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6 minutes ago, Trisitei said:

what about SF being an ass with its double posting problem?

It's pretty annoying, but not as annoying as the slow loading. At least, not when shitposting. It's actually the other way around for normal posting.

6 minutes ago, Trisitei said:

it went to hibernation for a long time
but has it awakened?
Wait and hope



Edited by Claudius I
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1 hour ago, Claudius I said:

It's pretty annoying, but not as annoying as the slow loading. At least, not when shitposting. It's actually the other way around for normal posting.



new sf is a conspiracy


oh yeah
wanted to say im proud of you chaing the name of that interview thread

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4 hours ago, Claudius I said:

Hmm, well, in that case, I think you should ask yourself two questions.
1. How much do you need the new med?
2. How likely and how bad are possible side effects?
Like, if you don't need the new med that much, I'd say wait until you're back, unless the side effects are so unlikely to happen and/or so minimal that you can safely take it anyway. But if you urgently need the new med, I'd say start right away, unless the side effects are so likely to happen and so harmful that they'll get in the way of enjoying your trip. 

Well, the important thing is that you got it figured out in the end! I also think you're not looking at this the right way. Instead of thinking "I feel like an idiot because I should have talked to my endo etc.", try to think "Things worked out, but next time I should try to talk to my endo etc." You got it figured out in the end and that's a good thing, so treat is as a good thing. Don't beat yourself up over what you could have done better; take it as a lesson for next time, so you'll do even better then! Approaching this whole thing with a positive mindset (while it may be hard to do) will make it a lot better for you, I think.
And I totally understand about being bad at talking to people and often holding back. I'm very much the same. Though I'm trying to improve on that. I'm not really sure how to improve on that though.

Yeah that sounds wise
Its nothing urgent, so I think I'm gonna hold off

You're right, I'm just mad frustrated because I often forget details and I feel like I'm so bad at explaining things that they might misinterpret whats wrong with me idk I hope not
also my parents are so used to accompanying me whenever they take me to appointments and sometimes I can't talk about everything I want to while they're around and if I tell them I want to go alone they seem almost offended and ask questions I don't wanna answer though I got to do it this time around oh ALSO asking questions to doctors is hard.......I often feel ashamed to talk about any health issues sometimes even though they have to deal with all kinds of ailments people have all the time
And improving uhh Im not really sure either, but its good to know someone who understands!
it probably involves baby steps at the very least



3 hours ago, Trisitei said:


ramblings important
helps to vent out any sort of thoughts bubbling up
would be better to get them out instead of it being locked up to fester into something not too pleasant 

its also real good you took the steps necessary once symptoms popped up
basically what hatt said is exactly right and i agree with it all instead of just regurgitating it

aaaa that is true, I feel like I don't have much of a filter when I start ranting/rambling too much and I should probably be more mindful incase I say some dumbshit ;_;
I feel like I'm just typing a bunch of WORDS and idk how coherent I am and I've also been tired all day which isn't helping right now lol

and yeah! \0
thanks to you both

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spray it to death with a spray of whatever
but tapping the window works too i guess...........

3 hours ago, Fleece said:

aaaa that is true, I feel like I don't have much of a filter when I start ranting/rambling too much and I should probably be more mindful incase I say some dumbshit ;_;
I feel like I'm just typing a bunch of WORDS and idk how coherent I am and I've also been tired all day which isn't helping right now lol

and yeah! \0
thanks to you both

still sounds better to just let out whatever is in your head if theres something on the mind like that
and also sleep
real important
(or maybe you can cheat that with coffee. if you like coffee that is)


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welp, its happening........got the flight booked 

being stuck on a plane for 6 hours and 5 return trip is no joke though u__u
I'm panicked a bit because I'm worried about the possibility of someone being sick in such a cramped space and my immune system is shit and even getting a cold would ruin everything because it feels like mine last over a week and can easily turn into bronchitis and my doc was just like "take zinc and don't eat anything on the plane because the air could contaminate the food" like UMMMMMM hello I gotta at least every three hours to live I can't hold that off like a completely healthy person its unavoidable I'm gonna have to eat on there at some point I really don't want to get sick though
is the actual worst
why did I have to get screwed over by shit genetics

guess I needa find out what food is ok to take for carry-on too


29 minutes ago, Trisitei said:


still sounds better to just let out whatever is in your head if theres something on the mind like that
and also sleep
real important
(or maybe you can cheat that with coffee. if you like coffee that is)


True enough
I dozed off for a bit ago, so theres that lol

and I don't like coffee orz

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2 hours ago, Fleece said:

welp, its happening........got the flight booked 

being stuck on a plane for 6 hours and 5 return trip is no joke though u__u
I'm panicked a bit because I'm worried about the possibility of someone being sick in such a cramped space and my immune system is shit and even getting a cold would ruin everything because it feels like mine last over a week and can easily turn into bronchitis and my doc was just like "take zinc and don't eat anything on the plane because the air could contaminate the food" like UMMMMMM hello I gotta at least every three hours to live I can't hold that off like a completely healthy person its unavoidable I'm gonna have to eat on there at some point I really don't want to get sick though
is the actual worst
why did I have to get screwed over by shit genetics

guess I needa find out what food is ok to take for carry-on too


True enough
I dozed off for a bit ago, so theres that lol

and I don't like coffee orz

when in doubt, where a surgical mask during the flight?

naps are good
real good
heavily recommend

hm then...
maybe soda?

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16 minutes ago, Trisitei said:

when in doubt, where a surgical mask during the flight?

naps are good
real good
heavily recommend

hm then...
maybe soda?

Yeah I could, won't protect my food but its better than nothing I guess
worried about people giving me weird looks though, idk why wearing masks isn't a norm in the US at least uhhh
it feels like people never wear them unless they're seriously sick with some rare illness or are medical professionals >_>

Yeah I love naps! unless I sleep too long and I wake up disoriented

Soda doesn't seem to do anything for me hmmmmm
I wonder if any tea thats suppossed to help actually does

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7 hours ago, Fleece said:

Yeah I could, won't protect my food but its better than nothing I guess
worried about people giving me weird looks though, idk why wearing masks isn't a norm in the US at least uhhh
it feels like people never wear them unless they're seriously sick with some rare illness or are medical professionals >_>

Yeah I love naps! unless I sleep too long and I wake up disoriented

Soda doesn't seem to do anything for me hmmmmm
I wonder if any tea thats suppossed to help actually does

Let them watch, people will think anything. Or maybe keep a scare around instead. 

naps are gr8....unless that happens yeah >~>. Or there wasn't any comfortable positions for your head.

should be. Don't know much about tea myself that, maybe tre looking it up see what you find.

5 hours ago, Hitori said:


This is just more proof to me that if you complain about something in the internet, it'll stop being a problem 

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