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FEXNA (Currently In Private Beta)


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If you don't need FEXNA for major game systems required for your project to run (lots of emphasis because it's easy to overestimate what a project needs versus wants), now is as good a time as any to start up a FEXP project or hack. Sadly FE8 hacking seems to have overtaken FE7 recently, while the last I heard of the GBA-FEXNA converter was FE7-only, but I'll leave that up to what your project is.

(I mean that as in, you make it as a sort of prototype in another engine so you can easily port it to FEXNA later instead of starting from the ground up at that time)

would it be possible to do a path split at like the prologue


then have those paths converge at Chapter 9 or so.


With one path having a Gaiden chapter.


Also once the battalions converge would they be able to separate again


would you be able to chose which units go into which battalion, like not the programmer, but the player.

yes... But I can't guarantee the interface to do so would be intuitive. There may be a menu that exists eventually, but if not, I wouldn't count on someone else building it unless you ask--it's an idea I think several people would want to use, but I'm not sure. In the worst case, you can have an intermission chapter where you arrange your units in boxes or halves of the map or something to determine which battalion they go in, then event it so you remove every unit from both battalions, then check every square in the selection boxes to add whatever player unit is there to the battalion for that side. Just a thought of a workaround if there ends up being no menu.

EDIT: better version of that is just have the intermission chapter let you pick from the entire roster what units to deploy, then those units instantly go into one battalion and those leftover go into the other.

Edited by 47948201
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Dumb question from a programming student

I have Microsoft XNA Game Studio 4.0

I assume it'll run on 4.0

My question is, will the engine be in Visual C#? as that is was XNA defaults to



Edited by Ryan_Stav
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If you don't need FEXNA for major game systems required for your project to run (lots of emphasis because it's easy to overestimate what a project needs versus wants), now is as good a time as any to start up a FEXP project or hack.

I heard FEXP was vastly unfinished and partially unusable, though?

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Yep, it's definitely vastly unfinished with a lot of missing features, but it's still a good tool for drafting if your game involves features that are too hard to hack. (If not though, hacking is probably faster and easier, especially once the the FEGBA-FEXNA converter exists)

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  • 3 weeks later...

im going to list every single issue i have with the engine (when your playing not when your making your project)

First off loading the main Menu the Audio is Freaking Loud and you cant change the volume of the main menu
also why is the audio still on when the window isnt in focus that gets really annoying
LeftShift, Left Control, Tab, Escape (although its to get out of it so this one will pass), Grave, left Alt, Right Alt,
Can't Change Controls for Xinput (Xbox) and while where at it why isn't there support for PS input?
Game Settings:
There should be a another animation thingy for dance and staves like in fe13 & 14
should be something to unflip enemy's
Unit Menu:
there isnt a thing that shows talks only avaliable supports
the second window should have hp shown
In Chapter transition:
there is alot of little moments of transitions that could be cut to make the game a little faster and more enjoyable to play since it well playing games in the engine isnt very fun due to the slowed down nature
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This may have already been asked, but are Magic and Strength considered separate values always, or are they interchangeable?

It's just a POW stat with labels based on class. There won't be an official split, as FE7x won't have any units with both magic and physical equipment, but it wouldn't surprise me for there to be a mod that comes soon after initial release with a STR/MAG split.

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Forgive me if I'm wrong (I have very little experience coding), but isn't it possible to make a (Although not very effective) way of pairing up units? By replacing the rescue command with "Pair Up" Along with an if/else statement asking wheter you have *Character variable* in your rescue, and if so, get a temporary raise in stats, and else, you don't gain any. If you "Stop Pair Up" or drop, you automatically lose all stat bonuses. It can be tedious, and it might not even work. Still, an idea is an idea. (Sorry for wasting your time)

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Forgive me if I'm wrong (I have very little experience coding), but isn't it possible to make a (Although not very effective) way of pairing up units? By replacing the rescue command with "Pair Up" Along with an if/else statement asking wheter you have *Character variable* in your rescue, and if so, get a temporary raise in stats, and else, you don't gain any. If you "Stop Pair Up" or drop, you automatically lose all stat bonuses. It can be tedious, and it might not even work. Still, an idea is an idea. (Sorry for wasting your time)

It's already been done in FE8 so I'd be very surprised if it weren't somehow possible.

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In terms of functionality, Pair Up is literally backwards rescue. It wouldn't be too hard to add if you have slightly more experience coding, and not much harder to make bonuses depend on unit/class stat stuff. FE8's Pair Up actually shows graphics properly IIRC, which is definitely possible but might be a little more complicated.

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One question I think most people around would be interested in hearing the answer.
We've been informed that the source code will be editable, that is the code of the game right?
Will the tools of FEXNA be editable so we can make modifications like Str/Mag split for FE4 remakes?
By tools I mean the window form apps

Additionally I'd like to hear what framework and Visual studio is being used for this project so we can know what kind of setup make when we get FEXNA.
Thank you!

Edited by Lord Wolfram
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I'm pretty sure the tools will have source available? Mari and I have asked for editor source but Yeti said he didn't want to deal with us having issues with being in different versions of the editors and engine, so presumably once a stable version is out there won't be a reason not to have the editor source.

Currently we're using VS Community 2013 Update 4 but I feel like that's changed once before during development so I'm not sure that'll stay the case.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Although both these i"m going to ask are like 75% possible id just like to know if they are a starting thing or not

Will there be a way so tracks don"t restart when the game replays them such as switching phases or battle themes cause id rather not deal with it (battle themes specifically).

Second is selecting game over like a "no track" , "last played track", and "Specific track/sound" when it comes to selecting cause i know some folks that would like that.

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I'm 99% sure that's default behavior. I thought it was default in GBA, but I was only halfway right lol, but I've gotten it in FEXNA so one theme plays continuously for all phases and battles so if it's not default it should be easy to port.

Choosing a different gameover song is trivial, as is making it play no song. "Last played track" is a little more interesting, I'm pretty sure you'll have to go into the code for that, but literally all you need to do is delete one line, so...

(As for your previous post sorry lol I'm not sure what to say about it, maybe I'll make a comprehensive post at some point but doop)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Honestly, I'm not totally sure--I know there's definitely stuff to be done with editors in centralizing them, and adding new editors (config editor and palette editors come to mind, the idea being you shouldn't have to mess with code if you don't want to do anything advanced, and you shouldn't need external programs other than to make assets), but engine-wise (other than the fact Silence didn't work until yesterday, lol) I don't think there's a ton more that needs finishing...? Well, besides mouse and touch controls, and the internal UI reworking that's going along with it. Right, that's a thing.

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Been following this project somewhat. Very excited & impressed for the outcomes.


Forgive me if this is a naïve question, but will FEXNA be able to support 3D assets? No external engine required? I suppose there would be a lot of coding backwork to make this possible in its current presentation.

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No native 3d support. It'd be a ton of work to get that up--look up Maritisa's now-dead Revenge of the Emblem and consider that 3d was a distant dream to her.

I haven't tried running FEXNA on Win10, you'll probably have better luck with that question over in the 7x topic since Yeti frequents that more and there's no guarantees Skitty over at 6xna will forward your question since it's not really his direct domain. (I say as if this is my thread lol I know it's not but I imagine Yeti checks here less than that for his own game)

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New to this.


I dont want to ask for a release date because I know it wont be in a long while.


Have FEXNA replicate FE7/8? What I mean is... Is this one of your testing method?

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