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itt: i yell about character design in choigangui gundan

character #8: my GIRL izanami


portrait 1


+ everything about this is great
+ like, so many things that it deserves another +
+ i love the empire-waist dress it is totally my type
+ her weapon is really cute
- except the buttcape-esque thing wtf is that and where is it coming from
- is she wearing ears

overall - 9/10


portrait 2


+ i can't rly see the dress at all but it still looks great
+ the skirt changed from bell-shaped to a-line and it still looks great
+ theres no more empire-waist but a classic hip skirt is fine too
+ there are two izanami's thats like two times the Good

overall - 8/10


portrait 3


+ she looks good but like literally the same as her first portrait im confused
+ o wtf those ears are part of a ribbon that holds her hair back and it also includes an eyeball thats cute....
+ i still love her dress, also now that i know where that cape is coming from im only slightly less upset
+ nice throne
• i really fuckin want context for that guy wtf????? despite her being my second favourite character i actually know next to nothing about her backstory but i am intrigued because he has no shoes and ripped jeans
(+ idk if i should grade him too but if i am, he looks good and his crown is funny)

overall - 9.5/10


portrait 4


+ like my favourite design in the game
+ her new weapon is minimalistic yet POW
+ her dress looks good asf!!!
+ sexy w/o lookin dumb like hades
+ her lace armlets are cute and i want them
+ so is her collar wow
+ i like the corpse of her tiny self at the bottom
+ the crystals r cool
- tbh the only bad thing about this portrait is that she has no shoes, what happened to the super cute mary janes that served her well for three entire portraits : (

overall - 10/10


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itt: i yell about character design in choigangui gundan

character #9: jackdaw


portrait 1


+ hes EDGY as FUCK!!!
+ like basically everything about him is edgy, hes in all black, he has raven feathers around his face, he has red eyes, his hair is covering one of them, hes wearing a long coat, hes wearing gloves, his shirt literally says pride will have a fall, and hes EMANATING EDGE
+ it's cute
- a lil basic tho
- the purple is throwin me off lmao, i guess it's supposed to be an accent but the cross necklace is already pullin my eyes and the purple is no

overall - 8/10


+ he grew WINGS oh my GOD
+ they look hella nice
+ his hair looks nicer
+ his coat got longer
+ it looks like his wings r literally tearing a rip in the time-space continuum
- where'd his edgy gloves go : ( also his raven feather scarf : (
- he still looks basic
- i can't fuckin see his outfit

overall - 8/10


+ his scarf is back and edgier than ever
+ dude thats a sick-ass weapon
+ idk whats going on in the back but it looks cool
+ i can see both of his eyes now
• the pride will have a fall thing on his outerwear disappeared....mysterious
• i feel kinda ashamed to admit that i thought that was a fidget spinner at first
- his proportions are so fuckin off lmao

overall - 8/10


portrait 4


- hes too shirtless

overall - 1/10


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13 hours ago, LuxSpes said:

They brought those (there's a spider that goes along with this dragon/horse) to Ottawa this summer for the 150th anniversary of Canada.

What kind of festival for Canada requires a dragon and a spider

 is the history of Canada more intense than I thought?

On 11/7/2017 at 1:32 AM, Fleece said:

Hopefully not maybe?? probably?? idk I don't really wanna ask either way because its my brother and he's gonna mouth off about something stupid either way like uggggggggghghg

and this ice ball thing sounds nuts lol people really got nothing better to do I supposse

If that’s be the case then yeah, just let him stay with those flat earth beliefs >~>

when you got that tin foil hat on too tight then I think you’d believe and think anything I guess 

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23 minutes ago, Trisitei said:

What kind of festival for Canada requires a dragon and a spider

 is the history of Canada more intense than I thought?

They have nothing to do with Canada (IIRC it's based on a Chinese myth), but it's spectacular so I guess the committee in charge of the celebration decided to bring them over to attract people to the capital.

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17 hours ago, Fleece said:

I decided to play Neopets again on a whim and I have a 15 year old account thats loaded with money/items but it kept saying my password was wrong even though I know it isn't, luckily I remembered the email for it so I reset it but since I haven't logged on in forever it wants my birthdate for confirmation and I lied about my age because I was 12 at the time and I wanted neoboard access but the problem is is that I don't remember what I said it was so I'm completely locked out even with all that effort it SUCKS

I sent a ticket to support but I don't expect much and I don't think I can remember enough to prove I'm the real owner god

haha get on my level i got locked out of my account when i was like 10

(support was no help to me either)

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during fashion today we got started on another project and this pair across from me was pretending to be mismatched partners on project runway and it was rly good. like, "dorothy, i don't think i can work with you right now, the difference in our skill is just, like, too high" "shut up jordan, the only thing you're skilled at is seamripping which is fortunate considering the number of mistakes you're making" "umm excuse me dorothy?? the only mistake here right now is you even being on this show"


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during fashion today we got started on another project and this pair across from me was pretending to be mismatched partners on project runway and it was rly good. like, "dorothy, i don't think i can work with you right now, the difference in our skill is just, like, too high" "shut up jordan, the only thing you're skilled at is seamripping which is fortunate considering the number of mistakes you're making" "umm excuse me dorothy?? the only mistake here right now is you even being on this show"


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teacher: you believe that tupac is still alive???

student: yeah he's my uncle

teacher: actually hes my brother so that makes me your aunt, nice


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when joshua gets zero lines and is constantly in the back of the choreography


when the cameraman at music bank seems to have a vendetta against joshua


when monsta x comes back with a lacklustre title track


when i don't understand math


when literally anything in my life goes wrong, ever



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ive been lurking the deep depths of my puush recently bc thats where all the good shit is and i happened to capture my entire descent into p101, apparently my first-ever p101-related puush was of baejin's introductory video


hes no longer my son but lmao wow that was a ride


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remember when it was myday selca day and jae was like "what the fuck is myday selca day" and mydays explained it to him and then he just uploaded a selca of himself with himself


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