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i'm only using morgana as my healer because of salvation lmao

7 hours ago, Trisitei said:

the vid i left

it...sounds familiar but... i don't really member it lmao. i like the one playing for the boss stuff though

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1 hour ago, Soul~! said:

okay fuck that's just cruel

who the fuck mixes candy (like actual candy, not fucking chocolate) with chocolate

I never do it either.
Punching chocolate is like punching beer - a violation against the purity law.

3 hours ago, Kloe said:

i've been up since like 2 am being all anxious for work
now i have like a little less than half an hour to waste before heading out

Be glad that you have a job...
(I'm still looking for a part time time job for almost two months already. :/)
However getting up early kinda sucks.
Hopefully the job makes you fun at least... but apparently after reading the first part, it doesn't.

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Nah dude I'm training up Odin cause I wanna use him. he's a shit, but my shit

that and the fact I already sacrificed Hana and 2 Shannas for him

Edited by Midori Mage
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Alright, time to begin with Stage 38. But before that, a trip to the Bazaar. Only one new thing, an Eageal. I buy it, but... eh, not sure which benchwarmer I would put in there. Considering UC and Turn A characters can pilot the same mecha pool, it's hard to say. Ah well... time to being the stage.

It begins with the Dinosaur Empire. Emperor Gor learns the Ancestors (if you remember, how Magus calls her group) are starting to act out. He's displeased, and vows he'll crush them, literally, if he has to (as in, use Machineland itself to crush the Earth Craddle, if they can ever find it). This makes the Great Dark General reminiscence. Apparently, back in the last war between the Underground Empires and the Ancestors, the Mycenaeans suffered the worst (and yet, nothing is ever said of the Ghost Empire in Alpha Gaiden, it seems). The Dark Emperor and the Seven Generals are seemingly dead (yeah, as usual, SRW only gives us the Dark General as the Mycenaean top dog to fight), and only few Mycenaeans remain. He also vows to defeat the Ancestors, as well as Mazinger, and bring the Mycenaean Empire back to full glory.

Meanwhile, with Gynaham, they're going over the data they've aquired both from D.O.M.E. and what they took from the Irregulars. Also, they've been doing some digging at the Lost Mountains. Gwen protests on the Frost Brothers using a nuke, though Gynaham dismisses it, saying that sort of damage can be fixed. Also, when Gwen sees Katejina, an explanation is finally given as to why she ended up with them. Turns out, the Frost Brothers found her wandering about, with no memories, but holding a grudge to the Irregulars. So yeah.

Back with the heroes, Elche may be safe now, but still unconscious. This sends some of the heroes to discuss how it seems that even thousands of years into the future, mankinds keeps making the same mistakes, and how war is unavoidable. Though on a more hopeful note, they conclude that if that isn't changing, then neither should change that others (aka them) should rise to put a stop to war whenever it starts up again. Meanwhile, others ponder on the Craddles. Even if it's unknown who resumed construction on the Earth Craddle, its characteristics must not be that much different from the Moon Craddle. That one had Huckebeins and Grungusts as a defensive mechanism, and meanwhile, the Ancestors, seemingly based on the Earth Craddle, have those Bergelmirs and the Thrudgelmir. Could there be a connection...?

And elsewhere, the top brass is discussing on dealing with Gynaham and the Turn X. They are aware it can also employ the Moonlight Butterfly like the Turn A, but discuss if it means they must or not deploy the Turn A. But just then, the alarms sound... it's the Gynaham Fleet!

Well, just part of it. Either way, the heroes are all fired up in not letting the Black History repeat itself again, though Usso is worried on what to do if he encounters Katejina again on teh battlefield. Well, speaking of the devil...

And thus, the stage begins. And since no title card appeared, naturally, this will be a two-part stage.

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So, starting enemy composition is varied. With both Moon Race and Zanscare mechas (with Moon Race pilots, naturally). There's Dogoras, Rig Shakos, WaDoms, Mahirows, and Bandits. There's also battleships in the form of Endoras, Adrasteas, and Almeyers. As for non-generic enemies, there's Swesson in a Mahirow, and Katejina in a Gotoratan. The Dogoras start in the water and can't ever leave it. Good thing I deployed Shin Getter so Shin Getter 3 can go to town with them. Not much action for water-based mechas, it happens. And Katejina is using the Bandits for Support Attack/Defense. As for the skill point, I must defeat all but Katejina within nine turns. Well, barring the Dogoras and battleships, these guys shouldn't take long to deal with. Lets' go!

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Pft, the Rig Shakos were so weak, it only took me one turn to destroy them all. Also, one Dogora is down.

It's a good thing the stage is during nighttime, since I can fire the Satellite Cannon... well, until Garrod gains enough Morale.

Alright, enough for today. Finished off one WaDom, one Endora. Enough progress done in just 3 turns. Still have 6 to go... but that's for another day.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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[6:30:38 PM] Rika: dude omg not long ago while I'm waiting for the bus, there was a dark car coming along the road with red side mirrors....and from where I was looking at, I thought of my waifu Akira as Joker
[6:38:26 PM] Tristian S.: Sounds like a car he'd drive 
[6:39:21 PM] Rika: lmao
[6:39:44 PM] Rika: I waifuing too hard
[6:41:47 PM] Tristian S.: wasn't it this hard with like
jude and your other waifus
[6:42:02 PM] Rika: was it I forget lmao
[6:42:31 PM] Tristian S.: id like to believe it is
or is not, maybe as a sign that joker is that sly
[6:42:49 PM] Rika: both
[6:44:10 PM] Tristian S.: woooo. looking cool joker
[6:44:57 PM] Rika: you mean smexy as fuck
[6:45:08 PM] Tristian S.: calm down
[6:45:17 PM] Rika: no
[6:45:31 PM] Tristian S.: fair enough
I tried
[6:46:08 PM] Rika: you did


3 hours ago, Midori Mage said:

Nah dude I'm training up Odin cause I wanna use him. he's a shit, but my shit

~that and the fact I already sacrificed Hana and 2 Shannas for him~


everyones got a favorite to raise from scratch i suppose

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thanks i am

9 hours ago, Alisa Reinford said:

Be glad that you have a job...
(I'm still looking for a part time time job for almost two months already. :/)
However getting up early kinda sucks.
Hopefully the job makes you fun at least... but apparently after reading the first part, it doesn't.

weeeeeeeeeeeell... it's been over two years since i came here to find a job that i hope i can work longer than a month lol... i can't say it'll make anything fun but at least i do have a job and still have time for fun stuff like p5

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4 minutes ago, Kloe said:

does anyone know if mementos layout changes when you re-enter it or is it fixed?

mementos changes when you re enter

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