

0x11 Ch. 2 Worldmap Pre-Chapter Scene

0x12 Plains & Castle #2

0x13 Plains & Castle #2 Palette

0x14 Plains & Castle #2 Config

0x15 Ch. 3 Map

0x16 Ch. 3 Map Changes

0x17 Ch. 3 Events

0x18 Ch. 3 Worldmap Pre-Chapter Scene

0x19 Ch. 4 Map

0x1A Ch. 4 Map Changes

0x1B Ch. 4 Events

0x1C Ch. 4 Worldmap Pre-Chapter Scene

0x1D Ch. 5 Map

0x1E Ch. 5 Map Changes

0x1F Ch. 5 Events

0x20 Ch. 5 Worldmap Pre-Chapter Scene

0x21 Plains & Castle #3

0x22 Plains & Castle #3 Palette

0x23 Plains & Castle #3 Config

0x24 Ch. 6 Map

0x25 Ch. 6 Map Changes

0x26 Ch. 6 Events

0x27 Ch. 6 Worldmap Pre-Chapter Scene

0x28 Ch. 7 Map

0x29 Ch. 7 Map Changes

0x2A Ch. 7 Events

0x2B Ch. 7 Worldmap Pre-Chapter Scene

0x2C Inside Castle Ostia

0x2D Inside Castle Ostia Palette

0x2E Inside Castle Ostia Config

0x2F Ch. 8 Map

0x30 Ch. 8 Map Changes

0x31 Ch. 8 Events

0x32 Ch. 8 Worldmap Pre-Chapter Scene

0x33 Western Isles #1

0x34 Western Isles #1 palette

0x35 Western Isles #1 Config

0x36 Ch. 9 Map

0x37 Ch. 9 Map Changes

0x38 Ch. 9 Events

0x39 Ch. 9 Worldmap Pre-Chapter Scene

0x3A Ch. 10A Map

0x3B Ch. 10A Map Changes

0x3C Ch. 10A Events

0x3D Ch. 10A Worldmap Pre-Chapter Scene

0x3E Western Isles #2

0x3F Western Isles #2 Palette

0x40 Western Isles #2 Config

0x41 Ch. 11A Map

0x42 Ch. 11A Map Changes

0x43 Ch. 11A Events

0x44 Ch. 11A Worldmap Pre-Chapter Scene

0x45 Western Isles #3

0x46 Western Isles #3 Palette

0x47 Western Isles #3 Config

0x48 Ch. 12 Map

0x49 Ch. 12 Map Changes

0x4A Ch. 12 Events

0x4B Ch. 12 Worldmap Pre-Chapter Scene

0x4C Plains & Castle #4

0x4D Plains & Castle #4 Palette

0x4E Plains & Castle #4 Config

0x4F Ch. 13 Map

0x50 Ch. 13 Map Changes

0x51 Ch. 13 Events

0x52 Ch. 13 Worldmap Pre-Chapter Scene

0x53 Desert

0x54 Desert Palette

0x55 Desert Config

0x56 Ch. 14 Map

0x57 Ch. 14 Events

0x58 Ch. 14 Worldmap Pre-Chapter Scene

0x59 Ch. 15 Map

0x5A Ch. 15 Map Changes

0x5B Ch. 15 Events

0x5C Ch. 15 Worldmap Pre-Chapter Scene

0x5D Plains & Castle #5 Palette

0x5E Ch. 16 Map

0x5F Ch. 16 Map Changes

0x60 Ch. 16 Events

0x61 Ch. 16 Worldmap Pre-Chapter Scene

0x62 Ch. 17A Map

0x63 Ch. 17A Map Changes

0x64 Ch. 17A Events

0x65 Ch. 17A Worldmap Pre-Chapter Scene

0x66 Snow

0x67 Snow Palette

0x68 Snow Config

0x69 Ch. 18A Map

0x6A Frozen River *needs a better name* Tile Anim #1

0x6B Frozen River *needs a better name* Tile Anim #2

0x6C Ch. 18A Map Changes

0x6D Ch. 18A Events

0x6E Ch. 18A Worldmap Pre-Chapter Scene

0x6F Ch. 19A Map

0x70 Ch. 19A Map Changes

0x71 Ch. 19A Events

0x72 Ch. 19A Worldmap Pre-Chapter Scene

0x73 Castle? Snow

0x74 Castle? Snow Palette

0x75 Castle? Snow Config

0x76 Ch. 20A Map

0x77 Ch. 20A Map Changes

0x78 Ch. 20A Events

0x79 Ch. 20A Worldmap Pre-Chapter Scene

0x7A Forest & Grass?

0x7B Forest & Grass? Palette

0x7C Forest & Grass? Config

0x7D Ch. 21 Map

0x7E Ch. 21 Map Changes

0x7F Ch. 21 Events

0x80 Ch. 21 Worldmap Pre-Chapter Scene

0x81 Castle Bern

0x82 Castle Bern Palette

0x83 Castle Bern Config

0x84 Ch. 22 Map

0x85 Castle Bern Tile Anim

0x86 Castle Bern Tile Anim

0x87 Ch. 22 Map Changes

0x88 Ch. 22 Events

0x89 Ch. 22 Worldmap Pre-Chapter Scene

0x8A Ch. 23 Map

0x8B Ch. 23 Map Changes

0x8C Ch. 23 Events

0x8D Ch. 23 Worldmap Pre-Chapter Scene

0x8E Dragon Shrine #1

0x8F Dragon Shrine #1 Palette

0x90 Dragon Shrine #1 Config

0x91 Ch. 24 Map

0x92 Ch. 24 Map Changes

0x93 Ch. 24 Events

0x94 Ch. 24 Worldmap Pre-Chapter Scene

0x95 Ch. Final Map

0x96 Final Ch. Tile Animations

0x97 Ch. Final Events

0x98 Ch. 10B Map

0x99 Ch. 10B Map Changes

0x9A Ch. 10B Events

0x9B Ch. 10B Worldmap Pre-Chapter Scene

0x9C Ch. 11B Map

0x9D Ch. 11B Map Changes

0x9E Ch. 11B Events

0x9F Ch. 11B Worldmap Pre-Chapter Scene

0xA0 Sacae Plains: Dark Sand Palette

0xA1 Ch. 17B Map

0xA2 Ch. 17B Map Changes

0xA3 Ch. 17B Events

0xA4 Ch. 17B Worldmap Pre-Chapter Scene

0xA5 Sacae Plains

0xA6 Sacae Plains Palette #1

0xA7 Sacae Plains Config

0xA8 Ch. 18B Map

0xA9 Ch. 18B Events

0xAA Ch. 18B Worldmap Pre-Chapter Scene

0xAB Sacae Plains: Bulgar Palette

0xAC Sacae Plains: Bulgar Config

0xAD Ch. 19B Map

0xAE Ch. 19B Map Changes

0xAF Ch. 19B Events

0xB0 Ch. 19B Worldmap Pre-Chapter Scene

0xB1 Sacae Plains *Castle?*

0xB2 Sacae Plains *Castle?* Palette

0xB3 Sacae Plains *Castle?* Config

0xB4 Ch. 20B Map

0xB5 Ch. 20B Map Changes

0xB6 Ch. 20B Events

0xB7 Ch. 20B Worldmap Pre-Chapter Scene

0xB8 Lava Cave Palette

0xB9 Ch. 8x Map

0xBA Lava Cave Tile Animations

0xBB Ch. 8x Events

0xBC Ch. 8x Worldmap Pre-Chapter Scene

0xBD Cave (Armads) Palette

0xBE Cave (Armads) Config

0xBF Ch. 12x Map

0xC0 Ch. 12x Map Changes

0xC1 Ch. 12x Events

0xC2 Ch. 12x Worldmap Pre-Chapter Scene

0xC3 Inside Nabata Temple (Forblaze) palette

0xC4 Ch. 14x Map

0xC5 Inside Nabata Temple (Forblaze) Sinking Tile Animations

0xC6 Ch. 14x Map Changes

0xC7 Ch. 14x Events

0xC8 Ch. 14x Worldmap Pre-Chapter Scene

0xC9 Temple? Palette (looks like the last tower of valni map palette)

0xCA Ch. 16x Map

0xCB Ch. 16x Events

0xCC Ch. 16x Worldmap Pre-Chapter Scene

0xCD Ice Temple Palette

0xCE Ch. 20Ax Map

0xCF Ch. 20Ax Map Changes

0xD0 Ch. 20Ax Events

0xD1 Ch. 20Ax Worldmap Pre-Chapter Scene

0xD2 Ch. 20Bx Map

0xD3 Ch. 20Bx Events

0xD4 Ch. 20Bx Worldmap Pre-Chapter Scene

0xD5 Sacae Plains Palette #2

0xD6 Ch. 21x Map

0xD7 Ch. 21x Map Changes

0xD8 Ch. 21x Events

0xD9 Ch. 21x Worldmap Pre-Chapter Scene

0xDA Link Arena

0xDB Trial Map 1

0xDC Trial Map 1 Events

0xDD Trial Map 2

0xDE Trial Map 2 Events

0xDF Trial Map 3

0xE0 Trial Map 3 Events

0xE1 Trial Map 4

0xE2 Trial Map 4 Events

0xE3 Trial Map 5

0xE4 Trial Map 5 Events

0xE5 Undocumented

0xE6 Undocumented

0xE7 Undocumented

0xE8 Undocumented

0xE9 Undocumented

0xEA Undocumented

[spoiler=FE8 Values]0x01 Object type 1

0x02 Map Palette 1

0x03 Tile Configuration 1

0x04 Prologue Map

0x05 Tile animations 1

0x06 Prologue Map changes

0x07 Prologue events

0x08 Ch 1 Map

0x09 Ch 1 map changes

0x0A Ch 1 events

0x0B Ch 2 map

0x0C Ch 2 Tile changes

0x0D Ch 2 events

0x0E Object type 2

0x0F Map palette 2

0x10 Tile configuration 2

0x11 Ch 3 map

0x12 Tile animations 2

0x13 Ch 3 map changes

0x14 Ch 3 events

0x15 Ch 4 Map

0x16 Ch 4 Map changes

0x17 Ch 4 events

0x18 Object type 3

0x19 Map palette 3

0x1A Tile confihutation 3

0x1B Ch 5x map

0x1C Tile animations 3

0x1D Ch 5x Map changes

0x1E Ch 5x Events

0x1F Ch 5 Map

0x20 Ch 5 map changes

0x21 Ch 5 event data

0x22 Ch 6 map

0x23 Ch 6 Map changes

0x24 Ch 6 events

0x25 Ch 7 map

0x26 Ch 7 map changes

0x27 Ch 7 event data

0x28 Ch 8 map

0x29 Ch 8 map changes

0x2A Ch 8 event data

0x2B Ch 9 Eir. map

0x2C Ch 9 Eir. map changes

0x2D Ch 9 Eir. Events

0x2E Object type 4

0x2F Map palette 4

0x30 Tile configuration 4

0x31 Ch 10 Eir. Map

0x32 Ch 10 Eir. Map changes

0x33 Ch 10 Eir. Events

0x34 Map palette 5

0x35 Ch 12 Eir. Map

0x36 Ch 12 Eir. map changes

0x37 Ch 12 Eir. event data

0x38 Map palette 6

0x39 Ch 13 Eir. Map

0x3A Ch 13 Eir. Map changes

0x3B Ch 13 Eir. Events (3B)

0x3C Object type 5

0x3D Map palette 7

0x3E Tile configuration 5

0x3F Ch 14 Eir. Map

0x40 Ch 14 Eir. Map changes

0x41 Ch 14 Eir. Events

0x42 Object type 6

0x43 Map palette 8

0x44 Tile configuration 6

0x45 Ch 15 map

0x46 Ch 15 Map changes

0x47 Ch 15 Eir. events

0x48 Map palette 9

0x49 Ch 16 Map

0x4A Ch 16 Map changes

0x4B Ch 16 Eir events

0x4C Map palette 10

0x4D Ch 17 Map

0x4E Ch 17 Map changes

0x4F Ch 17 Eir. Events

0x50 Object type 7

0x51 Map palette 11

0x52 Tile configuration 7

0x53 Ch 18 Map

0x54 Tile animations 4

0x55 Ch 18 Map changes

0x56 Ch 18 Eir. Events

0x57 Map palette 12

0x58 Ch 19 Map

0x59 Ch 19 Map changes

0x5A Ch 19 Eir. Events

0x5B Map palette 13

0x5C Ch 20 Map

0x5D Ch 20 Map changes

0x5E Ch 20 Eir. Events

0x5F Object type 8

0x60 Map palette 14

0x61 Tile configuration 8

0x62 Final Chapter Map 1

0x63 Final Chapter Map 1 changes

0x64 Final Eir. events 1

0x65 Final Chapter Map 2

0x66 Final Chapter Map 2 changes

0x67 Final Eirika events 2

0x68 Map palette 15

0x69 Ch 9 Eph map

0x6A Ch 9 Eph Map changes

0x6B Ch 9 events

0x6C Object type 9

0x6D Map palette 15

0x6E Tile configuration 9

0x6F Ch 10 Ephraim map

0x70 Ch 10 Ephraim map changes

0x71 Ch 10 Ephraim events

0x72 Map palette 16

0x73 Ch 12 Ephraim map

0x74 Ch 12 Ephraim map changes

0x75 Ch 12 Ephraim events

0x76 Ch 13 Ephraim map

0x77 Ch 13 Ephraim map changes

0x78 Ch 13 Ephraim event data

0x79 Object type 10

0x7A Map palette 17

0x7B Tile configuration 10

0x7C Ch 14 Ephraim map

0x7D Tile animations 5

0x7E Ch 14 Ephraim map changes

0x7F Ch 14 Ephraim event data

0x80 Ch 15 Ephraim event data

0x81 Ch 16 Ephraim event data

0x82 Ch 17 Ephraim event data

0x83 Ch 18 Ephraim event data

0x84 Ch 19 Ephraim event data

0x85 Ch 20 Ephraim event data

0x86 Final Ephraim events 1

0x87 Final Ephraim events 2

0x88 Tower of Valni Object type

0x89 Tower of Valni map palette

0x8A Tower of Valni Tile configuration

0x8B Tower of Valni 1 Map

0X8C Tower of Valni 1 Map changes

0x8D Tower of Valni 1 events

0x8E Tower of Valni 2 map

0x8F Tower of Valni 2 map changes

0x90 Tower of Valni 2 events

0x91 Tower of Valni 3 map

0x92 Tower of Valni 3 map changes

0x93 Tower of Valni 3 events

0x94 Tower of Valni 4 map

0x95 Tower of Valni 4 map changes

0x96 Tower of Valni 4 events

0x97 Tower of Valni 5 map

0x98 Tower of Valni 5 map changes

0x99 Tower of Valni 5 events

0x9A Tower of Valni 6 map

0x9B Tower of Valni 6 map changes

0x9C Tower of Valni 6 events

0x9D Tower of Valni 7 map

0x9E Tower of Valni 7 map changes

0x9F Tower of Valni 7 events

0xA0 Tower of Valni 8 map

0xA1 Tower of Valni 8 map changes

0xA2 Tower of Valni 8 events

0xA3 Lagdou ruins palette

0xA4 Lagdou ruins 1 Map

0xA5 Lagdou ruins 1 Map changes

0xA6 Lagdou ruins 1 Event

0xA7 Lagdou ruins 2 Map

0xA8 Lagdou ruins 2 Map changes

0xA9 Lagdou ruins 2 Event

0xAA Lagdou ruins 3 Map

0xAB Lagdou ruins 3 Map changes

0xAC Lagdou ruins 3 Event

0xAD Lagdou ruins 4 Map

0xAE Lagdou ruins 4 Map changes

0xAF Lagdou ruins 4 Event

0xB0 Lagdou ruins 5 Map

0xB1 Lagdou ruins 5 Map changes

0xB2 Lagdou ruins 5 Event

0xB3 Lagdou ruins 6 Map

0xB4 Lagdou ruins 6 Map changes

0xB5 Lagdou ruins 6 Event

0xB6 Lagdou ruins 7 Map

0xB7 Lagdou ruins 7 Map changes

0xB8 Lagdou ruins 7 Event

0xB9 Lagdou ruins 8 palette

0xBA Lagdou ruins 8 Map

0xBB Lagdou ruins 8 Map changes

0xBC Lagdou ruins 8 Event

0xBD Lagdou ruins 9 Map

0xBE Lagdou ruins 9 Map changes

0xBF Lagdou ruins 9 Event

0xC0 Lagdou ruins 10 Map

0xC1 Lagdou ruins 10 Map changes

0xC2 Lagdou ruins 10 Event

0xC3 Lords split map

0xC4 Lords split map changes

0xC5 Lords split events

0xC6 Melkaen Coast map

0xC7 Melkaen Coast map changes

0xC8 Melkaen Coast event

0xC9 Link arena map C9

0xCA An interesting map...

0xCB An interesting map events...

0xCC Debug map

0xCD Debug map events

0xCE Map palette

0xCF Ch 11 Eirika map

0xD0 Ch 11 Eirika map changes

0xD1 Ch 11 Eirika events

0xD2 Ch 11 Ephraim map

0xD3 Ch 11 Ephraim tile animations

0xD4 Ch 11 Ephraim map changes

0xD5 Ch 11 Ephraim events

0xD6 Grado castle map

0xD7 Renais castle map

0xD8 Caer Pelyn map

0xD9 Renais throne map

0xDA Renais throne map changes

0xDB Renais audience map

0xDC Renval gate map

0xDD Grado borders map

0xDE Grado prison map

0xDF Grado prison map changes

0xE0 Grado shrine map (past)

0xE1 Grado shrine map changes (past)

0xE2 Renais shrine map

0xE3 Renais shrine map changes

0xE4 Some path map

0xE5 Some building map

0xE6 Another shrine palette

0xE7 Another shrine map

0xE8 Another path map

0xE9 Grado shrine map (present)

0xEA Ch 5 town palette (past)

0xEB Ch 5 town map (past)

NOTE: This array of pointers references a lot of things. Object Sets, Tile Configurations, Map Palette, Tile Changes, Maps, and Events. The latter three are the only ones this tutorial will be covering.

Next thing on our template should be "ORG 0x????????." This is going to tell the Event Assembler where to write our events. 0x???????? should be replaced with an offset of your choosing. Note that I prefer to start my events at D80000, but it's up to you where your write events.

Below our ORG is a series of POINs. This is the pointer array, which is the beginning of each chapter's data. This array points to various parts of our chapter's events. The POINs vary between the three GBAFE games; but all three pointer arrays contain pointers to units, turn events, character events, location events, and miscellaneous events. That sounds like a good transition into talking about those parts of our events!

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Macros & Definitions

However, before we go on to making your events I'd like to cover one of the Event Assembler's handy features. In the last chapter I mentioned the Event Assembler Standard Library. The "EAstdlib" is a compilation of various macros and definitions. What are macros and definitions?

They're what allow me to turn code like this:

CHES 0x00 0x6C [2,4] 0x14

Into code like this:


The latter seems a lot simpler and easier to remember, right?

The EAstdlib comes bundled with every download of the Event Assembler. It contains a plethora of macros and definitions for you to use (I will be covering a lot of those macros in this tutorial). However, most people would like to make their own custom sets of definitions to match their hack. You can define Character IDs with your hack's character names, you can pretty much define anything. What's important is a definitions file. Notice in the template it has the line "#include EAstdlib.event"? Below that, in your own event files, you can put "#include yourdefinitions.txt" (obviously the file name is changeable) to tell the Event Assembler to read your own set of definitions!

[spoiler=Making Your Own Definitions File]Make a new .txt file, name it whatever you desire.Open up your newly created text file, it is (hopefully) blank.

The to make the definitions we need to write the following code.

#define (name) (value)

The name is the word you want to define and the value is the value in hex. Here's a screenshot from my 'BSFE7_Definitions.txt' file (used for Elibian Nights).


Remember, the file can be named whatever you like so long as it matches the name in the "#include filename.txt" part of your events. Have fun defining! It makes the life of an event-crafter's life much much easier.

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If your familiar with your game's respective Chapter Unit Editors, you'll have this down really quickly. Units in FE6 and FE7 are written exactly the same, whereas FE8 does things mildly differently. I'm going to split the lesson into two parts, click the spoiler tag that corresponds to your version of GBAFE.

[spoiler=FE7 & FE6 Units]The POIN arrays provide pointers to "Bad" units, and "Good" units. Now, let me take a moment to explain those pointers. For chapters that do not use the preparations screen, those pointers are useless (but you should point to your allies and enemies anyways, just because). In chapters with the preparations screen, the number of units pointed to by the "Good" pointer equals the number of units selectable in the preparations screen. The "Bad" units are the enemies seen when you preview the map and the enemies that will be on the map when the chapter begins. Now let's cover actually coding our units.

UNIT *Char ID* *Class ID* *Leader char* Level(#,side,autolevel?)  [Loading position X, Loading position Y] [starting position X, Starting position Y] [item 1, Item 2, Item 3, Item 4] [AI 1, AI 2, AI 3, AI 4]]

A few things to cover.

  • Char ID and Class ID can be found in the EAstdlib, or in the Nightmare Modules txt files (just browse around, I'm sure you can find them on your own).
  • The "Leader Char" is the character that the auto-cursor goes on, and the character that appears as the Army Commander in the Status screen. The character that is the leader should have 0x00 as his value for that byte.
  • The level part included works with the Event Assembler. Level(10,Ally,False) tells the EA I want a Level 10 Ally with no autolevel. To use autolevel, type the word "True." Possible values for side are "Ally" "Enemy" or "NPC."
  • There are two sets of coordinates. The "loading" coordinates are where the unit first appears. The unit then moves to the "starting" coordinates. If you don't want a unit to move, simply make these two sets of coordinates the same.
  • Items are pretty self-explanatory, you can only specify four though (not five, which is the maximum # of items holdable).
  • Values for AI can be found with Nightmare Modules. There are definitions for AI combos in the EAstdlib for FE7.

Here's an example of a batch of my units.

UNIT Rebecca Sniper_F Eliwood Level(5,Ally,False) [8,12] [10,5] [silverBow,Longbow,Vulnerary] [NoAI]
UNIT Lowen Paladin Eliwood Level(6,Ally,False) [8,12] [13,7] [silverAxe,Javelin] [NoAI]
UNIT Harken Hero Eliwood Level(8,Ally,False) [8,12] [14,5] [silverSword,BraveSword,SteelAxe,Vulnerary] [NoAI]
UNIT Empty

Notice that I ended the list with "UNIT Empty." That tells the game to stop loading units, which is pretty important. Also notice the label above our group of units, "Knights." Those labels are used to refer to the unit group.

You can have as many groups of units as you like, there is no limit. There is a limit to how many units can be in one group, however. I've never recorded the limit (I've only hit it once), but I'd advise a maximum of 40 units per group (that should be more than enough for most circumstances).

[spoiler=FE8 Units]The POIN arrays provide pointers to "Good" units. For chapters that do not use the preparations screen, those pointers are useless (but you should point to your allies anyways, just because it's a good habit). In chapters with the preparations screen, the number of units pointed to by the "Good" pointer equals the number of units selectable in the preparations screen. However, FE6 and FE7 have a pointer to "Bad" units that appear in the map preview on the preparations screen. In FE8, any enemies loaded prior to the preparations screen will appear (that's a major space saver, trust me).

UNIT *Char ID* *Class ID* *Leader char* Level(#,side,autolevel?)  [Loading position X, Loading position Y] *Flags* *Byte1* *Amount* *REinforcement DAta* [item 1, Item 2, Item 3, Item 4] [AI 1, AI 2, AI 3, AI 4]

A few things to cover:

  • Char ID and Class ID can be found in the EAstdlib, or in the Nightmare Modules txt files (just browse around, I'm sure you can find them on your own).
  • The "Leader Char" is the character that the auto-cursor goes on, and the character that appears as the Army Commander in the Status screen. The character that is the leader should have 0x00 as his value for that byte.
  • The level part included works with the Event Assembler. Level(10,Ally,False) tells the EA I want a Level 10 Ally with no autolevel. To use autolevel, type the word "True." Possible values for side are "Ally" "Enemy" or "NPC."
  • Unlike FE7 & FE6, there is only one set of coordinates. These are the coordinates your unit appear on when loaded.
  • For Flags, we only know two values (both defined by the EAstdlib). "MonsterTemplate" makes the unit function like a unit in the Tower/Ruins. "DropItem" makes the last item drop-able upon death.
  • For Byte1, you will always use 0x00. It's unknown what this value does, but it doesn't appear to affect anything significant.
  • Amount is the...amount of REDA's (REinforcement DAtas) the unit has. This will make more sense when REDAs are explained in a bit.
  • The pointer to a unit's REDA's.
  • Items are pretty self-explanatory, you can only specify four though (not five, which is the maximum # of items holdable).
  • Values for AI can be found with Nightmare Modules. There are definitions for AI combos in the EAstdlib for FE7.

So, let's go over REDAs. In FE7 & FE6 you specify two coordinates. Coordinates for a unit to load on and then a second set that the unit instantly moves to upon loading. FE8 handles this very differently.

REDA [X,Y] (Speed) (Rescuing character) (Delay before executing)

This is the format for our REDAs. You can have a series of REDA codes, making complex movements quite possible.

Here's an example of an FE8 unit.

UNIT Forde Cavalier 0x00 Level(1,Ally,False)  [9,8] DropItem 0x00 0x02 Forde_Move [silverSword,0x00,0x00,0x00] [NoAI]
UNIT Empty


REDA [12,3] 0x5 0x00 0x20
REDA [10,4] 0x1 0x00 0x00

Notice that I ended the unit list (which, in this case, was just one unit) with "UNIT Empty." That tells the game to stop loading units, which is pretty important. Also notice the label above our group of units, "Knights." Those labels are used to refer to the unit group.

You can have as many groups of units as you like, there is no limit. There is a limit to how many units can be in one group, however. I've never recorded the limit (I've only hit it once), but I'd advise a maximum of 40 units per group (that should be more than enough for most circumstances).

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Turn Events

Continuing to explore the POINs and what they reference to, let's turn our attention to Turn Events. Turn Events are, as the name implies, events that occur on specific turns.


Those are the only four codes that will go under the Turn Events section of your events.

  • The pointer will be the name of the event you want to occur on that turn.
  • For the 1st and 3rd codes, turn is the turn you want the event to occur on. This event will only occur on that turn, and will only occur once.
  • The 2nd and 4th codes listed allow for an event to recur multiple turns. startTurn is the turn the event begins to occur, endTurn is the turn the event ceases to occur (after endTurn the event will not occur again).

Simple to understand, right?

These codes, however, are introducing an important concept: the Event ID. The Event ID is the ID# of an event, the game checks to see if ID# has occurred or not. If an Event ID has already been triggered, it stops the game from triggering the same event twice. Event IDs 0x01 and 0x02 are used by the game, but any other value. There will be a lesson later on manipulating Event IDs, however this much information should suffice in the beginning stages of event hacking. For Turn Events, due to the way they're set up, (with the startTurn and endTurn) we don't need an Event ID to check whether the event has occurred to prevent it from reoccurring. For Turn Events you can simply use 0x00 for your Event ID. However, the Event ID will be important from this point forward.

NOTE: In the FE6 Template, Opening_event is not a POIN. The template instead specifies the opening event with a Turn Event. This is always done in FE6. For FE7 and FE8, this is done when chapters do not use the preparations screen.

Here's an example of Tale 1's Turn Events from Elibian Nights.


Notice that I ended the list with "TURN" (no parameters). That tells the game that the list has ended, and to stop reading for turn events (much like "UNIT Empty" does for units).

[spoiler=Note about Opening Events]In all FE6 chapters, and in FE7/FE8 chapters that don't use the preparations screen, the Opening Event is specified as a turn event, like so:


In FE7/FE8, chapters with the preparations screen will load events before the battle preparations. These events are specified in the POINs.

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Character Events

The next type of events we'll cover are called "Character Events." Now, I've personally just referred to them as "Talk" events.


Here are the three codes (only three!) that will go under you Character Events List.

CharacterEvent(eventID,pointer,char1,char2,aftereventID) //Doesn't work in FE6

  • char1 is the character who initiates the conversation (the one who gets the 'Talk' command).
  • char2 is the one who receives the conversation (no 'Talk' command).
  • CharacterEventBothWays is the exception, it automatically makes it so both characters specified have the 'Talk' command.
  • By adding the extra parameter to CharacterEvent (aftereventID), you can tell the game to not allow the 'Talk' command to appear until after a certain Event ID is triggered. Something to note though, let's say I want event 0x3A to trigger the 'Talk.' For aftereventID, instead of 0x3A I would just put 3A (just drop the 0x for this value).

These events are pretty simple to understand. Here's an example of one of my Character Event Lists.


Just like with the Turn_events list, we're ending our Character_events list with "CHAR" (no parameters).

[spoiler=Further Explanation of Event IDs (in case you're having trouble grasping the concept)]Notice that Character Events, unlike Turn Events, have actual values for the eventID. Consider the eventID to be like a switch with two positions: On and Off. When considering triggering an event, the game will refer to it's Event ID. If the switch is in the Off position (i.e. the event has already been triggered once), the event won't occur. If it's in the On position, you're clear. After an event has been activated the event ID's switch will go to the Off position.

Each event should have a different Event ID, unless you want only one of # events with the same ID to occur.

That should wrap things up quite nicely with Character Events!

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Location Events

By now we're hopefully getting a strong hold on the basics (Event IDs and pointers). So now let's cover Location Events. If you've been understanding the past two lessons, it shouldn't be too difficult (Location Events have the most codes to memorize though).

[spoiler=Villages & Houses]


"nameofevent" works exactly the same as referencing a unit group with LOU1 (it's a pointer), it points to the data in the events that we need to trigger for this village event.

Here's an example for you.


In addition to villages, we also have houses which can be revisited.


Very similar to the setup for a village.

[spoiler=Seize]Now, another one that gets a lot of use from me is the seize command.


As you should notice it follows the same basic setup as a village event. You can not include the nameofevent, which will result in it simply loading the event specified as the ending event. That would look like this:


[spoiler=Chests & Doors]Another fun location event is a Treasure Chest. There are two different formats you can use for a chest event. A chest where you get an item or a chest where you get money.


Its as simple as that!

Now comes the door event.


[spoiler=Shops]And the last major location event I'll be teaching is the shop event.


Now, this one differs a bit. The pointer to the shop data will not be within the event file. And so, you have to use a pointer you make yourself to point to. For example I put my shop data at 0xD80000, my code would look like this.


There are multiple types of shops in the game. For an item shop replace 'Armory' with 'Vendor', for a Secret Shop replace 'Armory' with 'SecretShop'.

However, there is (of course) a way to do this in the assembler.

SHLI (items)

You can have as many items as you want, put them hex values or defined variables. For example...



SHLI 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05

SHLI IronSword SlimSword SteelSword SilverSword IronBlade

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[spoiler=Note for FE6-users]FE6 doesn't have a BallistaData POIN, nor does it have an array for Ballistae. FE6 handles the placement of Ballistae through mapping. Certain tiles (made unique by the existence of a letter embedded into the grass) make Ballistae appear on those tiles.

K = Killer Ballista

I = Iron Ballista

L = Normal Ballista

We've come to the fourth of our five major POIN arrays (each array being a list of events for the five types). Number four is quite easy, and quick to go over: Ballistae.

BLST [XX,YY] type

Coordinates should look quite familiar to you now. "Type" is the only new variable to us, and it's a variable exclusive to Ballistae.

0x34 = Normal Ballista
0x35 = Iron Ballista
0x36 = Killer Ballista

Another small note for our Ballistae array: you need to re-align everything after it. These events have the annoying property of not being divisible by four, and they leave everything after them in the event file in shambles. Here's an example of my Ballistae array:

BLST [3,5] 0x34 //Normal Ballista
BLST [4,5] 0x36 //Killer Ballista
BLST [6,5] 0x34 //Second Normal Ballista

The ballistae will appear on your map and be fully-functional; however, Archers/Snipers won't automatically mount the ballista at the start of the map. Archers/Snipers will begin using the ballista you placed them on when the Enemy Phase begins for the first time.


Traps also go under the BallistaData POIN Array. What exactly is a trap? Well, think of FE7's chapter where Hector gets Armads. Remember the tiles that spat poison at your units? That's what is called a "trap." Our knowledge of traps and setting them up with the EA is limited. FE6 doesn't have a BallistaData POIN Array, so I assume traps are linked to a certain tile like Ballistae. FE8's traps are also unknown, so the following information is currently only for FE7.

Since traps are so rarely used, it isn't necessary to read this portion of the tutorial until it is required for your hack (if it is even necessary at all).

[spoiler=Fire Traps]

FIRE [X,Y] 0x0 [1,1]

The coordinates are really the only thing a hacker needs to change. For the second pair of numbers, [1,1], [1,1] is the only value that works. The first number is the first tile from the coordinates that the trap affects, the second number is the last tile in a row that the trap hits. The second parameter is the trap's "type," but 0x0 is the only value ever used in the games.

[spoiler=Poison Gas Traps]


A poison gas trap in my hack, Elibian Nights.

GAST [X,Y] Direction [1,1]

Coordinates are the coordinates of the gas trap's tile. Direction is pretty self-explanatory, the direction the poison trap is pointed (values for direction are below). The second pair of numbers, [1,1], function just like the fire trap. [1,1] is the only value that works with this

0x0 Left
0x1 Right
0x2 Down
0x3 Up

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Misc. Events

Finally, the last of our POIN arrays! Misc. Events basically cover everything not covered in the last four arrays. The only tricky thing here is remembering what goes in this list!

The three most common Misc. Events are victory/loss conditions: Defeat All Enemies, Defeat Boss, and Cause Gameover If Lord Dies.


These two codes work for all 3 GBAFE games (including FE6, even though FE6 only had Seize missions in its main game). If your CauseGameOverIfLordDies or DefeatBoss aren't working, it's logical to check the Event IDs triggered by the character-in-question's death event. In the Death Quote Editor for your respective GBAFE, boss deaths should trigger Event ID 0x02, and lord deaths should trigger 0x65. There are only two other events that go under the Misc. Events array.

AFEV EventID pointer EventIDofPreviousEvent

This is the "AFter EVent." It triggers an event directly after EventID __ has been triggered. "EventIDofPreviousEvent" is the event that our AFEV will follow. AFEVs have their own Event IDs, so infinite strings of AFEVs would be theoretically possible.

AREA EventID pointer [startX,StartY] [EndX,EndY]

The last of our Misc. Events is the AREA event. It's quite simple, an event is triggered when any unit steps within the specified tiles. StartX/Y and EndX/Y create a rectangular area for the event to be triggered. Everything between the two points you specified (in that rectangular shape) will trigger the event the AREA points to, regardless of a unit's affiliation.

That wraps up our POIN Arrays! Now it's time to get into the nitty-gritty of event making.

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Basic Event Codes

Now we've got our arrays all worked out. The arrays tell the ROM where to look for our events, and how our events are triggered. Now it's time to actually code the events themselves. There is a lot to learn in the coming chapter, so be prepared.

Unit Loading & Manipulation

The first basic event I'll cover is loading units. Can't have a chapter without enemies and allies (and a few NPCs here and there), right?

LOU1 UnitPtr

The only parameter is a pointer to the unit data that you're trying to load. Let's provide an example, shall we?

[spoiler=Unit Loading Example]

UNIT Raven Hero 0x00 Level(10,Ally,False) [3,1] [3,1] [berveil,SteelAxe,Elixir] [NoAI]
UNIT Empty


LOU1 Cornwell

Once you've gotten units onto the map, there are a variety of things one can do with them. Moving units is important to constructing scenes:

MOVE Char [XX,YY] //Moves character to specified coordinates.
MOVE [X1,Y1] [X2,Y2] //Moves character on the first set of coordinates to the tile specified by the second set of coordinates. Used to move generics.

In addition to this, one can add a 0x1 as a third parameter to force the unit to walk incredibly slowly.

Unit alliances are also manipulated through events.


Macros work for FE7 and FE8. These are used for changing alliances in recruitment conversations (or anti-recruitment conversations where allies become enemies/NPCs).


The next most-essential component of our chapters is text. I'm not going to go in-depth teaching actual text editing, this isn't the tutorial for that (besides, it's relatively simple anyways). Here are the codes you'll need to know for text.


These macros work for all three GBAFEs, and are in this tutorial because FE8 does some complicated stuff with even ordinary text. For beginners these macros should be enough. These macros load the text specified by "textpointer" and then clear the game's map of all mugs, text, and backgrounds.

[spoiler=Finding "textpointer"]If you're using FEditor for text editing, finding "textpointer" is quite simple.


You see the thing I circled in red, right? That's our textpointer. Here's an example referencing this conversation:


List of FE6 Backgrounds, by Arch

List of FE7 Backgrounds, by Nintenlord

List of FE8 Backgrounds, by Mage Knight 404

Fade-in, Fade-out & Darkness Manipulation

Now, the Text macros automatically fade to black when loading the background. This creates for a smooth transition. You can perform the fade-in and fade-out manually with relative ease.

FADI Time //Fade-in with black
FADU Time //Fade-out with black
FAWI Time //Fade-in with white
FAWU Time //Fade-out with white

Time is our only parameter here. I recommend 10 for normally-timed fades, and 5 for slower-fades. Anything above 10 looks sloppy to me, but you can experiment with what looks best to you (it's your game, not mine).

While the map is faded in, absolutely nothing will appear on-screen. You can take advantage of this to load units so that it appears that they were already on the map, change the map entire. Now, when the chapter is loaded it can either go straight to the map or go to darkness. This is a simple option in the Chapter Data Editor.


Opening with "black" gives you the option to load another map (start the chapter on a scenic map), load units so that they're on the map initially, etc. Once you've finished whatever you want to do with the opening darkness, a simple no-parameter code will dispel it.


Manipulating darkness is one of the ways to give your events that extra level of "polish." Play with it; it may seem somewhat trivial (I thought it was for some time), but you can be surprised how good your events can feel by using darkness to properly hide things.

Camera & Cursor Control

The camera is trained to automatically follow unit movement. It will focus on a moving unit as it moves.

CMOF //Turns off the camera's automatic follow.
CMON //Disables CMOF, turns the automatic follow back on.

The camera can be set to look at certain portions of the map quite easily, and this is commonly done.

CAM1 [XX,YY] //Focuses camera on tile XX,YY
CAM1 Char //Focuses camera on a certain character

And the final part of our exploration into camera & cursor control is...cursor control.

CURF [XX,YY] //Flash cursor on tile XX,YY
CURF Char //Flash cursor on specified character

[spoiler=FE8 Note on CURF]The CURF command doesn't exist in FE8. This macro was created for FE8-users to give them an easy-to-use cursor command.


time can be set to anything, but 60 is equivalent to FE7/FE6's automatically-timed cursor.


Next to text and units, music is the third most important thing. It's also relatively simple to control.

MUS1 SongValue

This code simply starts playing the music. Not really much to explain. SongValues can be found here:

FE6 Song Values

FE7 Song Values

FE8 Song Values

There are several simple codes to know when it comes to music.


MUsic ENd, fades out your music. Does not work with FE8!

MUS2 SongValue
MURE Time //No "Time" variable for FE6

MUS2 plays a song, but remembers where the previous song left off. MURE returns to that previous song, exactly where it stopped.

MUSI //Make music quieter
MUNO //Reverses MUSI, making music normal after MUSI's usage.

The comments explain all. MUSI and MUNO are used for Villages/Houses mostly, quieting the map music for those specific types of events. I'm certain they have other uses though.

Items & Money

The final section of this lesson on basic event codes is giving items. These codes are useful for villages and 'Talk' events,

ITGC Char Item //Gives item to character.
ITGV Item //Gives item to current character, used for villages.
ITGM Item //Gives item to the main lord.

Giving money is also useful for these sorts of events.

MONE 0x00 Amount


Once your event (village conversation, 'Talk' event, reinforcements, etc.) is over, you need to tell the game to stop reading for events. Just remember to end all of your events with the following code:


Opening & Ending Events

One final note about the opening and ending events. These events are just like every other event in terms of how they're composed (they use the same codes I've taught in this lesson). But, a few notes about them anyways.

Opening events in chapters with the preparations screen will need to end with this code, instead of ENDA.


This naturally only applies to FE7 and FE8, since FE6 loads the preparations screen before any events can run.

Ending events will need to use the following code to load the save screen and force the game to go to the next chapter.

MNCH Chapter

The chapter is...well...the value of the chapter. You can find these values in the Chapter Data Editors for your respective version of GBAFE.

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Recap & Event Sample (INCOMPLETE)

Before we proceed with more event codes, I'd like to make sure we have a firm understanding of what we've currently learned.

#include EAstdlib.event


org 0xD80000
POIN Turn_events 
POIN Character_events 
POIN Location_events 
POIN Misc_events
POIN BallistaData BallistaData
POIN Bad Bad Bad Bad
POIN Good Good Good Good
POIN Opening_event Ending_event

UNIT Batta Brigand 0x00 Level(2,Enemy,False) [10,2] [10,2] [ironAxe,Vulnerary] [NoAI]
UNIT Empty

UNIT Eliwood EliwoodLord 0x00 Level(1,Ally,False) [4,2] [6,7] [Rapier,IronSword,Vulnerary] [NoAI]
UNIT Empty

UNIT 0x88 Brigand 0x00 Level(1,Enemy,False) [14,4] [13,4] [ironAxe] [NoAI]
UNIT 0x88 Brigand 0x00 Level(1,Enemy,False) [14,4] [15,4] [ironAxe] [NoAI]
UNIT 0x88 Brigand 0x00 Level(1,Enemy,False) [14,4] [14,3] [ironAxe] [NoAI]
UNIT 0x88 Brigand 0x00 Level(1,Enemy,False) [14,4] [14,5] [ironAxe] [NoAI]
UNIT Empty

TurnEventPlayer(0x00,Opening_event,1) //Specified opening event since there is no prep. screen.





LOU1 Good
OOBB //Allies are loaded before map is displayed.
STAL 0x20 //Stalls the game for ___ amount of time.
CMOF //Stops camera from seeing enemy units load.
LOU1 Bad
CAM1 [13,18]
CURF Batta
Text(0816,0x02) //Loads text with background 0x02.

MNCH 0x01

ITGV IronSword

MUS2 TogetherWeRide

LOU1 Reinforcements

SHLI IronSword SlimSword

MESSAGE Events end at offset currentOffset

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Chapter-Affecting Events & Tile Changes

Just a heads up. The event assembler basics have (or, should have) been learned by now. The only thing really left is to teach individual codes and what they do. This chapter will cover event codes that you can trigger during the middle of a chapter that affect game-play.


Changing the weather mid-chapter via events is quite simple. Just use the following code:

WEA1 Weather

The variable "Weather" will be substituted with your desired effect.

[spoiler=Weather Effect Variables]Clear








All of these variables are defined in the EA Standard Library.

Fog is also similarly simple to control.

VCBF Vision //black fog
VCWF Vision //white fog

To cause fog, simply put a value higher than 0 for "Vision." To reverse inflicted fog, use the code again with 0 as your value for "Vision."

Controlling Enemy AI

You can change the AI of a unit in the middle of a chapter with

CHAI Character AI //Specific-character
CHAI [XX,YY] AI //For generic units

The AI commands are located in the unit making chapter.

You can also use coordinates to specify the character whose AI you wish to change. This is useful for changing the AI of generic enemies.

Tile Changes

Blazer receives all credit for this method, he invented it. You'll make your Tile Changes in another text file separate from your main events, and assemble that file separately.


org 0xC9C9C8+(4*0x59) // - Pointer to tile map changes (change the 0x59)

POIN TileChanges // - puts a pointer to "event" TileChanges

org 0xCB1F00 // - where to place the data for tile changes

TileChanges: // - name of event

Tilemap(TileChange#' date=' Top Left X, Top Left Y, Length (# of tiles to right), Height (# of tiles down), TilePointer)

// - (Insert as many as you need)

CODE $FF // - Needed to end a list of tile changes, do not remove these 3 CODE things

CODE $00

CODE $00

TilePointer: // - name of list of tiles to replace old tiles

CODE 0x80 0x00 0x00 0x00 // - tiles to use (use the CODE to just insert hex, get the tile #s from reference tilesets or some other method)[/quote']

You need to add this macro to a definitions file for everything to work properly. Also note that when doing Tile Changes with the EA everything in the Tilemap(...) NEEDS to be in hex. You can convert coordinates to hex with MS Calculator easily.

#ifdef _FE7_
#define TileMap(TCN,X1,Y1,L1,L2,TilePointer) "CODE TCN X1 Y1 L1; CODE L2 0x00 0x00 0x00; POIN TilePointer"

Things are pretty easy to understand. The TileChange# works like an EventID, just for tile changes. Start at 0x00 for your first item and work your way downward. X1 is the top-left X value, Y1 is the top Y value. L1 is the length of the tile change on the X-axis. L2 is the length of the tile change on the Y-axis. TilePointer points to the list of tile changes.

When compiling your list of tile changes there is an extremely helpful resource, the Reference Tilesets (FE7 & FE8). Open these up and you'll see hexedecimal values on the top and left. Each tile is two bytes, the top value is the first byte and the left value is the second byte. These tilesets are extremely useful in getting those values (otherwise you have to endlessly count, and counting in hex is no fun). The other thing to know when compiling your lists is that the game handles the information in rows, not columns. What I mean by that is if you have a 2x3 tile change the first two tiles will be the first row, the next two tiles will be the second row and the last two tiles will be the third row.

Vertical Doors & Forcing Tile Changes

Ordinary horizontal doors will trigger a tile change automatically. Tile changes are generally handled by the game, but there are a few times when we need to force things (vertical doors, roof removal, etc.). Vertical doors require you to abandon the macro you've been using for doors up until now. You have to trigger the tile changes for the vertical door manually. Here is the door code we'll use:

DOOR EventID Pointer [XX,YY] 0x10

The pointer to event is the biggest new thing. You're going to point to an event which triggers the map changes, like so.

MAC1 TCN Status

MAC1 forces a tile change. For the second parameter you use the TCN of the tile change you wish to force. For our "Status" variable, 0x00 causes tile changes and 0x08 reverses already triggered tile changes. For MAC1 you will almost always use 0x00.

At the end of the day you're just manually triggering the changes since the game doesn't recognize them due to how tile changes are triggered.

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More Event Codes & Event Tricks

Changing Songs mid-Text & Other Text Codes

Like a lot of the more advanced tricks (like Vertical Doors in the previous chapter), this requires you to abandon your macros. I teach the macro because of FE8's irritating tendencies with text (and the desire for most things to be synchronized between all the GBAFE games), but the real code behind it is quite simple. The Text(value) macro can be substituted with the code:

TEX1 value

So, how do we switch a song mid-text? In FEditor, you're going to format the conversation, then split it into two text slots. For this example 0815 will have the first part, and 0816 will have the rest of the conversation. You don't have to reload portraits or anything, just split the text and remember which text slots you've used.

TEX1 0x0815 //The first half of the conversation, pre-music change
MUS1 TogetherWeRide //Changes the song
MORETEXT 0x0816 //Continues the conversation where it left off.

MORETEXT loads the specified text slot, while keeping the portraits from the previously loaded text.

There are several text codes left to cover.

TEX6 BubbleType [XX,YY] Text

The unique thing about TEX6 is the "BubbleType" parameter. There are four options generally used for this value. 0x0 displays text in a speech bubble on the map, it's just a standard speech bubble with text that you can place anywhere on the screen (it has no tail pointing to a speaker since no speaker mug appears, though). 0x1 displays the brown scroll bubble used for tutorial explanations and the like. For these two options, coordinates must be specified.

However, 0x4 and 0x5 display the same backgrounds (0x4 speech bubble and 0x5 brown scroll) but automatically center them with the coordinates [0,0].

TEX8 text [XX,YY]


TEX8 loads text with a brown-box in the background, like so. It only works with FE7 and FE8.

This essentially covers the text codes available to all three GBAFE games. However, FE7 has several specific text codes that all have conditions written into them. This is a nice transition into the next chapter, so you may want to read it regardless of whether you mainly hack FE7 or not.

[spoiler=FE7's Specific Text Codes]These text codes all have one thing in common, they all check to see whether a condition has been met. The outcome of the code (which text is displayed) is all based on whether the condition is met or not. This is the basic idea of condition events, which will be covered in the next chapter. These codes were probably created to simplify commonly used conditions with text, so I suppose we should be grateful that IS's coders got lazy.

TEXTIFEM Text1 Text2

Displays text based on the game's current mode. Text1 is the text shown in Eliwood's mode, and Text2 is for Hector's.


This code is based on the condition of the tactician's gender. Text1 is the text shown if the tactician is male, Text2 is female.


Checks to see whether the specified Event ID is triggered. Text1 is the text displayed if the Event ID was triggered, Text2 is shown if the Event ID was not triggered.

Something to note, with all three of these text codes you can add "MORE" to the beginning, it works like MORETEXT does with TEX1. For example:


Using Maps for Scenes

Sometimes, scenes in the openings and endings of chapters occur on maps that aren't the chapter's map. This is done with a simple event code, LOMA.

LOMA ChapterID [XX,YY]

LOMA's coordinates are actually a built-in CAM1 (which is quite handy). LOMA stands for LOad MAp, and (as you've probably guessed) it loads a specified map. The first parameter, ChapterID, specifies the map to be loaded. So why is it called "ChapterID?" Well, LOMA loads maps based on the chapter they're associated with. Let's say I wanted to load Chapter 7's map (for some reason). The map value in the Chapter Data Editor is 0x26, but that's useless to LOMA.


To load Ch7's map, we'd use 0x07 for our ChapterID.

Once the scene with your map is finished, if you need to load the chapter's map then use LOMA again with the correct ChapterID value.

Scripted Battles

For our FE6 and FE7 users, scripted battles are quite simple due to Nintenlord's EA Standard Library (which boasts macros for every scripted battle command one could need). However, FE8 does not yet have these macros. FE8 should probably get them soon, but until then FE8-users will have to deal with learning things the old-fashioned way (which isn't terribly harder).

[spoiler=FE6 & FE7 Scripted Battles]Scripted battles are called with the FIGH code.

FIGH Attacker Defender FightData

Pretty simple, right? Now all you need is your list of commands for the FightData parameter (which is a pointer to elsewhere in the event file).


[spoiler=FE8 Scripted Battles]Fights work somewhat differently than FE7. The FIG1 command triggers a fight, it does not contain a pointer to a fight command. Instead you specify what happens in the fight directly before the FIG1 command. Here's an example:

CMDL (Combatant) (HP) (Action) (SpecialAction)
CMDL (Combatant) (HP) (Action) (SpecialAction)
CMDL 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF
FIG1 Attacker Defender

FIG1 starts the fight with animations on. Alternatively you can use FIG2 for map battles (everything else between the two codes is the same).

CMDS begins the listing for the fight commands. Always have it before your list of CMDLs.

The CMDL command triggers one attack, the code I used above has only two attacks. Theoretically you can have many more attacks for a death-match of sorts. Be sure to end your CMDL list with "CMDL 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF" as shown above.

For the value of the combatant, you can use 0x0 for the fighter on the left or 0x1 for the fighter on the right. For the HP value you can leave it 0x0 to do damage normally. If you input a value in hex that amount of damage will be dealt. For the action you have three options: 0x0 is hit, 0x1 is a critical hit, 0x2 is a missed attack. For special actions you will usually have it set to 0x0 for ordinary fights. These are the triggers we know about: 0x08 triggers Lethality, 0x40 triggers Sure Shot, 0x80 triggers Big Shield and 0xC0 triggers Pierce. Please note that Big Shield doesn't necessarily work.

Special thanks to Mage Knight 404 for his great documentation of FE8 fights.

Scripted Map Movement & Other Move Codes

My apologies to the FE8 users out there, but none of these codes currently work with FE8. The following section is for FE7 and FE6 only. Hopefully that will change sometime in the future.

MOVE Char MoveData

Moves a character based on their specified "MoveData" (which is a pointer to the specifics of how you want the character to move). Naturally, GBAFE forces characters while moving to take the shortest route. If you'd like to move a character across a specific path, for whatever reason, this is how you do that. How exactly do we construct our "MoveData?"

Naturally, Nintenlord's EA Standard Library has already simplified this process. Move data is composed of the MOMA command, and these are the available actions.

[spoiler=Movement Actions]

up //Moves the unit up.

left //Moves the unit left.

right //Moves the unit right.

down //Moves the unit down.

notice //Shows the exclamation mark of the moving unit's head.

speed(newSpeed) //Changes speed. 0x0 for normal, 0x1 for slow.

highlight(time) //Highlights the unit for "time" amount of time.

MOMA left left left left
MOMA speed(0x1) left left notice
MOMA speed (0x0)
MOMA right right up up
MOMA down down down

A sample of using "MoveData" for a semi-elaborate series of movement.

REPOS [X1,Y1] [X2,Y2] //Repositions Character based on set coordinates.
REPOS Char [XX,YY] //Repositions based on the character.

This code changes a unit's positioning on the map without "moving" them (a.k.a. they just arrive at their destination without any animations). Great for repositioning things during a fade-to-black, but I've never found much else to use it for.


Moves the character specified as the "main" character. This code is exclusive to FE7.

MOVENEXTTO CharToMove CharToMoveNextTo

The code's name is rather self-explanatory. It moves the specified unit next to a specified unit (wherever that unit may be positioned).

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Conditions, my friends, are what separate the boys from the men, the girls from the women, and the good event hackers from the run-of-the-mill average ones. Now it is entirely possible to make chapters without events (I've done so), but conditions allow for the creation of unique chapters. Tale 1x of my hack, Elibian Nights, was created using a complex string of conditions and event ID manipulation (the chapter's goal was to rebuild three villages). Conditions allow us to have village conversations happen with specific characters, gaiden chapters to be given conditions, and a plethora of other effects.

Before we dive into learning the codes, I'd like to talk briefly about what I call "condition logic." Conditions with events can be hard to grasp for some, and easy for others. It all depends on the individual's degree of logic. To get everyone up to par (or at least attempt to do so), I'll go over condition logic. Let's say a parent makes a deal with their child. "If you clean your room, I'll buy you Fire Emblem DS." The condition is that the child's room is cleaned, and there are two possible outcomes. Outcome #1: The child's room is cleaned and the child gets Fire Emblem DS. Outcome #2: The child's room is not cleaned and the child does not receive Fire Emblem DS. This is how conditions work in GBAFE, there is a condition set and two possible outcomes (the condition is met or the condition is not met).

Let's translate the above example into GBAFE events. Theoretically, the room being cleaned triggers an Event ID 0x25.

IfEventIDTriggered 0x25
Kid gets Fire Emblem DS
Nothing Happens

Now this code wouldn't work in the game, obviously. There's a bit more to conditions than just that. There are three major components writing conditions that we have to cover: the Condition ID, ELSE and ENIF.

First, the Condition ID. The Condition ID is somewhat like the Event ID, it identifies a certain condition. No two conditions should share an ID. Condition IDs start at 0x01, and go onward to 0xFF (though I doubt you'll need 255 conditions in one chapter). Let's rewrite our kid's situation with Condition IDs. We can also change "Kid gets Fire Emblem DS" to ITGC Kid FireEmblemDS.

IfEventIDTriggered 0x01 0x25
ITGC Kid FireEmblemDS
//Nothing Happens

The second piece of information we need to cover is the "ELSE" code. ELSE signals the game to read for information about what to do if the condition is not met. Having conditions without ELSE is possible if you only want one outcome, ELSE is the second outcome (what happens when Kid doesn't clean his room). "IfConditionIsNotMet" from the fake code above is essentially ELSE. Note that ELSE uses a different Condition ID than the original condition.

IfEventIDTriggered 0x01 0x25
ITGC Kid FireEmblemDS
ELSE 0x02
//Nothing Happens

Now, how does the game know when to stop reading for the results of a condition? It doesn't, you have to specify the end with the ENIF code. ENIF ends the results of a condition, and it's only parameter is the Condition ID that it ends.

IfEventIDTriggered 0x01 0x25
ITGC Kid FireEmblemDS
ELSE 0x02
ENIF 0x01
//Nothing Happens
ENIF 0x02

Now, let's go over the individual condition codes. There are five main codes that are commonly used while writing events.

IFCA ConditionID Char //If certain character is activating the event.
IFTU ConditionID Turn //If specified turn has not yet passed.
IFET ConditionID EventID //If specified Event ID was triggered.
IFYN ConditionID //If yes was chosen in the previous Yes/No prompt.
IFCD ConditionID Char //If specified character is dead.

These condition codes can be applied to any situation at any time in your events. IFCA can be used in a village to check for a certain visitor, IFTU can be used to set up gaiden conditions, etc. These five are the most commonly used event codes, but there are a few other codes available to hackers.

IFUF ConditionID Char //If specified character is on the map.
IFEF ConditionID EventID //If specified Event ID was not triggered. Reverse of IFET.
IFHM ConditionID //If game is in Hector's mode. FE7 only.
IFEM ConditionID //If game is in Eliwood's mode. FE7 only.
IFTT ConditionID //If game is in Tutorial mode. FE7 only.
IFCNA ConditionID Char //Reverse of IFCA for FE6. FE6 doesn't have IFCA.

These codes are less commonly used, and most of them are game-specific.


Guy getting a line at the beginning of Chapter 17, thanks to IFUF.

Here is an example of a condition-based AREA event from FE4A, the event where Lex obtains his Brave Axe in Chapter 1.

IFCA 0x01 Lex //If activating character is Lex.
TEX1 0x0815
ITGC Lex BraveAxe
ELSE 0x02 //If activating character is NOT Lex.
ENIF 0x01
ENUF 0x24 //Makes it so the event ID for this event is "unused," so Lex can activate the event.
ENIF 0x02

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Event ID Manipulation

You may have noticed in the Lex Brave Axe event from the previous lesson, a new code called "ENUF." This code is one of two (ENUT and ENUF) that are used to manipulate Event IDs for desired effects. In the Lex event, using ENUT to refresh the Event ID makes it so that a random unit stepping on the tile doesn't make it so Lex can't trigger the event. Event IDs, as you should know, are automatically triggered when their corresponding event is triggered.


ENUF makes it so the Event ID is marked as "unused," and ENUT makes it so the Event ID is marked as "used" (even without triggering the connected event). As you know, once an Event ID is "used" the event cannot be re-activated manually. ENUF can undo this, even if an event was manually activated.

Now, an important fact to recognize is that we can manipulate any Event ID. We aren't restricted to only the Event IDs connected to events in a given chapter.

Event ID is difficult to teach, because everything beyond method is all up to an individual's creativity. ENUF, ENUT, and IFET form a powerful triumverate, with which complex strings of events can be written. What one does with this technique is entirely up to their minds, everyone can apply Event ID manipulation in a multitude of unique and different ways.

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Tutorial To-Do List

- Chapter on ASM Conditions (codes IFAT and IFAF), any knowledge is appreciated!

- Final Chapter on cool special effects (Lightning, Earthquakes, CGs, etc.)

- Conclusion

After this post, you're all free to make your own posts. Feedback on the tutorial, suggestions, and contributions are greatly appreciated. However, this is not the place for your event hacking questions.

Edited by Optimus OVERTROLL
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another event tutorial, and as usual, better than the last.

funny thing though that made me just have to respond; I was thinking about silly ideas for "_____ for Dummies" books today while hanging out with a friend in the library don't ask why we were there, it's a long story. Then you come up with "Event Hacking for Dummies"... I can't stand coincidences like that, just saying it's a coincidence doesn't do the situation justice XD

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call me stupid, but 'im still a little lost on how this works.

i'm guessing that I should start by opening notepad/wordpad. from there, I can use these pointers to set up my chapters how I want, right?

also, everything that I want to happen in a chapter should be able to be done with the same document? in other words, I don't need a seperate wordpad file for opening/closing events, then one for character events, etc. I somehow got that impression.

Cam also told me that when I insert an event, the game will use like the next several pointers for that event, and I should jump past a few pointers before inserting anything else. but what happens if I want to add something else to the event file after it's already been inserted?

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call me stupid, but 'im still a little lost on how this works.

i'm guessing that I should start by opening notepad/wordpad. from there, I can use these pointers to set up my chapters how I want, right?

also, everything that I want to happen in a chapter should be able to be done with the same document? in other words, I don't need a seperate wordpad file for opening/closing events, then one for character events, etc. I somehow got that impression.

Cam also told me that when I insert an event, the game will use like the next several pointers for that event, and I should jump past a few pointers before inserting anything else. but what happens if I want to add something else to the event file after it's already been inserted?

You can always reinsert the events after you have made changes.

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