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[FE11-FE12] Archanean version of that crazy bastard Radiant Dragon's brainchild.


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Man, I didn't think about that. I really have no need for Lena anyways, I hope she doesn't end up with me. >.<

Also I'm thinking about what I should do with Cecil. I could make her a mage and make MU go archer. Or keep her in base class and let MU go mage. Or maybe two mages? xD

EDIT: *gasp* I killed hardin too. >.<

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Here is the plan:

Drop Cecille, take hardin, he's more use to you. COnvince 13th that Cecille Sucks, you skip Cecille again, and I get cecille because you do not want her.


Initiate plan!

*Is making plans for a freaking Lowest TC possible for H1 (not recruiting eveyone)*

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Blues, you have Etzel for FE12 mage needs. And you can always draft Yumina next turn if you deem you need an early staffer.

I say, keep cecil a physical unit. She rocks in any class though. My had excellent results with my own magic-using Cecille.

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Yeah right, just look at that str growth, an hp... and def! Warren is way more usefull, even though he's one chapter later. ;o Even without prologue he outperforms her by miles. That, and there is hardin, yumina, yubello, etc... Don't expect cecille on frontlines ever, except as a 0 def mage with nosferatu. Nosferatu only has 24 uses though.

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Yeah right, just look at that str growth, an hp... and def! Warren is way more usefull, even though he's one chapter later. ;o Even without prologue he outperforms her by miles. That, and there is hardin, yumina, yubello, etc... Don't expect cecille on frontlines ever, except as a 0 def mage with nosferatu. Nosferatu only has 24 uses though.

Playing mind games, now are we, sal? :P

I think I missed the sarcasm there.

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As if that would ever be a fault. Never, will that be a fault, luke and rody ove maliesie, those were mistakes. Ryan over maliesia, big mistake. Maliesia saves more turns than them, especially since I have draug. ;o Who does all those guys jobs just as well. *still wants cecille as well* :p

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I don't find Malliesia extremely useful. You get enough number of rescue staff uses in the game and the again staff is pretty late. Ok, maybe hammerne has use only for again staff.

Hey wait. We should make sure Sal doesn't get another high-ranked staff user.I call dibs on Yumina! :P

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Yubello over yumina everyday, he has enough time to raise staff rank. Otherwise, yeah, yumina...


I wonder who has the worst and best earlygame team though. Sal, you do realize you only have Draug as a knight, for the first 3 chapters in fe11? >.<

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And jagen as well. I have the sturdiest two. You cannot bummrush like NM so maybe draug can sorta keep up... The first 3 chapters aren't great anyway for most of us. But yeah, unless you and 13th take yumina and yubello, i'm golden for staffbots and staff shenanigans.

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For 11:

13th: Caeda, Wendell

2: blues: Cain, Julian, Navarre,

3: Vicious Sal: Draug, Merric, Matthis, Wolf, Sedgar

4: PKL: Barst, Castor, Athena, Vyland

5: eclipse: Ogma, Gordin, Darros, Bord, Roshea,

6: Wen/Kopfjager:Abel, Cord, Wrys

For 12:

: 13th: Caeda, Arran, Wendell,Roger.

2: blues: Julian, Navarre,Cain, Cecil.

3: Vicious Sal: Draug, Caesar,Matthis,Malliesia

4: PKL: Barst, Palla, Radd, Castor, Athena,Ryan

5: eclipse: Ogma, Gordin,Bord,Luke

6: Wen/Kopfjager: Catria,Linde,Cord,Wrys,Rody


Judging from this, I think 13th has the worst earlygame team, for both games. He's stuck with Caeda until chapter five, where he's gonna struggle trying to recruit Wendell. Fe12 he has only Arran,MU and Marth until chapter 4.Then Sirius in Ch.4 xD Caeda arrives in chapter 5, which is a saving grace, but then he has to wait for chapter 6x prep screen to use Wendell. Oh, and Roger joins when earlygame is about to end.

I have the second smallest team for fe11's earlygame. That's pretty bad. From my experience so far, I really a LOT on sacrifices, but I also get the advantage of more exp. FE12, I have MU, Arran until Ch. 4, where I get Sirius. Cecil is there from Prologue 6, awesome.Cain coems for training in the last prologue chapter. Julian in Ch.3 Navarre in Ch.7 and Cain in Ch.8. I think my earlygame in FE12 is more halthy than my FE11 team.

Sal has... Draug and Jagen for the first three chapters in FE11. That's... ok, but not great. It basically makes it hard to rush through the boss since Draug's movt is bad. Ch.3's boss is horrible- 14 spd wrecks the whole team. xD You'll probably have to take a penalty and use Navarre.Then you've got Matthis, who's not great but helpful and costs turns, Wolf and Sedgar, who aren't gonna be doing great stuff until they get lvl ups. FE12 team is much better thanks to reclass limits unlocked. Draug is now amazing, MU is a big help, Matthis cost you turns again, Caesar is mediocre until you train him. Oh, and Malliesia costs you a turn, but I guess she'll save that turn pretty easily.

PKL/Toon Link: Barst is a HUGE help, and Castor's pretty decent too. Vyland is nothing to look up to, and Athena comes a bit late. FE12, you've got Ryan, who has the HIGHEST AVAILABILITY IN THE GAME, Athena for prologue(and then suddenly you get her too late), Palla screws around with all earlygame enemies, and the Barst comes to kick ass. Castor has improved this time around, and Radd is just mediocre, like Caesar.

Clipsey: She gets Ogma,Bord and Darros ALL in chapter 2 in FESD.The huge number of units really gets things going. Gordin is meh, but at least he has the seond best availability of all the units in this draft. Ok, Correction, he has the best availability. Roshea is worse than Vyland. :| FE12, you can get Gordin real early in prologue.Ogma's back in prologue too. Luke comes in chapter three, which is awesome, and Bord comes in CH.3 as well, even though he costs a few turns.

Wen: Has Abel, who can Javelin spam, Cord, who's got speed, and Wrys, a healer. FE12, he has Wrys for prologue and then 3x onwards, Rody for prologue, Catria and Cord in one chapter, and Linde in the next chapter.

Ok, so 13th has the worst, and imo, PKL has the best earlygame team.

WoT. xD

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That, and matthis doesn't cost any turns. And you forgot merric for me. Draug's move sucks in fe11, yes, but can you rush through the chapters like NM? Not really. Marth and jagen will often not be able to use full move, so his bad move isn't as bad as NM... I hope

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Blues, here's a little tidbit:

I started my FE12 run since I got nobody I want to recruit early on in that game.

And my team clocked a whooping 35 turns at the end of chapter 4.

That's one turn under optimal turncount, btw. ;):

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It was a tough choice, but Yumina. At least I can train cecil's lance rank if I want, or make Cain use lances. Darn you 13th, why did you take Frey, why? D:

Because in this, Frey is still one of the best.

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